Proper nutrition. How much after eating can you do sports without harm to health

how much after eating can you do sports

For those who lead an active lifestyle, do fitness in sports centers or do daily jogs, the question often arises: how much after a meal can I go in for sports? After all, it is important not only to get a boost of vigor, to warm up, but also to do it without harming one's health. The load on the heart, joints, blood vessels during exercise is significant, and knowing how to eat properly, the benefit of such activities should be maximized. One important factor is proper nutrition.

What can be eaten so that the time we spent in the hall is not wasted?

The pros and cons of eating before exercise

Some people mistakenly try to do jogging or gymnastics without having breakfast, at best they drink a cup of coffee. The solution is wrong, because it will not bring benefits, but additional problems. The fact that you can spend more calories on an empty stomach is a fiction and a fallacy. Before you start classes, about an hour before they need to eat a light breakfast.

During this time, the food will be digested, and you can start training with a good mood, full of energy. Exercising after eating is controversial. Some argue that in this way the body relaxes, spends energy on the digestion process and thereby reduces the effectiveness of classes. So how much after eating can you play sports? How to find the right solution?

do sports after eating

Each organism is individual

Many hatefully look at any food in the morning and are content with just a cup of coffee or tea. Some wake up with brutal appetite, easily eating a plate or two of borsch for breakfast. It is worth sticking to the middle ground. As correctly noted, the body needs to wake up, get energy in order to move all day, and therefore a light breakfast is necessary. Having decided to go for a run in the morning, you need to take into account that glycogen stores have decreased overnight, and therefore you should definitely eat so that blood sugar does not drop. But if the dinner was high-calorie, you can go for a run light, on an empty stomach. There will be no discomfort.

You yourself will feel how much you can go in for sports after eating , usually it takes about an hour. It takes some time for the food to be absorbed, as double loading for the body can be a difficult test, especially with regular exercises. Do not eat fatty and high-calorie foods, a snack of non-nutritious foods is enough.

Sample menu for a light breakfast.

You can offer several options for a wholesome and light breakfast.

  • Oat or wheat flakes with milk.
  • One small banana (you can add low-fat yogurt to it).
  • Brown bread sandwich with low-fat ham.
  • Yogurt with fruit biscuits.
  • Milkshake with the addition of fresh fruits or berries (you can ice cream).

Fluid intake before and during training

can do sports after eating

Water is vital for our body - and it should be enough. Especially when it comes to training, since during this period the body spends a lot of energy, therefore it is required to fill the moisture deficit, to quench thirst. But the question arises not only after how much you can go in for sports after eating, but also how to use the liquid in this case, in what quantities and when.

There are no strict rules, as well as a consensus on this. Each instructor has his own specific point of view, but most agree that before class you should drink a small amount of liquid, preferably purified water. This will help remove toxins from the body, cleanse it of toxins. With sweating, metabolic processes work well. And during training you can drink - this is necessary to maintain vitality. There is no way to do without it.

It should also be borne in mind that after exercise you should not drink cold water, as there is a high risk of getting sick. It should not be sweet or carbonated. Room temperature fluid is the best option.

exercise after eating

If training takes more than an hour

In some cases, you do not have to do in the morning, but during the day and for a rather long time. It will certainly be breakfast and a full dinner. If there is enough time before training, then high-calorie food is also allowed, but it should have a lot of carbohydrates. Therefore, experts say that you can play sports after eating, when it passes 2-2.5 hours after classes. Everything in this case depends on what kind of load your body will experience - and only this fact should be repelled.

After playing sports, you can eat no earlier than an hour or a half, while the emphasis is on salads, vegetables, lean meat. You can play sports after eating if you follow certain rules and listen to your body. If the time interval between lunch and training is short, then the amount of food should be minimal, and it should be low-calorie. The main thing is not to harm yourself and correctly draw up a program of classes.


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