Lola - what is it?

Lola is an analogue of the sweet name Lo and the funny Loli. There are several versions of its origin. If you believe the first one, the name is production from Lolil, which at one time appeared from the Roman Lolly, which from Latin translates as "field grass".

Theories of origin

The name Lola may also have Czech roots, since there it was used as a reduction of a number of other names. So in a diminutive way they called Eleanor, Carolyn and Loret. In addition, it was considered synonymous with the following names: Dolores, Aloysia, Alicia and Viola. Due to this, it was very common.

lola is
Now Lola is an independent name, used separately. It sounds very sweet and pleasant. There is another version according to which Lola is a word with Persian roots. In this case, the interpretation is very beautiful and poetic. The name Lola, whose meaning in this language is “tulips,” is associated primarily with spring and the birth of life. There is also a Central Asian version. According to her, Lola is the goddess Lakshmi. The word itself translates as "inconstancy."

Now you understand that you don’t have to wonder: “Lola - who is this?” You can be sure that we are talking either about a girl who has a name, or about a deity that brings abundance, an increase in wealth, a triumph of prosperity, a kingdom of love, the presence of good luck, eternal happiness. In Orthodox and Catholic records this name is not.

Carrier character

Around this name are many interpretations, versions and conjectures. So its origin remains a rather controversial issue. Lola, as a rule, is distinguished by shyness, treats the outside world with caution and accuracy, and sometimes shows excessive restraint. Her charm is not showy, secretive. Only after establishing the right level of trust can Lola open the soul to others.

This personality is characterized by simplicity, captivating naturalness and respectful sincerity. The girl is not inclined to believe the first comer and is waiting for concrete actions confirming the words. He speaks about all important things directly and frankly. However, when unexpected circumstances arise, it may not find enough flexibility in itself and cannot cope with spontaneous events. Old habits are firmly rooted in it, so adaptation to everything new is very slow. Lola wants the world to be full of harmony and balance. It is aimed more at creation than at action, the study of the inner world, and not the outer.

lola is who
The material world pays little attention. He likes to meditate, to speculate on philosophical topics. As a result of this attitude to the environment, a world outlook may change to a sober and rational way of thinking, in which sarcasm and sharp criticism that do not recognize religious values ​​will slip through. Either the opposite will happen - an addiction to intuitive perception, a subtle interest in esoteric knowledge, philosophy.


In her youth, such a girl pleases adults in every way, which gives her a sense of need. However, giving her complex instructions in the material sphere is prematurely risky. While in her dreams, she may do something wrong. But if he makes a mistake, he will take it to heart or try to convince himself and others about the importance of what happened.

Not always Lola manages to adequately see the picture of the world. She can attach too much importance to trifles and, conversely, devalue really paramount things. These people need to learn to properly evaluate everything that surrounds them. Otherwise, time after time, misunderstandings will arise in her path that will not allow her to live happily.

It is not so easy for her to find a friend who would understand and support. If you named the child Lola, educate the girl with respect for such values ​​as trust and liberalism. Specifically explain your actions and actions of others, give examples from fairy tales and life situations, so that she has the correct picture of the world.

lola songs

Talents and talents

Lola also has a lot of positive features. Songs and drawings are her passion. Vocal and artistic talents of the girl to be wonderful, truly transform the human soul and make the world more beautiful. Lola - creative individuals who need to develop their makings. Thanks to abstract thinking, it is easiest for them to plunge into the world of beauty and fantasy. By dancing, poetry, or even creating interior elements, a woman can express her emotional state. Thanks to her, that beautiful that was not there before can be created. In the dreams of such a girl, there may be a country in which harmony, peace and tranquility reigns. Having visited her, you can understand by the atmosphere what character the hostess has, what is in her soul.

the origin of lola

Diverse nature

Since people’s mood changes, so in Lola’s room it can be neat, clean and tidy, sometimes a little messy and dirty. Since a woman is a diverse personality, one should not be surprised at the frequent change of her condition, mood. It is special and often Lola’s interests include things strange to other people, incomprehensible, overly original. In her heart, she is a true romantic who cannot always translate her ideas and dreams into reality. Often these people have to face a lack of understanding of others. The mistake in such a situation would be inaction and accusations of others that they did not appreciate you. To avoid embarrassing situations, you need to study psychology and learn to understand others.

The need to connect with the outside world

In adolescence, there are unhappy falling in love, leaving deep scars on the heart. If your daughter’s name is Lola, explain to her that the world is not divided into only two colors, there are many other shades in it - things that can be viewed from different angles. For the girl to learn to love, give her a good example of expression of feelings. Her childhood impressions are deeply imprinted in her memory, so make sure that she grows in harmony and well-being. Then the personality will be formed correctly.

lola meaning
As already noted, these women are subject to both exact sciences and creativity, so that they can choose for themselves different branches of professional activity. Some become successful businessmen and make an entrepreneurial career; they can be very good leaders who devote all their energy to a chosen business. It will be more interesting for a creative girl to equip her life, engage in art and lead a measured life.


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