Timson shoe dryer: features

Each shoe during operation has an unpleasant odor that cannot be eliminated with standard dryers. And sprays do not always help. Many people suffer from a fungus that is not so easy to cure. In addition, from moisture, the products lose their shape, break, become unusable. The Timson shoe dryer will help.


shoe dryer timson

The dryer is created according to GOST 12.2.025, the requirements that apply to medical equipment. The device includes 2 round-shaped cases. Each of them has openings that allow the distribution of ultraviolet radiation and convection of heat. The remaining characteristics include:

  • voltage 220 V;
  • alternating current;
  • frequency of 50 Hz;
  • resistance of heating parts - 13.5 kOhm;
  • power - not higher than 7 W;
  • weight - not more than 0.5 kg;
  • duration of access to the operating mode - 20 minutes;
  • processing period - from 6 hours;
  • the number of ultraviolet lamps - 8 pcs.;
  • the number of heating elements in the cases - 1 pc .;
  • electrical safety - class II type B;
  • level of protection against objects - 3;
  • protection against liquid ingress - degree 0.

The dryer comes with instructions for use and a warranty card. It also includes a booklet and individual packaging.

How does the device work?

The Timson shoe dryer is designed for antifungal treatment. It includes 2 working elements connected by an electric cord and a plug. Work items are placed inside the shoe, which needs drying and antifungal treatment, and then the device is plugged into an electrical outlet.

Ultraviolet radiation and dry air lead to the death of spores of the fungus and harmful bacteria. Products are dried, their wearing becomes more comfortable and safer. The processing period with a Timson shoe dryer is 6-12 hours at a temperature of +60 to +70 ° C.


According to reviews, the device provides reliable antibacterial and antifungal protection. At the same time, things do not deteriorate from such processing, because the gentle mode is in effect . The device maintains quality and extends its service life. Ultraviolet has a deodorizing effect, eliminates the unpleasant odor inside.

timson shoe dryer ultraviolet

The device is prescribed for the treatment of mycoses, as well as for the prevention of relapse of fungi and for foot hygiene. Bacteria are eliminated with the Timson foot dryer, if used regularly. In addition, the device is considered safe for humans.

The device is sold in the pharmacy chain and in large shoe stores, hypermarkets. It is ordered through the Internet. The cost of the device is in the range of 800-1100 rubles.

Preparation for operation

Before using the Timson UV shoe dryer, you must prepare it:

  1. After long-term storage or transportation with a temperature of less than +10 ° , the device must be in a room with a temperature in the range of +10 to +30 ° for more than 4 hours before use.
  2. Inside the shoe should not be snow, water, metal parts.
  3. The device must be installed inside the shoe, plug the power cord into an outlet with a voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz.

Operating procedure

shoe dryer antifungal timson

The device operates as follows:

  1. Voltage acts on the input of the device, after which the ultraviolet and resistive heating elements are turned on
  2. Radiation and heat affect the product. As a result, the destruction of fungi, bacteria, unpleasant odors. In addition, the shoes become completely dry.
  3. During prolonged use, a change in the brightness of the color is possible, which is due to the nature of the operation of the crystals. But for this reason, the radiation efficiency and the effect of the device are not reduced.


When using the Timson antifungal dryer for shoes, the safety rules must be observed:

  1. Do not connect the device to a network that has an inoperative wiring.
  2. Do not use devices with mechanical damage to the case or cord. Replacement is carried out only by the manufacturer.
  3. It is dangerous to arbitrarily open the device and leave the dryer unattended.

Liquid and metal objects must not get into the device. It is forbidden to put it in a liquid. After completion of work it is necessary to disconnect the device from the network.


The Timson Antifungal Ultraviolet Shoe Dryer must be properly stored:

  1. Protect from mechanical stress.
  2. Leave in separate packaging.
  3. Keep out of reach of children.

shoe dryer antifungal ultraviolet timson

The manufacturer guarantees the operation of the device for 18 months from the date of sale, if the operating rules are followed. The dryer is replaced during the warranty period in the distribution network.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11607/

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