Kronstadt Marine Plant - with confidence in the future

The Kronstadt Marine Plant of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is the largest ship repair company in the North-West region of the Russian Federation. Among the main activities - ship maintenance, repair of gas turbines, diesel engines, metalworking, corrosion protection of metal structures.

Kronstadt Marine Plant


All the activities of the Kronstadt Marine Plant are inextricably linked with the Navy. Over its more than 150-year history, he gave new life to thousands of ships. Founded in 1858 as a ship manufacturing facility, the plant has become the leading center for the reconstruction and modernization of ships for various purposes. Until the beginning of the 1990s, the company enjoyed the well-deserved authority of the flagship of domestic ship repair. Then came the recession.

According to Anatoly Vladimirovich Beloev, director of the Kronstadt Marine Plant, the company was in a fever in the early 2000s. Bankruptcy proceedings began, and since 2008, KMZ’s economic activity generally stopped and resumed only in 2010 with the direct participation and support of the United Shipbuilding Corporation. The new management has been given the task of restoring production, making the corporatization of production and its incorporation into OSK JSC. By 2016, these goals have been successfully achieved.

Kronstadt Marine Plant Director

Field of activity

The Kronstadt Marine Plant has three main areas of activity:

  • ship repair;
  • repair of gas turbine engines;
  • metalworking.

Gas Turbine Service

The share of gas turbine production in the total volume of work is about 25%. This direction was created at the Kronstadt Marine Plant in 1967. Mainly serviced by gas turbine engines (GTE) on the ships of the Navy. In addition, over the past two decades, KMZ has mastered the repair of converted plants and units that are used at Gazprom pumping stations.

Since 2014, when the Russian fleet, for well-known reasons, could no longer repair gas turbine engines in Ukraine, it was entrusted to the Marine Plant to carry out maintenance of the gas turbine engine. This unique production is equipped with a full set of necessary equipment and a test bench complex. In 2016, five gas turbine engines were repaired for the fleet; in 2017, the same amount should be restored.

Kronstadt Marine Plant of the Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ship service

Over 95% of the total ship repair work is, of course, in the Navy. In a year, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Kronstadt Marine Plant” repairs and provides after-sales service for more than 125 ships and vessels.

Today all the docks of the enterprise are busy. In the dock to them. F.V. Mitrofanova is servicing frigates of the Baltic Fleet “Yaroslav the Wise”, welding is being carried out in the adjacent dock “In Memory of Three Destroyers” on the hull of the Shuya ferry and other auxiliary vessels of the Leningrad Naval Base.

Unique work carried out in the dock to them. P.I. Veleshchinsky, the largest at the Kronstadt Marine Plant. The world's only floating lighthouse “Irbensky” was restored here, which was transferred in the fall of 2016 to Kronstadt from Lomonosov. The factory workers, at the request of the Museum of the World Ocean , lovingly restored the building, repaired the propeller-drive complex, and protected the underwater part from corrosion.

Near the Irbensky, the flagship of the Leningrad Naval Base of the Smolny training ship is being repaired. An important mission of the enterprise is the overhaul of diesel low-noise submarines of the Varshavyanka project.

FSUE Kronstadt Marine Plant

Future plans

To date, the gas turbine production of the plant is fully secured by orders - the company repairs up to 20 GPA engines and units per year. As for ship repair, the management plans to increase it by increasing orders, which would include not short-term, but medium and capital repairs of ships to increase their service life.

For this, a dry-dock conversion program has been prepared, and there is a project to shelter the docks with a boathouse to ensure quality working conditions regardless of the weather. It is planned to increase the number of berth walls and, accordingly, increase the number of ships that KMZ will be able to simultaneously receive. Among the projects for the development of the plant, the possibility of completing ships under construction at the enterprises of St. Petersburg is being considered, the concept of the construction of a complex of large-capacity shipbuilding on the basis of the dock named after P.I. Veleshchinsky.


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