Flexibility exercise. Complex exercise

The flexibility of the body as a whole and your muscles in particular is a very important parameter that many often underestimate. They want to focus on strength exercises or try to develop specific characteristics, for example, speed. However, in any case, flexibility is what determines the capabilities of your muscles, so if they are not flexible, then you cannot become stronger, faster, and so on. Accordingly, more than one exercise in developing flexibility will come in handy for every athlete - it is best to use the whole complex, which can then be repeated periodically to maintain your body in perfect condition. The complex, which will be described in this article, is an activity for those people who are experiencing serious problems with flexibility. It must be performed within one or two months to achieve maximum results.

Head tilts and brush movements

flexibility exercise

The first exercise in developing flexibility is more likely to be warm-up, but you will quickly realize that even it can seriously help you. So, you need to take a standard position - legs shoulder width apart, arms down. The essence of the exercise is to alternately tilt the head in different directions - first, tilt it forward, then left, then back and, finally, right. Naturally, you can choose the direction yourself, so if you prefer to act clockwise, then this is your choice - this will not affect the essence and effect of the exercise. After that, you need to stay in a standard stance, but raise your arms to the sides. The essence of the second exercise is that you need to make rotational movements of the brushes. Alternately make several rotations in different directions - for example, four times forward, then four times back, and then repeat. This exercise on the development of flexibility is also warm-up, but it helps to develop the flexibility of your hands, or rather, of the hands.

Hand spin and twist

a set of exercises to develop flexibility

The following flexibility development exercise repeats the previous one almost completely. You need to stay in the same stance, leaving your hands in the same place, but if the last time you rotated with a brush, now you need to rotate with your whole hand. The account remains the same. For example, do four forward rotations, and then switch to reverse rotation. On this, the warm-up exercises end, and you are faced with more serious tasks. In the next exercise, you will need your first gymnastic apparatus. It is best if it is a special gymnastic stick, but any oblong object or even a twisted towel will do. Itโ€™s important that you can tackle it with your arms wider than your shoulders. Perform straight arm lifts, after which you need to twist the shoulder joints backward without letting go of your shell. Repeat this exercise, each time complicating your task - reducing the distance between your hands on the projectile. This is where the complex of exercises for developing flexibility begins - more complex tasks await you.

Side inclinations and mill

exercise to develop flexibility

A set of exercises to develop flexibility contains a variety of techniques for success. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the exercises will be different from each other. This may make you happy, because in many cases the development of flexibility is rather boring and monotonous - but not this time. Here, for example, you have to do torso sideways, which is very useful for stretching exercise. You need to stand in a standard rack and put your hands on your sides. After this, you need to alternately raise one arm and stretch it through the head to the other side, tilting the body there, while making springing movements. Change your arms and sides continuously for maximum efficiency. Then you can move on to the next exercise called the mill. Here you will need to alternately try to reach the fingers of the opposite foot with your fingertips. This means that when leaning, you reach with your right hand to your left foot, while continuing to make springy movements and constantly changing your arm and direction of tilt. As you can see, exercise to develop flexibility can be quite difficult - in this case, you should not bend your legs. So if you do not reach your toes, try to reach the floor to show the best result every time.

Circular body and leg movements

flexibility development technique

The technique for developing flexibility can be different, but the goal should always be the same - to make your muscles more flexible, and also to warm them up before more serious exercises and loads. So, the next exercise will give you a little break, because it is quite simple. You need to become in a standard position, put your hands on your sides, and then start turning the body in different directions. Naturally, you should not forget about the springy movements that will haunt you now constantly. You are forbidden to bend your knees, nor can you take your heels off the floor, otherwise there will be no sense in this exercise. After that, you will need the next shell - in this case, a chair or any other object that you can lean on will do. It is important that the fulcrum is approximately at the level of your belt, otherwise you will be uncomfortable, and the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease. You need to stand on your support one side, put your hand on it, and then begin to swing the opposite leg - several times forward, several times back, several times to the side. Then you need to turn to do the same complex for the other leg. You should understand that the development of flexibility in children plays a very important role, and if you force your child to do these exercises in childhood, he will have less problems with flexibility in adulthood.

Torso standing and sitting

development of flexibility in children

In everything you do, there is no hidden secret - this is ordinary gymnastics. The development of flexibility in this case plays a very important role, so that you can get the most out of this complex. So, then you need to make the torso forward first from the stop to the chair, and then sitting. To do this, you will need to spread your legs as wide as possible and stretch forward, trying to get as far away as possible each time. Naturally, there are various ways to develop flexibility, but this is one of the most effective.

Inclination and arching

Stretching and flexibility are the determining factors in any sport, you cannot do without them, you cannot replace them with anything. So you should not miss such, not the most fascinating complexes. They may not look interesting, but they are incredibly useful for your body and muscle tissue, so get together and go on, then you can say thanks to this complex. Stay on the floor, but bring your feet together and put your hands behind your back and rest on them. Now you can start doing springy inclinations forward, trying to lower your chest to your legs - naturally, your knees should remain straight. After that, you need to change the direction of your movements. This means that the position of the body remains the same, but instead of tilting, you need to bend the body.

Pelvic movements and stretching legs

gymnastics flexibility development

So the time has come for the last sitting exercise. To do this, you still need to rest on your hands behind your back, but your legs need to be bent at the knees and lean on the sole. After that, lift the pelvis and begin to make movements in the direction of your heels, trying to touch them. The sitting section ends here - you can go to bed and relax, now you are guaranteed to feel pleasant tension in the worked muscles. But do not relax too much - you still have enough exercises lying down. For example, you need to raise a straight leg, grab it in the ankle area with your hands and pull it toward you without bending it at the knee. Then change your leg and repeat the exercise.

Bending back

ways to develop flexibility

The next block will be devoted exclusively to arching. To begin, roll over on your stomach after completing the previous exercise. Lie face down on the floor, but focus with your palms. At a certain point, lift the upper part of your torso and bend in the spine without lifting the pelvis from the floor. You can do this exercise in several approaches, then move on to the next. Its principle is the same, only your position will be completely different. You need to kneel down, grab your ankles with your hands, and then lean back, arching again in the spine.


The next exercise can be called squatting only partially - now you will understand why. To perform it, you need to stay on your knees, and then lower the pelvis to the floor in turn - to the right, then to the left. In this case, you need to stretch your hands in the opposite direction, that is, if you sit down to the right, then the hands should go to the left side and vice versa. Well, the final exercise is already full squats. Stand, bring your legs together, and then lower yourself into a deep squat, spreading your arms to the sides.


Please note that this set of exercises does not require large power inputs from you, as well as any other serious efforts, whether it be cardio loads or anything else. However, these exercises have an effect on the muscles, so you should not immediately switch to more complex exercises. Need some rest. It is best to do this while lying on your back - you can just relax, and you can do light warm-up movements for all parts of the body so that the muscles do not cool down, but at the same time relax, and you get so important rest for further training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11620/

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