Battery heated socks. How to choose heated socks

Despite the fact that environmentalists worry about global warming, in winter many of us often find ourselves in situations where the weather makes us completely freeze. That is why warm things do not lose their relevance.

Twenty to thirty minutes spent in the winter waiting for the bus at the bus stop will cause hypothermia. And this, without a doubt, is the cause of colds. That is why folk wisdom advises keeping your feet warm. Perhaps that is why the Swedes living in northern Europe, familiar with the most severe frosts, invented heated socks.

How to keep your feet warm?

It is believed that woolen socks should be worn in winter . They will warm your feet best. But even they keep heat only for a short time. After this, the limbs still begin to freeze. Subcooling is also caused by shoes with low-quality fur and synthetic lining. These materials cause excessive sweating of the legs. As a result, they freeze.

Keep warm socks will help. The principle of operation of the product is quite simple. Socks are made of a special material that accepts the bends of the lower leg and feet, maintaining heat with the help of heating elements.

heated socks
Heated socks are made from natural threads. Seventy to eighty percent of their composition is cotton or wool. To improve the elasticity of products, spandex or acrylic is used.

How are heating socks made?

In the upper part of the product, as a rule, a small pocket is located. It houses a carbon plate. The infrared heat radiated by this element is distributed throughout the foot and heats it. As a result of this process, being on a winter day on the street becomes comfortable.

battery heated socks
There are socks in which the location of the heating elements is provided either in the middle of the foot, or in the area that is directly adjacent to the toes. These zones begin to freeze first. The heating temperature is usually forty-forty-five degrees. These are the most comfortable conditions for the legs.

Heated socks run on batteries or on battery power. Two wires extend to the batteries from the carbon plate. The whole scheme is so small that it does not cause any discomfort to the owner of the socks. The batteries are held on the leg with a special belt or placed in a pocket located in the lower leg. Each of the socks is equipped with its own control unit with a switch. This design allows the products to work autonomously, without thereby creating any inconvenience.

heated outback socks
If the shoes allow the socks to get wet, then this will not pose any danger to the owner. The only thing that can happen in this case is a certain decrease in the temperature of heating the foot.

Outback Products

Heated socks are not very widely represented on the modern market. However, the choice still exists. It offers heated socks Outback - a Swedish company, which is considered a leader in this area. The uniqueness of the products manufactured by this company lies in the special technology of their manufacture. These are heated socks. Products have a special composition that allows them not to absorb moisture. Due to this, the socks keep the foot dry, while proportionally distributing heat over it.

Currently, the trade offers special insoles. The basic principle of their work is heating when pressed with a foot. However, on frosty days, you can not walk, but sit, enjoying the process of fishing. Then this device will be simply useless for you. To warm your legs in such a situation, you need a heat source that works continuously using autonomous batteries. Having bought heated socks by the Swedish company Outback, you can be sure that your feet will be warm in any weather. It is only necessary to periodically change the batteries.

Outback Swedish socks are safe. This becomes possible due to the fact that the heating element does not create a temperature higher than the set value. Such socks are suitable not only for men, but also for women. The range of sizes available is from thirty-sixth to forty-seventh.

Similar products are also produced by Fahrenheit, Blazewear, RedLaika, and others.

Product selection

If you decide to buy such products, then pay attention to batteries. Battery heated socks have a lower cost. However, with frequent use of such products, it is better to opt for models with batteries. It is much more practical. After all, batteries can be recharged using a mains charger.

thermo heated socks

Pay attention to the insole of the sock. If it is made in a sealed version, then this accessory can last more than one season.

It is desirable that the composition of the product should be at least fifty percent cotton or wool, and if it is thermal socks, then at least twenty.


Heated socks are washed manually in warm water. Connecting to batteries should only be done after the product is completely dry.
The purchase must be made in stores that provide a guarantee. If the heating system fails, then they can be repaired at the service center.

Categories of heated socks

Conventionally, products that are designed to provide comfort to the feet on frosty days are divided into various types. The first of them includes socks for extreme winter sports. There are products for tourism, skiing and other activities. The last category includes heating socks for everyday use.

Thanks to the built-in batteries, your feet will be warm. Heated socks, reviews of which indicate their ability to warm up in five to ten minutes, maintain the set temperature for up to five hours. Thus, you can go for a walk or play sports in the cold without fear of hypothermia.

heated socks reviews
If batteries are located in the pocket of your socks, then be aware that they are usually designed for more than five hundred charge-discharge cycles. This compares favorably with battery products. Battery life is eight hours. In this case, the battery weight is only sixty grams.


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