Stimulator of fruit formation "Tomaton": reviews and recommendations

For a long time, experienced agronomists who grow vegetables have adapted to use growth stimulants to improve the quantity and quality of the crop. In recent years, funds have appeared that stimulate not only growth, but also fruit formation. One of such new highly effective assistants is the drug "Tomaton", reviews of which are only laudatory. And, before forming your own opinion about this achievement of scientists, you need to understand in more detail the principle of its action.

What is Tomaton?

Tomaton reviews
The new Tomaton preparation was created to improve the fruit production of various tomato varieties. Back in 2006, it was included in the list of pesticides recommended for use both in agricultural production and in private farms. The active substance of the drug is synthetic auxin, and the rights to its composition are protected by a patent.

Is it true that the Tomaton pesticide is effective? Test results.

Tomaton drug
Before claiming that the drug "Tomaton" deservedly received reviews from gardeners, you can familiarize yourself with the results of tests conducted by professionals. The β€œparticipants” in the experiments were various late and early tomato varieties, half of which were treated with a stimulant, but the second did not interfere with the natural growth process. The result of the white tomato varieties that were processed by the preparation exceeded even the wildest expectations and exceeded the parameters of the control variants by 75%. Harvesting red varieties showed results slightly lower, but the mass of fruits increased by 2-3 times. After the tests, which passed the stimulator of fruit formation "Tomaton", the drug was recommended for use in production and in private farms.

How is this pesticide used?

A stimulant is produced in ampoules, the contents of which are the basis for the preparation of the solution. It dissolves in 0.5 liters of running water with the addition of 2 drops of any of the household detergents. As the reviews of gardeners testify to the Tomaton preparation, it is advisable to use an open dish in which to mix it conveniently to prepare the solution. You can store the finished stimulator of fruit formation throughout the season, for this it should be placed in a dark and cool place, inaccessible to children.

Basic safety measures when using a stimulant

Tomaton application

Starting to prepare a solution for processing tomato flower brushes, do not underestimate the danger of Tomaton. Its use requires strict observance of the instructions. As with all substances belonging to hazard class III , when using this stimulant, do not neglect the basic personal protective equipment, respiratory organs, eyesight and skin. The preparation of the solution and the direct processing of plants must be carried out with rubber gloves, a respirator, goggles and a gown. If, in spite of safety measures, the solution has come into contact with the skin or eyes, immediately rinse the affected areas with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

Drug use

Due to the long shelf life of the finished solution of the Tomaton preparation, reviews of experienced gardeners come down to the fact that it should be prepared before the first color of tomatoes appears. Use is better when most of the colors on the brushes are already open. Each gardener can choose the processing method independently, this can be either spraying plants or manually dipping a flower into a solution. It is better to carry out the treatment in the early morning or evening hours, when there is less evaporation of moisture.


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