How to cook chicken liver for a child: cooking time, features, tips

Chicken liver is a popular food product. Despite the unappetizing appearance, the cooked dish turns out to be useful and nutritious. The liver is boiled, stewed and fried. To improve the taste, add vegetables, spices, sauces. Chicken offal is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements that are good for health. Doctors recommend eating the dish not only for men and women, but even for children. Excessive heat treatment of the by-product destroys some of the beneficial properties. To prevent this from happening, you need to clearly know how long it takes to cook chicken liver for a child. In the process of proper processing, the product is tender and tasty.

liver dish

Rules for introducing offal into children's feeding

Doctors recommend introducing a chicken product no earlier than from 8-9 months. Before this period, the baby has already met meat, a new dish will not cause him a negative reaction. If there are health problems or contraindications, the introduction of chicken liver into the diet is postponed for a period after a year.

For the first feeding, experts suggest using mashed potatoes. The consistency of the finished dish is recommended to bring to a homogeneous state. In the absence of allergic reactions to the chicken product in the future, parents can prepare pastes, soufflé, casseroles, mashed soups, puddings from it. Recommended by-product rate - not more than once a week. You should begin your acquaintance with a new dish with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume to the age norm. In a year it is 50-60 grams.

baby eats

Contraindications to the use of chicken liver

Chicken offal is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. But doctors do not recommend consuming a meal for children in large quantities. The liver is a kind of filter that passes through the supplements and medicines that the chicken received during nutrition. The accumulated harmful substances are stored in the product, only a part of them manages to exit along with bile.

Growth stimulants and antibiotics enter the fragile children's body, cause an additional burden on the digestive organs, and provoke the appearance of allergic reactions. To avoid possible complications, eating a chicken product is fresh, not industrial production. Preference should be given to private traders. They regulate the nutrition of poultry, exclude the likelihood of consuming a large number of dietary supplements, drugs.

In the presence of contraindications, it is not recommended to eat chicken offal. Among the reasons for refusing chicken liver are:

  1. High blood cholesterol.
  2. The presence of individual intolerance to the product.
  3. Cases of damage to the digestive system.
  4. A limitation is also kidney disease.

With proper preparation, chicken liver does not cause any problems. How to cook it? Prefer should be cooking or stewing offal. Frying in a pan with the addition of oil can aggravate a number of contraindications.

doctor's appointment

Benefits for the child's body

Chicken liver is considered a dietary product. It is softer and softer than pork and beef, so it suits the children's body. Offal favorably affects the development of babies. It is rich in folic acid, magnesium, iron, phosphorus. The presence of protein in the composition affects the muscle system of a growing organism. Vitamin A strengthens the vision, teeth and bones of children.

The organic compound choline contributes to the development of mental abilities and memory. Vitamin B9 has a positive effect on the formation of the child’s immune system. In order for these substances to be preserved in the cooked dish, you need to not only know how much to cook chicken liver for a child, but also how to choose it correctly.

How to choose a subproduct?

Before answering the question of how much to cook chicken liver for a child, you need to choose it correctly. The food product can be purchased in the store frozen, in the market, from private traders.

Fresh liver selection

If you prefer fresh chicken liver, it is worth remembering that the product is stored for only 48 hours. You need to learn how to choose it.

There are a number of rules for this:

  1. When buying, you should carefully examine the appearance of the product. First of all, pay attention to the color. Brown with a burgundy hue speaks about the quality of the liver.
  2. Touch the goods. It should have softness, be pleasant and smooth to the touch.
  3. Choose a product with a sweet smell.
  4. Examine the offal for damage. The absence of green spots, blood clots, mold and ice will speak about the quality of chicken liver.
buying liver in the market

How to determine the quality of frozen chicken liver?

In the absence of the opportunity to buy fresh chicken offal in meat markets or from private traders, you can always resort to purchasing goods in a store. Most often, frozen offal is found on the shelves in retail outlets. In order not to harm the body, there are several useful tips for assessing product quality:

  1. Carefully examine the chicken liver section. It should be flat, with a thin layer of ice. When pressed, thawing should be felt.
  2. Pink ice crystals on chicken liver are a sign of re-freezing. No one can tell with accuracy how many times it has already been thawed. A product of this quality is best not to purchase.
  3. When buying an offal in trays or on a substrate, examine the packaging itself. It should not contain pieces of ice. Most often they say that before freezing, the manufacturer added excess water to the package to increase the weight of the goods.
frozen liver

Cooking time in the pan

How many minutes to cook chicken liver for a child to maintain beneficial properties? This question often arises among parents in the process of preparing a dietary dish. The offal is small in size, so long-term heat treatment is not needed. Experienced parents check the readiness of the dish by eye or taste.

If you are going to cook a liver for the first time and do not know how much to cook chicken liver for a child, then remember that the optimal cooking time is 10-15 minutes. This is enough to make the dish tender.

liver cooking

How long to cook chicken liver for a child in a slow cooker

The liver is a rather specific product. That the kid liked it, you need to learn how to cook it. Therefore, in the process, avoid frying. Experienced mothers recommend cooking chicken liver for a child. This can be done both in a saucepan and in a slow cooker. With its help, you can monitor the cooking process and not time yourself. How long to cook a chicken liver for a child using a slow cooker? The answer will be given by the program itself.

food in a slow cooker


Steaming mode is very close to the usual procedure. The main difference is only in the heat supply. When using a special mode, heat treatment occurs due to hot steam, and not boiling water. The taste of the finished dish is almost the same. But there are more useful trace elements.

How to cook a chicken liver for a child at 1 year old in the “Steaming” mode? This will require an average of 15-30 minutes. This figure is much more than conventional cooking. The final time will depend on the size of the pieces of the liver.

steamer pan

Cooking in a double boiler

A double boiler is another technical tool that facilitates the preparation of chicken liver. During the treatment with hot steam, the product does not lose its beneficial properties. How to cook a baby’s chicken liver a year using a double boiler? The following algorithm will help:

  1. Prepare the offal in advance. Thaw it first and cut it into small pieces. The cooking time will depend on their size.
  2. Drain excess fluid.
  3. Put the cooked pieces in the lower container for the double boiler.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid, pour water into a specially designated container.
  5. Cook for 30 minutes.

Whatever cooking method is chosen, the use of the product will benefit the children's body.


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