The best exercises for back with kettlebell

Kettlebells are very popular among athletes who engage in iron sports. These shells are great for developing strength, stamina and building muscle. If you know how to use this projectile correctly, you will be able to significantly improve your level of physical fitness. In today's article, we will consider the best exercises for back with kettlebell. We recommend reading it to the end so as not to miss anything important!

Exercises with back weights

Mahi with Kettlebell

This is perhaps the most famous exercise with this type of projectile. This movement develops explosive power, and also strengthens the muscles of the hips and back. It is performed as follows:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend them slightly at the knees. Pull your pelvis back, keep your back straight. The projectile should be in front, the distance between it and the line of socks should be equal to the length of the foot. This is your starting position.
  2. Keeping your back straight, blow the weight off the ground and swing back. Work should be carried out by rotation in the hip joints. Do not bend or bend your knees too much, the back should be involved in movement indirectly.
  3. After swinging back, you need to jerk the weight forward (to shoulder level). At the beginning of the movement, the weight must be transferred from the heels to the forefoot. Knees need to bend and slightly forward. When the weight soars upward, the weight again moves back a little.
  4. Having reached the top point, lower the shell in the second swing. Do the required number of repetitions.
exercises for back with kettlebell

This exercise is contraindicated for people who experience discomfort in the lower back or pelvic area, have joint problems and all kinds of injuries. If you are a beginner, then in no case do this movement with heavy weight.

The technique for performing this exercise for the back with a weight is shown in detail in the video below. To understand how this movement is performed from the side, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this video.

One-handed kettlebell lifting

This is perhaps the best exercise with a kettlebell for a wide back. In contrast to the classic swing, which involve almost all the muscles of the back of the body, this exercise is aimed specifically at working out the back. During its execution, the latitudinal muscles and the middle part of the back receive the main load, indirectly biceps are included in the work.

Technique of execution:

  1. Put a weight in front of you. Bend the legs slightly in the knee joint, take the pelvis back. Bend forward, bending at the waist. This is your original position.
  2. Take the shell by the handle and, while exhaling, pull it up to the level of the abdomen, bringing the scapula inward and bending the arm at the elbow. Keep your back straight.
  3. Taking a breath, lower the weight down.
  4. Repeat the movement as many times as necessary.

See how this exercise is done with dumbbells:

Tilt two weights

If you have two weights at home, then you should pay attention to this movement. This exercise with weights for back muscles is performed as follows:

  1. Put two shells in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and take your pelvis back. Make a tilt, lift weights, without changing the position of the body and keeping your back straight. This is your starting position.
  2. While exhaling, pull the shells towards you, bringing the shoulder blades together and bending your arms at the elbows.
  3. While breathing in, lower the weights in the starting position.
  4. Repeat this exercise for the back with the weight as many times as you need. Keep your back straight throughout!
exercises with a weight on the back at home

Tips & Tricks

You already know about the best exercises with a kettlebell on your back at home. Now we would like to share with you useful recommendations that will make your workouts with weights more effective and safer.

  1. Before starting a workout, be sure to have a full workout. During it, you prepare your muscles and joints to work with heavy shells, which at times reduces the risk of injury.
  2. Perform the exercise correctly and skillfully. Wrong technique is one of the main reasons why people get injured while performing one or another power movement.
  3. Do not exercise with a kettlebell every day. Excessive workouts will quickly drive you into a state of overtraining.
wide back exercises with kettlebell

We can put an end to this. The best exercises for back with a kettlebell were presented to your attention. We wish you success in training!


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