Sunberry: sunny health berry

Sunberry - "sunny berry" in translation from English, but this miracle is not bright orange or yellow, but ... dark blue, blueberry. A berry is like a berry, only it is more akin to tomatoes and potatoes than strawberries and raspberries. Have you heard anything about her? Today, she began to leave the ranks of unprecedented wonders and settle in personal plots.

sunberry sunny berry

Sunberry, Sunny Berry, Canadian Blueberry, Blueberry Fort

The many names of this wonderful berry. Many people confuse it with black nightshade, some unscrupulous sellers offer it instead of a sunny berry. It was bred at the beginning of the last century, and tasteless species became its parents, but the result was a product with many useful qualities and a neutral, closer to pleasant, taste. It is widely used in folk medicine as a laxative, anthelmintic and as an aid for wounds. Opinions about sunberry differ: some gardeners do not see the point in it: there is no taste, no smell, no tangible action, nothing can be prepared from it. Others, on the contrary, find it extremely tasty, fragrant in jam and invaluable. Be that as it may, try experimenting for the sake of planting a couple of bushes, especially since they will not empty the wallet too much.

sunberry healing properties

Sunberry: healing properties

We all know about the wonderful Blueberry Fort. So, this is nothing but the same sunberry, the sunny berry in tablets. In fact, sunberry has a huge number of indications for use. These are visual disturbances, high blood sugar, and pressure problems. And the berry will help eliminate these disorders of our body. Sunberry, sun berry or Canadian blueberries can also be sold in pharmacies, it can be used both dried or fresh for medicinal purposes. It can also be leaves, their decoction will remove the tumor, relieve nervousness. Do you have a sore throat? Dilute part of the juice in two parts of warm boiled water, rinse your throat and the inflammation will go away. The same solution can be drunk for appetite. For people with digestive problems, it is also useful. Remarkably relieves stress, the juice will help to fall asleep. Turned out to be a hard day? Decoctions of berries, if you steam your legs in them, will remove varicose expansion, itching and buzzing. Juice will give a remarkable effect if mixed with sour milk: attach this mixture to the wound, and the result will not be long in coming. This berry will strengthen vessels . Do not forget about the vitamins and minerals found in sunberry. There are practically no contraindications, however, remember that everything is good in moderation: eating fresh berries in large quantities is not worth it, and if you are hypersensitive, you should refuse it.

sunberry contraindications

What to cook from sunberry?

Dry the berries and roll in icing sugar. Any housewife will be proud of these candied fruits, they will decorate a home-made cake or pie. Cook jam or jam in small portions, pouring plenty of lemon. You can make wine. It has the same beneficial properties as berries, use it as a balm in reasonable quantities that are not addictive. Before processing, fill the berries with water - and the unpleasant aftertaste will go away. Bon Appetit!


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