What is “butthert": the exact meaning of the term and the cases in which it is used

Recently, you often hear in colloquial speech a new word - “butthert”. To people who do not have an account on social networks, it may seem strange and incomprehensible. However, the expression is becoming increasingly popular. What is “butthert", and where did this term come from? What does it mean and how to use it? Are there any subspecies of the butchert? Read about all this in this article. We will also tell you what scientific terms this expression has, and which synonyms it can be replaced in Russian speech.

What is Butthert

The origin of the idiom

Most new word formations are leaking into speech from the Internet. And since the largest user audience resides in the United States, the terms come from English. No exception and butthurt. The translation of these two words, merged together, is as follows: butt - butt, and hurt - pain. What turns out? Pain in the anus or hemorrhoids scientifically? Just not, perhaps allegorically. As one Internet user put it, a butthert is such a sore when the back is the least disturbing for the patient. We can say that this is a nervous ailment manifested in anger and hyperactivity, which result in inadequate actions. Buthert can happen to anyone, another thing is whether we can take control of him in time.

Exact meaning of the idiom

Butthert what does it mean

The Internet meme "butthert", the translation of which sounds somewhat indecent, has nothing to do with such a part of the body as the backside. Rather, he is closer to the heart. A person in a butherth state experiences a strong sense of resentment and anger. But is it possible to replace the simple Russian word “resentment” with a foreign fashionable term? Probably not. Butchert has its own nuances. It is not enough to insult a person directly, directly, for example, with swear words, so that an offense arises. But the butchert is when it’s not even you who have been humiliated, but the most sacred thing that you honor. Usually the offender speaks out in literary language, but this only makes it worse. A person is not able to adequately respond to veterans of network holivars, and therefore chokes in empty empty angry posts, compromising himself even more.

butthurt translation

Butchert Species

Each of us has our own ideas and objects that we unconditionally love and honor. On the other hand, some phenomena for us are considered to be bad by default. These are axioms that we never subject to critical analysis, and when someone speaks poorly about our “sacred cows” in a discussion or, on the contrary, praises something that is unacceptable to us, we are gripped by acute resentment and anger. Bruised, we begin to starkly answer the opponent. Based on the nature of the “apple of discord”, a religious, national or imperial butthert is distinguished. What does this mean in the latter case? Love of one’s homeland is undoubtedly one of the virtues, but patriotism should not be identified with aggressive aspirations. To be against the seizure of foreign territories by one’s own country is not a betrayal, but it is difficult for people with an imperial butchert to prove the opposite. They are offended by the fact that the world does not applaud the annexation of foreign territory, but considers this action an illegal aggression.

Common synonyms and sayings

“Kicking a sacred cow” does not mean plunging a person into a state of butthert. The reaction of the offended must also be appropriate. If a person responds to an unjustified abuse of a saint correctly and, most importantly, with reasoning, keeping a sober head, treating his opponent with respect and tolerance, there is no need to talk about any “pain in the ass”. After all, what is a butchert? This is an offense that causes a painful nervous state, resulting either in vicious abuse or inadequate actions. Therefore, the closest to the Internet meme is the proverb “Came to your favorite callus.” Butchert's condition often arises from a vague sense of one’s own wrongness, but since a person does not want to revise life values , arguments in favor of another point of view are unpleasant for him. It is appropriate to recall the proverb about the truth, which pierces the eyes.

Scientific terms

Butthert translation

What is “butthert” in psychology? Many experts compare this nervous state with frustration. They have one reason - deceived expectations, collapse of hopes. A person in communication with an opponent does not expect to hear sarcastic statements about the saint for himself and is deeply disappointed. But if frustration often leads to isolation, to escape from reality, then the butchert pushes a person to active actions. And since he is in a state of nervous breakdown, these statements or actions are not entirely thought out. For example, when Alexander Lukashenko was not allowed to enter the UK, the banned president ordered the closure of the London restaurant in Minsk. The condition of the butchert is also comparable to incomplete gestalt. This last nervous tension can be caused by incompleteness in business or relationships with a person. Incompleteness torments, forcing to constantly transfer the situation to others in order to finally achieve a sense of calm and integrity.

Butthert is

In which cases is the use of the phrase

Butthert is well known to Internet users. In holivars (holy wars), which are conducted in social networks, quite often you can find the phrase he is butthurt. In an approximate translation, this means "he is butt-horned." The phrase is also used when the topic has led to too heated debate. They say: "the subject caused a serious butthert." But more often, such an idiom designates a person who, too furiously and without choosing expressions, defends his dubious rightness with foam at the mouth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11652/

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