Russian search engines: rating

The Internet fills most of our free time. We read news, communicate and learn. Each of us finds here what he lacks in reality. And while the Internet has its negative aspects, it is hard to deny that it has greatly simplified our lives and helped to cope with many problems.

Runet is a huge community that allows everyone to find the necessary information and answers to questions. Russian search engines are a working tool for many of us. The main thing is to use the search engine correctly.

What is it?

A search engine is an Internet service that aims to find the necessary information throughout the network. The user himself and his key request participate directly in this process. To find the information you need, you need to open a web browser and formulate a query in the search bar. Algorithms are updated every year, so for a correct search you do not need to write a lot of words and sentences. It is enough to choose the most appropriate definitions.

Now it’s hard to imagine how difficult it would be without the Russian search engines. We could not find an interesting film, author of a book or a favorite song. Not to mention how difficult it would be to work and study.

How does the system work?

Before you figure out the ranking of Russian search engines, you need to understand by what principle they work and why some of them are becoming more popular.

You opened a web browser, entered keywords in the search bar and started the search. At this time, the algorithms begin to crawl all sites, then indexing and ranking takes place.

The search engine begins by simply wandering around the web pages and studying them. Of course, now there are countless websites on the Internet, which means that the front of work is incredibly huge. But the search engine can do it in a matter of seconds, which means it works at lightning speed.

Internet search engines

For scanning, robots are responsible, which are popularly called "spiders" (a reference to the World Wide Web). There are many of them, so they distribute work and visit all sites. They enter information from there into the database. It is further classified by topic so that the next access is simplified. Thus, indexing occurs.

At the last stage, robots work with ranking. They build all sites as their data matches the key request.

List of Russian search engines

There are many search engines in the Russian Federation. Some of them were born on the territory of the state, others were adapted to the requests of the Russians. The most popular are:

  1. Yandex.
  2. Google
  4. Rambler.
  5. Bing.

This is the main five, the leaders of which are the first two search engines. All the rest are somehow used or used in Runet, but have a small percentage of the share.


In the ranking of the main Russian search engines, the first place is occupied by Yandex. This is a Russian multinational company that is registered in the Netherlands. It has a search engine of the same name, an Internet portal, and services in several countries. At the end of 2018, the Alexa rating put Yandex in 21st place in the world and the first in Russia.

The system first began to work in 1997. After 3 years, it was decided to create an independent company. The system is most actively developing in Russia, Turkey, Belarus and Kazakhstan. It was previously popular in Ukraine before it was blocked in the country.

Yandex working principle

The Russian search system allows you to use many languages ​​to search, in particular, Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc. By default, Yandex displays 10 results on each page of the search results, but this can be customized.

Search Engine Rating

As with any search engine, the issuing algorithm periodically changes in this. This is where the changes in ranking come from: some sites can change their location in the top of the list. Experts say that change is not always useful.

The last major change took place in 2010. Then a new technology was launched that took into account needs that were not explicitly formulated in the user's request. For example, if you are looking for "Pushkin", the search engine will give you his biography, works and even films with the same name.

At one time, Yandex pointed to restrictions under which it would not index the site. One of the most significant requirements was the uniqueness of the content. It is imperative that it is not copied or copied from other resources.


Now it is the largest search engine in the world. In Runet, it is in second place, but it is also in demand among Russians. It processes over 41 billion requests per month, and the index contains more than 25 billion web pages.

It’s hard to call Google a Russian search engine, but is adapting to Runet. That is why the search engine logo often changes in honor of some holiday. For example, on June 12, he celebrates Russia Day with the country, and a special symbol was developed for the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

The company was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, although the domain itself was registered a year earlier.

Search Engine List

Google How It Works

There is more than one search robot in the system. Now there are five main assistants who are engaged in scanning certain sites. For example, Googlebot-Mobile indexes sites for mobile devices, and Googlebot-Image works with images.

Robots will be against low-quality pages:

  • with non-unique content;
  • with negative user behavior;
  • spelling errors;
  • without links to pages;
  • with an incomprehensible design.

In the list of Russian Internet search engines, you can’t do without “Search Mail.Ru”. Of course, this search engine is significantly inferior to the previous two and occupies only 2% in Runet in 2018, although in 2013 this figure was 9.2%.

For a long time, used Google to search, then switched to Yandex, and only in 2013 began to own its own search technologies. But since 2010, developers still had to use Google as support.

Russian search engines

This search engine has gained popularity due to the large number of related services of the corporation. Many who use Odnoklassniki, My World, or the service’s mail use the search engine in parallel.

The principle of operation "Search Mail.Ru"

In 2013, the technology of a “manual” ranking mechanism appeared. Optimizers got the opportunity to independently add a query or document for indexing into the system. This way of promoting resources helped them to integrate qualitatively and organically into the issuance.


Another Russian search engine is Rambler. This is a popular media service portal. The system began to work in 1996, but now it is slowly starting to yield to more eminent services.

Search engines in the Russian Federation

In fairness, “Rambler” is already difficult to call a search engine, since it does not work according to its algorithms. She ceased to exist as a search engine back in 2011, but many Russians still use the portal as a search engine, but not everyone knows that it works thanks to Yandex.


This search engine ranks fifth in terms of use in Runet. The system was developed by Microsoft, so it can hardly be called Russian. It has been operating under the current name since 2009. Earlier, the search engine occupied a 1% share in Runet, but now there is information that it is blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, statistics will gradually decline, and Bing will gradually withdraw from the rating.

Popular search engines

Other options

There are a large number of Russian Internet search engines. Many do not know anything about them, so they have low attendance rates.

For example, Nigma is considered the most intelligent search engine operating since 2004. It uses its own algorithms, and also applies data from other search engines. There were no official statements about the closure of the project, but in 2017 the site became unavailable. Until that moment, he had a share of 0.1% in Runet.

Sputnik is the search engine of Rostelecom. She has been working since 2014, but after 3 years she was recognized as unsuccessful. In addition to information retrieval, Sputnik offers other services, but they are also not very popular.

Search Engine Algorithms

Aport is a previously known search engine that has been operating since 1996. At one time, it was actively used, and in 2000, the search engine occupied a leading position along with Yandex and Google. The developers enthusiastically implemented the "chips" and worked on the design.

In 2011, Aport switched to the Yandex engine, after which it began to fail. The search engine has ceased to be perceived habitually. Now the system works only with the catalog of goods. If you need to find a product, you can enter its name, and the service will collect data on it from all stores, indicate prices and compare them.


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