Registered Cossacks of Russia

Representatives of the most independent ethnosocial culture in Russia, bearing the proud name of the Cossacks, have a long and glorious history. For hundreds of years, their special culture, lifestyle, concepts and rules took shape. As early as the 19th century, Cossack communities were divided into two groups: those who did not tolerate power over themselves and lived by their own laws, and those who preferred official civil service, received a salary and acted in accordance with a special charter. The latter are usually called registry.


In Russia, Cossack communities were ranked as independent military settlements located on the outskirts of the country, on the adjacent territory with the Commonwealth and other uninhabited areas. The ethnological composition developed gradually, runaway slaves, criminals or people came to free communities in search of a better life.

Back in the 17th century, the government demanded fidelity and military service from the Cossacks, which led to major uprisings, sometimes even threatening imperial power (Pugachev's revolt). Subsequently, this estate received special civil rights, leaving them the opportunity to have their own lands and establish their own culture there, but at the same time being in the public service and obeying the head of state.

Registered Cossacks

Not everyone agreed with such a way, some unions did not want to be subordinate to someone, developing their own standards of living and behavior. And today there is still great disagreement between the public and registered Cossacks, the Government’s initiative to revive this movement in Russia has generated a lot of controversy in the two opposing camps.

Modern history

The Soviet government used very harsh measures against the Cossacks; after the Civil War, representatives of this ethnic group were subjected to repression, exile, and the derogation of property rights and nationality. The revival of the people begins with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation in 1992 on the rehabilitation of repressed peoples.

Two years later, the Government establishes the concept of a new state policy aimed at strengthening the country's security, including through the revival of the Cossacks. Campaigning was carried out among the population, the official service promised a number of privileges and special status.

Finally, the registered Cossacks of Russia received the normative basis of their activities in 1998, when a list of associations included in this category was formed. This list is often criticized by the public, for example, many emphasize that most of those who choose to work for the Kremlin are not related to the Cossacks, since even under Yeltsin anyone was allowed to join the estate.

Legislative basis

Only those people who belong to one of the communities registered in the registry have the right to public service. All activities of the Cossacks have a strict legislative base, the key documents is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 05.12.2005 “On the Public Service of the Russian Cossacks”. It defines the definition of special communities, the procedure for their organization and inclusion in official registration.

public and registered Cossacks

In order to obtain state recognition and appropriate status, the registered Cossacks or their associations must submit to the executive authorities the following documents:

  • community charter adopted at a public assembly, certified by the local administration;
  • list of villages, farms or cities that are part of the created organization;
  • the consent of all members of the general meeting;
  • a list of registered Cossacks who are capable and ready to carry out public service.

To date, eleven military societies are registered, most of them were formed in the period from 1996 to 1998. In addition, there are four Cossack districts - North-West with headquarters in St. Petersburg, Baltic (Kaliningrad), Sevastopol and Crimean.

Types of public service

Many are still skeptical of the state’s attempt to tame Cossack unions, to regulate their social and propaganda activities. Independent representatives of the estate consider this just a way of instilling patriotic views in the country, a desire to subjugate a rather serious military association of supreme power.

But there are also positive aspects of public service, which are confirmed even by public unions. This is official employment, financial support, benefits, special treatment. The government decree of February 26, 2010 establishes the following types of civil service, where registered Cossacks can work:

  • organization of military-patriotic education of draftees, keeping records of community members;
  • implementation of law enforcement measures, if necessary, participation in the liquidation of emergency incidents;
  • protecting the borders of Russia, supporting the rule of law, preventing and combating the terrorist threat;
  • protection of forests and wildlife, environmental issues;
  • ensuring the safety of objects of state significance of historical and cultural value.

Military service

list of registry Cossacks

There is still no clear certainty about what responsibilities the registry Cossacks of the Russian Federation should bear. First of all, questions arise with the performance of military service, for example, the provisional order of the Government specifically stipulated a clause stating that representatives of this estate cannot organize armed formations. At the same time, the main regulatory law of 2005 determines that:

  1. The Cossacks promote the spiritual and patriotic education of draftees, and train reserve soldiers.
  2. Cossacks can be brought in to liquidate emergencies, natural disasters and to participate in civil defense.
  3. Ensure compliance with public law and order.

Since 2011, registered Cossacks for military service were sent to special military units, where the order adopted in their class was maintained. But this initiative did not justify itself, such regiments never became Cossack, and in 2014 such a special appeal was canceled.

In recent years, the practice of using Cossack troops to carry out security functions has appeared, special militia units and private security companies are being created, which, like the Ministry of Internal Affairs, monitor the order and detain people who have violated the law.

Modern device

The emergence of legal regulation of public service was perceived by the Cossacks with enthusiasm. For many years they did not have the opportunity to repay debt to their homeland, and now throughout the country representatives of the estate were involved in the maintenance of law and order, the investigation of crimes and the fight against terrorism. Photos of registered Cossacks demonstrate their activity in the country's public life: they were participants in military parades, patriotic marches or charity events.

Registered Cossacks of the Russian Federation

There is a clear separation of the types of associations established already in the first provision on the creation of the registry, a special hierarchy.

  1. The regulatory body is the Presidential Council.
  2. Cossack army community.
  3. District and separate.
  4. District and yurt (introduced in 2005).
  5. Village, farm, city.

In addition to the officially registered bodies, several unions operate in Russia, which include registered Cossacks. At general gatherings, the issue of electing new chieftains, rewarding and rewarding those who have shown themselves is being decided, important social issues are being discussed.

Marks of Excellence

According to the Federal Law, only Cossacks who are in the public service can have ranks, special ranks and epaulets. The order of wearing insignia and uniforms is established by decree dated 10.02.2010 No. 169 and 10.12.2010 No. 171. Moreover, before the title of Yesaul, the ataman of the community or troops assigns the rank, and already higher - the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation or the head of state himself.

The Government decrees do not clearly spell out the definition for insignia, so each region has its own rules regarding the form and type of shoulder straps. There is the following list of ranks:

  1. Lower: Cossack, clerk, junior officer, officer, senior officer, junior wahmister, wahmister, senior wahmister.
  2. The elders and the highest: underhun, coronet, centurion, podesaul, Yesaul, army foreman, Cossack colonel, Cossack general.

Members of public organizations do not have the right to wear any insignia, among them there is a different distribution of power, according to the old traditions of the people.


Cossacks are trying to preserve the customs of their ancestors, especially in clothes, although with the inclusion of them in public servants the form itself has changed in many ways, the established order of wearing has appeared. Each community has special distinctive features in the appearance of its members.

form of registry Cossacks

In 2010, decrees were issued on what should be the form of the registered Cossacks. The following categories are distinguished:

  • on every day;
  • Camping
  • front weekend;
  • front drill;
  • special front door.

All these decisions partially duplicate the legislative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces, although Cossack troops do not have the same rights as these structures. Their activity to a greater extent consists in the feasible assistance to law enforcement officials.

Admission Terms

In connection with the large-scale rise in the patriotic spirit of the Russian population, the question more often arises of how to become a registered Cossack. The selection in the ranks of this special estate is very demanding, the candidate must live several years in this region and positively recommend himself.

The applicant is assigned a trial period during which he participates in meetings without the right to vote, studies the charters. The final question of including a candidate on the list of registered Cossacks is decided by a majority of votes, and a special certificate is issued to him. True, its form is not clearly stipulated, so that in the regions you can find different samples of this document.

Cossacks and Orthodoxy

Christian standards and ideas today are at the head of all the principles of the Russian Cossacks, even during the years of repression, exile and emigration, people tried to preserve the foundations of their faith. Therefore, the revival in the nineties of this estate was closely connected with the Church and its influence.

photo of the registered Cossacks

The Orthodox faith is the foundation for all representatives of this ethnic group, despite the differences between the public and registered Cossacks, rituals and holidays are observed very strictly by them. One of the most important goals of community education is precisely the resurrection of Christian traditions among young people, the education of strong moral principles.


The settlement of the issue of the development of the Cossacks in the Russian Federation is under the direct supervision of the President, but still there are still many unresolved issues. This concerns disagreements in the ideology of public and state organizations, the former cherish the preservation of democratic charters within associations, while others insist on compulsory service to the country.

how to become a registered cossack

Those who know the customs of this people closely are often interested in the question of whether a registered Cossack should receive a salary. What is a service - duty or work? Typically, financial rewards are given to them for patrolling the streets, participating in rescue or military operations, and the amount of payments, for example, in the Kuban region for combatants is 21-25 thousand rubles. Recently it was allowed to create Cossack private security companies for the protection of private and municipal institutions.

Opponents of the registry system point to federal deductions as a way to control and guarantee the fulfillment of orders from above, noting the development of corruption among the heads of military units. Elders look with displeasure at what the Cossacks use for political purposes. All these contradictions have yet to be resolved or smoothed so that a worthy people will not lose their roots and traditions.


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