How to fix a laptop: the most common breakdowns

It is difficult to imagine modern life without a personal computer, tablet or laptop, which has a habit of breaking. Often a faulty device can be diagnosed and a malfunction detected at home. The correct diagnosis is the first step to figure out how to fix the laptop.

How to diagnose a laptop?

How to fix a laptop

If your laptop does not turn on at all, no indicators light up, then first of all, check the operation of the power supply. Often the problem may lie in it or the power connector. To determine this accurately, use the following tips:

  • Visually inspect the charger for mechanical damage.
  • Make sure that the outlet to which you are connecting the power supply is working.
  • Check if the charging plug fully enters the laptop’s connector, doesn’t stagger in it, since it will be a little difficult to repair the laptop’s connector on its own.
  • Try turning on the laptop by first removing the battery from it.
  • Connect another suitable power adapter to the device, if one is available.

If these tips did not help you, the computer still does not turn on, then go to a specialized service center, since it will be very difficult to repair a laptop at home without complicated diagnostics with disassembling the device and checking individual nodes.

How to repair the power supply or connector?

If the laptop charger has minor mechanical damage, you can repair it yourself by repairing the cable or by replacing the entire cable. In some cases, it’s cheaper and faster to buy a new unit, since the market is now full of offers with fairly inexpensive universal and compatible chargers. In order to fix the laptop connector, the device will have to be disassembled, after which either restore the old connector or replace it with a new one.

How to fix a laptop keyboard?

How to fix a laptop keyboard

There are times when some buttons or completely everything do not work on the laptop keyboard. In this situation, you can:

  1. Buy an external wired or wireless keyboard.
  2. Take advantage of the on-screen variety provided in the operating system.

If these options do not suit you, then you should remove the keyboard yourself or in the service, clean the contacts on the cable and reconnect it. If, after cleaning the loop and reconnecting, some buttons or all do not work on the laptop keyboard, then this part only needs to be changed. You can order and replace it yourself or contact a computer workshop. Remember that for each laptop model, even the same company keyboards are individual. If you make a mistake with the choice of the necessary modification, then simply can not connect it.

How to fix a laptop screen

How to repair the screen?

If you turned on the laptop, you hear the fan noise, the indicators are on, but the screen does not show anything, this may indicate that:

  • display is out of order;
  • matrix cable is damaged;
  • problems with the laptop video chip.

Having discarded the last option, let's see how you can fix the laptop screen.

In most cases, a matrix or a loop is simply replaced. Of course, you can connect an external monitor to the device from a personal computer, but then all mobility is lost, which is very inconvenient. If you need to carry it with you, then you still have to spend money and replace the screen.

What needs to be done to make the laptop last longer?

How to fix a laptop

In order to protect your computer from terrible troubles in the form of serious breakdowns, you should use the laptop correctly:

  • Work on the device must be on a solid flat surface.
  • Do not carry your laptop for long distances while turned on or in sleep mode.
  • At least once a year, do a physical cleaning of the computer, which involves purging from dust, replacing thermal interfaces.
  • Avoid overheating, since fixing a laptop after that is quite expensive.

If you experience problems with the operating system - it does not load or programs freeze, then perhaps you need to reinstall it. After all, there is nothing easier than booting from a USB drive or disk and clicking Next. Remember to save all your data from drive C before installing the new system, since it will need to be formatted.

If reinstalling the operating system, drivers and programs did not bring the desired performance improvement, then check the laptop hard drive for errors. You can diagnose the drive either from under Windows or from a bootable USB flash drive with special software like Victoria or HDD Regenerator. Sometimes they help extend the life of the drive by reassigning bad sectors. But nevertheless, we advise, if you encounter problems on the hard drive, save important information somewhere to another device or to the cloud on the Internet and replace the defective equipment with new ones, since it will not work otherwise to fix the laptop.


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