Statuses: sad, with meaning for social networks

Statuses are sad, with meaning, about all aspects of life are found in every Internet user. After all, a person’s being is multifaceted, filled not only with joy, but also with moments that overshadow it.

sad statuses with meaning

Sad statuses with meaning

  • "The last hope dies when the most cheerful person cries."
  • "Sadness means that a person is still alive."
  • “I knew it” is the most desperate in this phrase. ”
  • "People forgot what parenting is. Instead of a quiet farewell conversation, they slam the door."
  • "A good man is ashamed of his success before the unfortunate."
  • "Over time, messages get shorter and days spent alone are longer."
  • "Growing up - when you watch horror movies to switch from a real nightmare."
  • "Worthy people never prove why they deserve respect."
  • "Alone, there are many advantages. No need to charge the phone, for example."
  • “It is doubly painful to hear insulting things from family people. Because you know deep down that what was said is true.”
  • “With age, it’s becoming more and more difficult to get close to people. It is necessary to pass more than one test with a person before he passes from friends to the rank of friends.”

Statuses are sad, with meaning, often reflect the internal state of a person. Feelings of pain, estrangement, loss or despair. It is important to see a request for help in each of them.

sad statuses with meaning

Beautiful statuses, sad with meaning

  • "The biggest pain in hopelessness."
  • "Worst of all, when you want to cry, but nothing. I want to speak, but no one."
  • "The worst moment is when everything seems to be lost."
  • "The ability to externally remain calm when a storm is inside is the quality of the most powerful people."
  • "Sometimes the strongest cry."
  • "A person’s hope wears out. Over time, like the old coat, it is covered with holes and blown away by the cold wind of reality."
  • "The worst thing is to feel exhausted old man in the body of a young man."
  • "I want to get a dog. Not a single animal has left, because" they did not agree on the characters. "
  • "One day, everyone will understand who they lost. Unfortunately, it will be too late."
  • "Recently, there are no black and white stripes. Everything gray is neither joy nor sadness."

sad statuses with meaning in vk

Sad phrases about love

Usually, statuses, sad to tears, with a meaning that is understandable only to themselves and to one other person, try to say about love. They are dedicated to that Ideal Reader, as S. King called him.

  • "Adults want to be children, because then they only knew what a broken knee is, not a broken heart."
  • "The worst stage in a relationship is not a break. The worst thing is indifference."
  • "The hardest thing after breaking up is to continue to see the pictures of happiness that I once believed in."
  • "In unhappy love, both are blind. One does not notice how they love him, the second does not see anyone else."
  • "She changed a lot after they parted - changed her hair, prettier, freshened and ... sad."
  • "A man can touch female tears while he loves her."
  • "After excruciating partings, we always promise ourselves not to get involved in this anymore."

statuses sad to tears with meaning

Sad sayings about life

Statuses are sad with meaning in those people who have a certain life experience, have formed some kind of attitude to what is happening and want to share it.

  • "Life is like a walk in the rain. There comes a moment when it does not matter that your feet are wet."
  • "In moments of grief, the joy of others causes nausea."
  • "The most discerning person is the one who has experienced this."
  • "Sometimes you want to run away from everyone and see who will look. But how terribly disappointing that no one has noticed your absence."
  • "Stronger than us are not failures, but people who did not believe in us."
  • "People are not afraid to admit their feelings. They are afraid that nobody needs it."
  • "Until the last suffer those who leave once. Forever."
  • "The feeling of loneliness is most acute in the crowd."
  • "Do not be afraid to be alone. You need to be afraid of those friends who left when everything rolled into the abyss."
  • "To open the soul is a very bold act."

A person analyzes what is happening with the help of emotions. It is they who become an indicator of the quality of human life. The more positive moments a person experiences, the more positively he relates to life. And vice versa, the more positive his thinking, the brighter the colors of the world. Therefore, let the statuses be sad, with the meaning in "VK" or "Facebook" replaced by real positive emotions.


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