Folding picnic table

Monotonous office everyday life, urban gray landscape, asphalt dust lifted into the air by cars, the noise of shopping malls and the cry of advertising from the speakers at each stop - over time, this all starts to strain. Now even the child already knows that long nervous tension is dangerous for health, it leads to various malfunctions in the body and psyche.

To prevent this from happening to you, you need to give yourself a timeout more often, distracting from pressing problems at least for a short while. One way to take a break from the hustle and bustle is to go on a picnic.

picnic table

Can you recall the last time you were in nature? Most likely, you like this type of outdoor activity, the aroma of roasting barbecue, the noise of foliage, the smell of green juicy grass. Such impressions are never forgotten.

Oh these bugs

Although there is another side to this rest, for example, insects in your dishes with a dish cooked on a fire. These ubiquitous bugs strive to crawl under your clothes while you sit on the grass and eat sweets. And let's go to the next picnic, will you really upset the creeping representatives of the flora? Forgive us, Greenpeace, we offer you to leave all these ants and bugs without a bite from your plate, a plate of your friends and relatives. After all, everything is simple! It is enough to purchase a set (table and chairs) for a picnic instead of your bedspread in a clearing. With such necessary furniture you will appreciate all the advantages. And also, most likely, you will never regret this purchase.

table with umbrella

Let's start looking for a picnic table

Its advantages are not only that insects will not crawl into your food, but also that you can enjoy a more civilized vacation. After all, you will not need to sit on cold or wet ground. No one can step (of course, by chance) into a dish with sandwiches, carried away by dancing with sabers in the form of skewers.

It’s good that the times of total deficit have long passed us, now you can pick up any picnic table you like for your needs.

Any furniture for going out into the countryside will come in handy not only in the forest, but also, for example, in a summer cottage or in your country house. Folding furniture can also fit perfectly in a medium-sized car. Therefore, for more convenient car trips, it would be quite out of place to purchase, for example, a picnic table-suitcase.

What is convenient for such a table

Here are the main benefits:

  1. This table model can be easily folded and stored. It is also very convenient to transport and carry such a table. When folded, it resembles a simply closed suitcase. During storage during the cold season, the table will not become dirty or clog with dust.
  2. The price of a picnic table-luggage is very affordable for people with any income.
aluminum table

What other models and types of tables are there? How are they good?

Here are the assortment of stores and the benefits of different models:

  1. The most important positive characteristics: light weight, easy transportation of the product. Such tables are in most cases made from light materials. It can be aluminum, plastic, there are also folding picnic tables made of wooden slats.
  2. Tables have several configurations. They can have a standard square shape. A rectangular shape is also common. The oval and round shape of the picnic table will add a more “tube” atmosphere to your vacation.

Materials, which is better?

Folding travel picnic table, made of aluminum alloy, has a very small weight, resistant to corrosion, which over time conquer almost any metal. But if you do not want the “continuation of the banquet” to take place on the ground, do not load such a table model with more than forty kilograms.

table suitcase

The model of modern plastic is light in weight. It is also convenient to transport. Tables made of plastic have a large selection of colors; they attract with their hygiene. But these tables tend to burn out over time. During operation, the plastic picnic table finds a lot of scratches and even chips.

Wooden tables are the most solid, they are quite pleasant to the touch, but heavier than all other models. This version of the table (along with benches) will be the most optimal for a summer vacation. Make sure that the surface of such a table is protected by varnish, it can be simply painted.

A lighter version of the picnic table is a combined one. The legs of such a table are made of metal, the countertop itself can be made of wooden materials. It can be a lath, a chipboard or fiberboard.

Reasonable choice is the key to success. Some tips for choosing

Determine the approximate number of people who are usually with you on vacation or on a trip. In addition, measure the trunk of your car and select a table model that, when folded, can easily fit into it. Next, decide on what shape and color you want to have a table. Take a closer look at tables with so-called "telescopic" legs. These legs are adjustable in height independently of each other. Very handy for rough terrain.

wooden folding

To protect yourself from some natural disasters in the form of a scorching sun or heavy rain, choose a table model with a hole in the middle of the countertop. You can install a large umbrella in it.

Are you going to use a folding table only in the summer season on your suburban area? Get a reliable, sound design. When the garden season ends, such a table can be removed for storage until next year.

Now that you have learned how to choose the right and convenient folding picnic tables, you can go directly to the picnic itself. Just do not forget to bring meat for barbecue and other traditional goodies for such a trip.


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