Polish cities: list and description

Poland is one of the oldest countries in Europe, its roots go back to ancient times, and history has more than three thousand years. It is not surprising that its lands still retain the imprint of bygone days: ancient buildings and structures, ancient monuments and castles. Poland combines incompatible things: the modern benefits of civilization and the memory of its people, and at the same time manages to keep pace with the times. All Polish cities remember and keep memories of their history, each of which is special.

Cities of Poland

Polish cities
Each of them is beautiful and unique, filled with a unique atmosphere thanks to the cobbled streets, squares, parks and museums, untouched nature, medieval spirit that lives in the architecture of houses. Many of the buildings were preserved in their original form, something was destroyed by time and war, in their place restored buildings. The number of cities at the moment is 915. Of these, Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Szczecin, Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk are considered the largest. Polish cities are the country's most important asset, some of which are protected by UNESCO as cultural assets. Many of them are famous for their secrets and unique traditions. The city of Zakopane, for example, is famous for its proximity to the mountains, clean air, spaciousness and magnificent landscapes. Those who wish can enjoy the huge port in Elblg, Sosnowiec is famous for the lack of industry within the city, keeping cultural monuments intact, Mikołajki is suitable for outdoor enthusiasts.

Krakow - the oldest city

yuriev city polish
It is considered the oldest city in the country, is the second largest, but not by importance. Once it was the capital of Poland for several centuries until in 1596 with the change of power the center was mixed in Warsaw, the city that is the capital of the country to this day.

Krakow is the first Polish city to be built on the territory of the country, today it plays the role of the main trading point. On its streets there are many antique shops, on the shelves of the markets are laid out for sale the work of local skilled craftsmen and craftsmen. But trade does not stop there, numerous shopaholics constantly gather in the city with the goal of shopping in fashion boutiques of branded clothing and accessories.

Krakow is a center of cultural enrichment, exquisite entertainment, historical values ​​with hundreds of monuments and places where you can hide from the worldly bustle and feel the spirit of history.

Country Center - Warsaw

first polish city
The city almost rose from the ashes after the events of World War II, but this did not prevent it from retaining a reputation as one of the most popular places in Poland. Not all the buildings that have been restored have been preserved in their original form, but still, walking around the city, you will feel that it still has the spirit of history and time. Along with exquisite architecture, modernity, which the capital is famous for, fits into the general atmosphere. Today, Warsaw is called the city of youth. The rest of the Polish cities cannot boast such glory, but meanwhile students come to Warsaw to study, music is constantly playing in the streets, clubs, bars and discos work all night long. A lot of street artists huddle in the squares, ready at any time to paint you against the backdrop of the main attractions of the city, such as the Royal Castle, the column to King Sigismund, the Church of the Holy Cross, the “Palace on the Water”, cathedrals, the Warsaw Citadel.

City of the North - Gdansk

Polish city in Wisla Delta
The Polish city in the Vistula delta, the country's longest river, is the country's scientific and cultural center. A large number of tourists come there to see with their own eyes and enjoy the developed areas of science, culture and art. The port city was built and towered due to maritime trade, wealth arriving by water from other countries allowed it to develop in all directions, practically living in luxury.

Today, the city is actively developing industrial, shipbuilding, food and petrochemical industries. Residents of Gdansk are engaged in a rather rare activity - processing amber, which is why he proudly bears the title of the world capital of amber. Other Polish cities simply do not possess such knowledge. Despite the active industry, which, it would seem, should pollute the surrounding atmosphere, people try to maintain a balance in the city and are very careful in protecting the environment from harmful influences.

Forgotten Cities of Poland

Smolensk polish city
Around the middle of the 16th century, the Kingdom of Poland united with the Principality of Lithuania and formed a federation called the Commonwealth, which literally translates as “common cause”. Through numerous battles and conquests, the federation grew in territory, capturing cities and occupying parts of other countries: Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Slovakia. During the turmoil in Russia, the Commonwealth aimed at Smolensk, and for five years the city passed into the possession of the new state. It took Russia almost half a century to return the taken lands, during this time the city managed to penetrate Polish culture, its residents got used to the fact that Smolensk is a Polish city, for which they were persecuted by threats and exile to Siberia.

The myth of the Polish city

There is a city whose name may be misleading to some people. Of course, we are talking about the city of Yuryev-Polsky, the title of which is an explicit reference to Poland. However, this is a common misconception. It was never part of Polish cities, although it was attacked and burned by the Poles in the 17th century, and got its name thanks to its founder Yuri Dolgoruky. The second part of the name was invented in order to clarify the location of the city. In Suzdal, the word "opolie" meant a field, a place by which the location of the city was determined and distinguished from others that had a similar name: Yuryev, Yuryev-Povolsky and others. The city is located in the Vladimir region and keeps on its territory architectural monuments that have been preserved since the time of its foundation: St. George's Cathedral, the remains of the Yuryevo-Polish Kremlin and others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11683/

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