ROFL - what does the abbreviation mean and how to keep abreast of the latest trends on the Internet?

Many people know that a new culture of communication has appeared on the Internet. This is evident in such things as new memes, various heroes and characters that are ridiculed and mentioned by millions of people. No one has investigated the effect of the appearance of such a culture, since this phenomenon is relatively new. But experienced Internet users can draw certain conclusions on their own (especially the abbreviation ROFL which means they know, like other abbreviations, phrases and their meaning).

Where do new memes appear?

So, speaking about the areas in which new characters, phrases and turnovers most often appear, it is worth mentioning various large communities, as well as online games. Speaking about the first, it is important to emphasize that these can be forums, social networks, sites of one narrow niche, on which your own audience “lives”. Terms such as ROFL (which this abbreviation means, we will analyze later) came from here. Later they spread over the network and “took root” in the slang of millions of people.

rofl what does it mean

Another thing is games on the Internet. They are more common than communities, as more people come here. And such phrases, again, like ROFL (which means in “DotA 2” this word, as in any other online game, we will also describe below) are used in them as actively, although they removed them, possibly from forums and blogs.

It doesn’t matter who invented a particular trend, character or word - it all takes root on the net, and popularity is growing like a snowball.

The most common

rofl what does it mean in DotA 2

So, let's talk about the most common. We have already mentioned that there is such a word as ROFL. What does this abbreviation mean? Everything is very simple - this is an abbreviation of the phrase rolling on floor laughing (that is, "I roll on the floor laughing," if literally). Obviously, they use this to show how ridiculous the interlocutor turned out to be. See, it's simple! Besides him, there are also memes and jokes. For example, LOL (laughing out loud ) and many others.

How to be "in the subject"?

How to know all these abbreviations? How to be aware that there is such a thing as ROFL, what does it mean and in what cases can it be applied? The answer here is obvious - you just need to dive into the Internet environment, for example, regularly go to some kind of entertainment portal, forum or play online. Then you will really know if not all, then the most popular and used trends.


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