The best stain remover: name, prices, reviews

Often, housewives try to find the best stain remover. Today, there are a lot of various means that guarantee you an excellent result. Only in practice it turns out not at all as promised. Therefore, more and more often reviews began to appear about such funds. Today you and I have to find the best stain remover for different things. It is necessary to consider so many points when choosing. But this is not so difficult. After all, the main task is to find the best way to remove stains. Let's get down to business with you soon.

good stain remover


The first option housewives can recommend is ACE OXI MAGIC. This tool, to be honest, is intended for washing colored items. What do customers think of him?

This is a very good stain remover. Plus, it is not very expensive. Sold in any store or supermarket. The price ranges from 60 to 120 rubles per package. This stain remover looks like a powder. It will have to be applied to a contaminated place, moistened a little and left for some time, approximately 5-10 minutes. In the case of especially neglected options - for 30 minutes. After that, you can safely wash the laundry.

As you can see, many people consider this to be the best stain remover. ACE OXI MAGIC reviews can be seen everywhere. True, not everyone likes this option. After all, it has a not very pleasant smell. Therefore, you have to look for other options.

top spot remover reviews

Udalix ultra

For example, Udalix Ultra is perfect. This is the best stain remover presented in the form of a special pencil. To be honest, the Udalix application is very simple. And this tool is intended for different types of laundry. As the customers say, you can easily and easily remove stains from white or colored items with it.

Using Udalix Ultra is very easy. Simply apply the product on the stain and hold for several minutes. Customers claim that the result will be very good. Especially when you consider that the price of this tool is not very high - about 70 rubles.

True, there are still some drawbacks. For example, a pencil is quickly consumed. But this minus is covered by the low cost of the product, as well as its availability in every household chemistry store. In addition, it is delivered to large supermarkets throughout Russia. In general, Udalix is ​​a good stain remover for colored items and white linen. Especially often he is advised by young mothers. After all, this tool does not cause allergies in babies. For parents with kids, "Udalix" is a real salvation.

best stain remover

Eared Nannies

The best stain remover reviews get positive in every sense. Just such is the "Eared Nanny". This tool is very common among young mothers who all the time have to wash different spots on children's clothes.

Eared Nannies is the best stain remover. Reviews about him are increasingly left by families. After all, this tool is common, childish and not very expensive. Plus, as the manufacturer says, it is absolutely safe. And does not cause allergies. But is it?

In fact, not really. "Eared nannies" is a good tool for washing children's things, but more than adults. For newborns, this stain remover is best not to use. After all, some mothers claim that after application, babies develop rashes, itching, and also a rash. That is, in newborns, the fact of causing an allergic reaction is not excluded. And this is not particularly pleasing. After all, you always want to find some universal remedy that helps to cope with stains on any clothes. But are there any? Let's try to sort out this difficult issue as soon as possible.

Sarma active

The following tool is still quite new. "Sarma Active" is a good stain remover of domestic production. As many shoppers say, a decent response to imported goods.

which stain remover is better

This stain remover is notable for its low price and good quality work. For a package of 500 grams of powder, you will have to pay about 50-60 rubles. And with all this, "Sarma Active" is found in almost any supermarket. Sometimes you have to look for it, but it's worth it.

The application is simple: it is enough to moisten the stain with warm water, and then apply the Sarma powder for a while. Next, rub it well and rinse. You will see how the result is not long in coming. "Sarma Active" is perfect for colored and white linen. In addition, it is a good stain remover that can be used when washing children's things.

According to statistics, this tool from the above does not cause allergic reactions in babies. And it is very pleasing. After all, it is this fact that often makes you think about the use of a stain remover.

True, there is one small minus here - in some regions it is very difficult to get Sarma Asset. Therefore, you have to look for goods in online stores, and also order it with a margin. But do not worry - one package is enough for a long time.

Amway SA8

Which stain remover is better? It can be very difficult to decide on this. I have to try many different tools and study a lot of reviews. It is worth paying attention to such a product as "Amway CA8".

the best stain remover for colored laundry

This is not a very expensive remedy, which is necessary for preliminary stain removal. In stores, this is the most common foam spray. It is applied to the stain and left for a while. The cost of a spray can varies from 100 to 200 rubles. You do not need to think that this is a full-fledged stain remover (although the manufacturer positions the tool in this way). Some customers use it when they doubt that it will wash off a stain, or as an additional aid against stubborn dirt.

Nevertheless, the result after use is pretty good. Especially when you consider the price. Find this tool is quite easy and simple, which makes the product extremely affordable. And it pleases many customers. It is not recommended to use when washing children's things. After all, with this tool in newborns there are frequent allergic reactions.


There is such an interesting stain remover as "5+". This is a fairly inexpensive tool that is perfect for washing colored items and white items. It is a gel that is applied to the desired area of ​​the tissue and left there for a while. The cost of one package is approximately 80 rubles. This price tag is very pleasing to customers.

Everything seems to be fine. According to customers, "5+" does not cause allergies, even in newborns. It seemed to be the best stain remover for colored laundry and white items. But it is not so. After all, this tool is not intended for stubborn stains. A kind of average stain remover that can not cope with engine oil. But here with plasticine and chewing gum - easily.

best spot remover reviews

"5+" is an affordable tool for everyone. And many customers insist that you can safely use it in combination with Amway. This will help you achieve the best result. Do not want to buy expensive stain removers, and your clothes are rarely stained with oil and other stubborn stains? Then "5+" is the perfect solution.


There is another very popular and well-known good stain remover - Vanish. This product is available in every supermarket and in several forms. There is powder and foam. Is it just that this product does its job well?

The thing is that the price of customers is not happy - for 350 grams of money you have to give from 350 to 500 rubles. In addition, customers note that Vanish is very uneconomically spent. One jar or box is enough for several applications, and then you need to buy a new one.

"Vanish" often does not cope with its main responsibilities - the conclusion of difficult and stubborn spots. So many after use remain unhappy. And so they try to avoid this hyped brand. For such a price, as buyers say, the result is just awful.

good stain remover for colored items


To be honest, the stain remover can be made independently. Especially if you want to wash away children's things. To do this, you have to use some household chemicals.

The best stain remover for colored items, as well as for white, is a combination of ordinary soap (laundry, children's) and detergent for dishes. Rub into a small container of soap and dissolve it in the tool "Now apply for a while on the stain and then rinse. The result will not be long in coming. Plus, this is a rather cheap solution: it will cost you about 20 rubles in total, and use this A homemade remedy can be very long.


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