How to calm down before the exam: advice from psychologists

In a person’s life, situations constantly arise when you have to pass the relevant exams. Most often this happens at a young age. But later, each of us must prove our professional, intellectual and social viability. Therefore, almost all people throughout life are accompanied by a state of exam stress. And if you do not take control of your emotions and fears during this period, you can greatly harm your own health.

Oddly enough, no one specifically teaches the ability to pass exams - neither psychotherapists, nor psychologists. However, the possession of psychotechnical skills would be very useful. They allow you not only to effectively prepare for the delivery of various disciplines, but also to behave correctly, as well as own your emotions. In this article, we will tell you how to calm down before the exam, and give some useful recommendations on this topic. So let's get started.

how to calm down before the exam

Tips for preparing for exams. Equip a place to practice

Take away unnecessary things and conveniently arrange the necessary manuals, textbooks, pencils, notebooks, etc. According to psychologists, it will not be superfluous to introduce purple and yellow colors into the environment, since they help increase intellectual activity. No need to do redecorating for this and re-glue the wallpaper. It is enough to hang simple pictures in appropriate colors. You can even draw them yourself.

Make a plan

People who know how to calm down before the exam in the traffic police are well aware of its importance. It is necessary to evaluate the total volume of the material and evenly distribute its study for several days. The specifics are very important. For example, the plan should not have a record of "a little work out." List all sections of the subject that you will study today.

how to calm down before the exam but at the same time not to lose reaction

Master the most difficult material with a "fresh" head

The same applies to the section that you know worse than the rest. But there is also the opposite situation, when there is no desire at all to do it, and nothing comes to mind. Then it’s useful to start by exploring more interesting material. This will help to overcome laziness and get involved in work.

Take a break

Psychologists advise: alternate work and rest. This advice is often neglected by those who do not know the answer to the question: "How to calm down before the exam, but still not lose reaction?" Regular rest is important to maintain concentration. For example, for every 50 minutes of study, take a 10-minute break. During a pause, you can do exercises, water the flowers, play with your pet, etc.

Control the learning process

At the end of the day, check the degree of assimilation of the material passed. Write down all the questions that worked for the day.

how to calm down before the exam in traffic police

Do not cram!

Do not try to memorize all the material. The main task is not to learn, but to understand. Therefore, try to focus on key thoughts.

Do not panic

It happens that at the time of preparation a person has the idea that it is impossible to learn all the material, and he does not know how to calm down before the exam. Most often, this can happen if there is no specific plan that we wrote about above. It's time to compose it. Also, experts advise using the following technique: select the lightest, most interesting topics from all the material and study them first. And questions that look like Chinese letters, leave for later. Even if you fail to master the whole theory, you will know a certain part of it at a very high level.

how to calm down before the exam in the traffic police

Get rid of negative thoughts

If you are wondering: “How to calm down before the exam in the traffic police?”, We advise the following: just do not think about the possibility of failure. Mentally paint a picture of successful delivery, an easy victorious answer. Thoughts of a possible failure are destructive. They greatly reduce motivation and make it difficult to engage. In order to avoid them, fully focus on the assigned training tasks.

On the eve of the exam. Highlight a day to repeat

For example, if you do not know how to calm down before the music exam, then the day before the "X-hour" repeat the learned work or song from morning to evening. Do it in front of a mirror, as if you are speaking in front of a real teacher. Break all the material into pieces and work with each in order. Focus on the places that cause difficulty.

how to calm down before a music exam

Use notes

In the exam, no one forbids using the notes you made in preparation for the answer. At the same time, watch your voice, facial expressions, gestures and posture. Your appearance and your speech should express confidence in your own knowledge. It is known that gestures, postures, and voices not only “give out” a person’s current state, but are also able to influence him by the principle of feedback. That is, starting to speak in a confident, calm voice, you really will begin to feel more confident and calm.

Mentally relive the situation

At the end of the school year, many students wonder: “How to calm down before the exam?” You can try the "experience the situation." A few days before the “X-hour”, imagine passing the exam in all colors and with the corresponding experiences, phobias and “scary thoughts”: here you enter the class, take a ticket, get ready, go out to answer, etc. First, imagine how your throat is dry or your hands are trembling, but there is not a single thought in your head. Now do the opposite. How would you like to pass the exam? We think something like this: you take a ticket, prepare carefully and confidently and calmly answer before the examination committee, without experiencing any fear. Imagine all this as concretely as possible, in all the details. Having done this several times, you will see the effectiveness of this method.

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Bring the situation to the point of absurdity

If you are very afraid and do not know how to calm down before the exam, psychologists recommend using the “bring to absurdity” technique. Scare yourself as much as possible. Imagine the most unthinkable scary details and nightmare consequences. If you are preparing together or in a group, then scare each other. It has long been known that increased fear causes a paradoxical reaction: instead of becoming depressed, a person begins to understand the exaggeration of his own experiences. Even the most serious consequences do not look as terrible as he thought before.

how to calm down before a driving test

Avoid alarmists

People of this type certainly do not know how to calm down before the exam (for driving or other disciplines - it does not matter). So move the time of meeting with these unbalanced subjects as much as possible so as not to get panic from them. The ideal option is not to contact them at all. To do this, it is better to come as late as possible. And take an example from people who came to the exam with a positive mood.

Forget about drugs

Recently, the number of people taking nootropic drugs to increase brain activity has increased significantly. If you do this, then do not forget about the reverse side. Prolonged or improper use of nootropics causes hyperstimulation of the brain, which manifests itself in the form of headache, irritability, insomnia and increased irritability. Sedatives also have a similar effect. On the one hand, they calm the nervous system, and on the other hand, they greatly inhibit the functioning of the brain, reducing the ability to concentrate and attentiveness in general.

how to calm down before the exam


Now you know how to calm down before the exam and not worry about it. Everyone heard the phrase: "In order to prepare perfectly, only one night is missing." This is actually a myth. You’re already pretty tired, so you shouldn’t overwork yourself, sitting at books all night. On the contrary, it is better to take a walk in the evening in the fresh air and go to bed early. This will allow you to sleep and get up in the morning alert, rested, and even with some sense of healthy aggressiveness. After all, an exam is a kind of struggle of charm, in which you need to be able to stand up for yourself.


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