Workout for beginners: training plan

Workout is not only a set of exercises, it is to some extent a way of life, giving up bad habits and controlling your body. How nice to see when healthy guys and girls perform beautiful stunts on horizontal bars and bars! But everyone is able to learn at least the minimum set of exercises. What is especially pleasant, all classes take place outdoors, in the fresh air, the body is more quickly saturated with oxygen. Workout for beginners is a very useful pastime, these exercises will help improve coordination, endurance of the cardiovascular system and grip strength. Exercise does not require any additional accessories or simulators, all loads come only from your own body.

Workout: training for beginners

Classes should be held after a thorough warm-up. At least three exercises should be done:

Workout for beginners

  1. Bend over, reach the floor with your hands, sit down, raise your hands up and rise. Perform 3 sets of 6-8 times.
  2. Stand up on the hands, as if push-ups, alternately pull up your legs, reaching with your knee to your forearm and placing your feet wider than your hands.
  3. The usual push-ups from the floor (in this case, asphalt, earth or special coating).

Workout for beginners implies that exercises should be performed in 3 sets of 6-8 times. After warming up, you should stretch your muscles and develop joints, because they will have to withstand considerable weight. Here are sample workout exercises for beginners:

Workout exercises for beginners

  1. Smooth inclinations: raise your hands up and, bending down, get your palms to the ground. It is advisable not to bend the knees, and the arms and body should be in one line.
  2. Ankle development before jumping: put one leg back, hold on to the horizontal bar and squat shallow, without lifting the heel off the ground.
  3. Stand on all fours, lean on the palms, fingers turned towards you, then on the palms, turned to the sides with the inside up; resting on the palm, turn it around its axis.
  4. Make a bridge, tear off the heels, then put them down and sit down.
  5. Choose a low horizontal bar, take a wide grip with two palms and carry out rifts under it back and forth, without tearing off your wrists, but only rearranging your legs.

Perform all stretching exercises in 3 sets of 15-20 times.

Workout for beginners
This workout for beginners is not over, go to the main exercises:

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar and in the hang carry out interceptions with palms. Subsequently, you can add rotation of the body.
  2. Do full push-ups on the uneven bars.
  3. Alternate one pull up with one push up from the floor. To complicate the rise, you can add a coup.
  4. Squat on one leg. At first, it is allowed to hold the support with two hands, then with one, the most difficult thing is without hands.
  5. Pull yourself on the low bar when your feet are on the ground. Spread your arms wide first, then already.
  6. Stand on one leg, bend the other back, with the opposite hand reach the floor, crouching slightly and bending over.
  7. Hang at your fingertips and clench your fists.
  8. Hanging, raise legs, bend at the knees above the horizontal bar. Lower your arms and body, hanging on your knees.

Workout for beginners requires minimal physical training, so listen to the body and do as many approaches as you can perform in a high-quality manner.


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