Curls on medium hair with an iron: a step-by-step description and interesting ideas

Most often, an iron is used to straighten curls. This is its main purpose. However, with its help you can create a wide variety of hairstyles. In the article below, we will consider several ways of making curls ironed on medium hair.

curls on medium hair ironed

Tips: how to choose an iron

Hair styling and condition after it largely depend on the straightener. When choosing, first of all, pay attention to the coating material.

  1. Metal rectifier is popular because of its low cost. But here it should be borne in mind that such an iron does not provide a reliable level of protection for hair.
  2. Ceramic plates are more gentle.
  3. Teflon coating not only allows you to make high-quality styling, but also does not harm the curls.
  4. Tourmaline coating perfectly straightens even the most capricious hair and allows you to create chic curls.
  5. Ion-ceramic plates are a more modern technique. Normalizes water balance and protects curls from high temperatures. The price of the device is much higher. Therefore, they can often be found in beauty salons.

As for the shape of the iron, the best are considered with rounded ends. But models with even outlines are popular.

For convenient use, the device must have a temperature controller in order to configure the desired mode. The larger the diameter of the device, the larger the curls will be obtained.

how to make curls an iron on medium hair

Styling preparation

Before you make curls an iron on medium hair, you need to properly prepare them:

  1. Wash hair thoroughly. This type of styling exposes the curls to high temperatures and dries them. Therefore, after washing, be sure to moisturize them with a balm or conditioner. For dry and thin hair, it is recommended to use special masks.
  2. Laying mousse is applied to wet hair.
  3. Using a hair dryer, dry hair well.
  4. On already dried curls, thermal protection is applied. It is always used, even if the iron has a protective function.
  5. Before laying, carefully and carefully comb all the strands.

Now you can make beautiful curls with an iron on medium hair or long.

How to make curls using foil and ironing

Looks interesting in the form of broken curls, as well as zigzag curls. It is not difficult to do such a hairstyle yourself.

  1. Before you wind the curls with an iron on medium hair, it is necessary to prepare pieces of rectangular foil. In order to wrap hair well in length, the pieces should correspond to curls, and be twice as wide in width.
  2. A well-combed curl is carefully wrapped in foil so that the hair does not peek out from under it. You should get a small envelope.
  3. From the end, the finished envelope is folded with an accordion and heated with the device for no more than five minutes.
  4. When the foil has completely cooled, you can remove it from the hair.
  5. Such a manipulation is done throughout the head on all curls.
  6. Finished curls are separated by fingers and stacked. Fix the hair with a varnish.
  7. In order for the curls to have the desired shape, combing them is not necessary.
    curls on medium hair with an iron

How to twist hair with a pencil

Not everyone knows about such an extraordinary and easy way to wind curls. To do this styling, in addition to a pencil, you will still need a straightener and varnish. So how to make beautiful and natural curls on medium hair with an iron?

Divide the entire hair into uniform small strands. One is wound onto a pencil, a rectifier is taken and this curl is placed in it for no more than 5 minutes. Unwind and repeat the same with the rest of the hair. For better fixation, spray your hair with varnish.

Light curls on medium hair with an iron

For styling you will need a straightener, varnish and wax. Procedure:

  1. Before manipulation, the hair is washed and thoroughly dried. Then, a special wax is applied along their entire length.
  2. Separate the hair from the temples and fix them with clips.
  3. Leaving a horizontal row on the occipital part, the remaining hair is collected in a tail.
  4. A small strand is taken from the occipital part and clamped with a rectifier. It should be remembered that the device should be at a distance of about two centimeters from the roots.
  5. Hold the tip of the curl with an iron and turn it to the head (360 degrees). The end of the strand should be pointing down.
  6. In this position, the entire curl is pulled with a rectifier. The result is a neatly shaped curl.
  7. Separate the next curl and do the same manipulations, but directing the rectifier in the opposite direction. This is necessary so that the curls do not merge with each other. The strands are wound as follows: one row of curls is directed in one direction, the other row in the opposite.
  8. In the next row with the help of fleece make volume. Each individual curl is combed at the root and sprayed with varnish. So the root volume turns out.
  9. Wind the rest of the hair. All front curls curl up.
    how to wind curls with an iron on medium hair

Classic curls on medium hair ironed

Classic curls are especially popular. Let's take a closer look at how to quickly and easily curl your hair.

  1. Washed and dried hair is divided into strands.
  2. A styling agent is applied to each curl.
  3. Styling begins with the occipital part.
  4. Retreating a couple of centimeters from the roots, a strand is clamped by a straightener and wound so that the tip is directed from the face to the other side.
  5. Next, rotate the device forward and make movements (also forward) as when straightening.

After the curls on the middle hair are ironed, you can put them in the hairstyle.

curls with ironing on medium hair

Beach waving

Beach-style curls look relaxed, with a slight sloppiness. The wave size directly depends on the size of the equalizer. To make such curls on medium hair with an iron is not difficult.

It is necessary to prepare a rectifier, a means for thermal protection and fixation. As well as a metal comb.

  1. All hair is divided into uniform strands.
  2. Each curl is twisted into a tight tourniquet and worked out with a rectifier.
  3. If desired, the ends are twisted up or down.
  4. Thus, all hair is wound.
  5. Gently comb and fix the styling with special tools.

To get large waves, grab each strand with an iron. At an angle of 45 degrees, they wrap the hair around the forceps, in this position they hold for about a minute. All curls are straightened with hands and fixed with varnish.

Big Hollywood Waves

This styling looks very elegant and romantic. Ideal for thin hair, giving it volume.

  1. All hair is divided into small strands.
  2. They are wound on a finger and fixed with small clips near the roots.
  3. Do the same with all the strands.
  4. Twisted curls tightly pressed with a straightener and can withstand no more than five minutes.
  5. Each curl is gently pulled.
  6. Hair spray with varnish.

Such styling does not imply clear and strict lines. It should be voluminous and careless.

beautiful curls ironed on medium hair

How to curl curls with an iron: general rules

There are many techniques for making curls a rectifier. However, there are general rules for any styling and any type of hair. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. You can use the styling iron only on washed and dry hair.
  2. Winding is necessary in the direction from the roots.
  3. In order not to spoil the hair, you need to choose the right heating temperature. For example, for thin hair, an average temperature is suitable.
  4. To avoid ugly bends, when tightening, they strongly press on the clamp.
  5. Each installation must use thermal protection.
  6. They begin to twist curls from the lower rows and temples, having previously stabbed the bulk of the hair.
  7. So that the hairstyle has a volume, and the curls hold for a long time, all the hair is divided into small locks.
  8. For the best glide of the rectifier, carefully comb each strand.
  9. At the ends of the curls, rolling movements are necessarily made with an iron.
  10. The not received lock can be corrected only after its full cooling.
  11. To keep the hairstyle as long as possible, a special mousse or wax is applied to the hair before curling.
  12. Ready-made curls are not recommended to be combed thoroughly.
    how to make curls ironing on medium hair

Useful Tips

Correctly twist locks on medium hair with an iron can be in different ways, described above. The purpose of any styling is to maximize the preservation of the result and at the same time minimize damage to the hair. Consider some helpful tips from professionals.

  1. Never use the equalizer on wet hair.
  2. The movement of the device on curls should be smooth and without interruption.
  3. To get the effect of curls, the straightener must be kept perpendicular to hair growth.
  4. For a spiral effect, the iron is held almost vertically.
  5. The size of the waves depends on the thickness of the separated curl.
  6. In order to avoid cross sections of hair, it is necessary to iron curls without stopping.
  7. Foam or mousse for styling is best distributed separately for each curl.
  8. If the iron is used for styling very often, then hair will need additional care (nourishing masks, oils, special shampoos and balms).

Many girls mistakenly believe that it is quite difficult to curl locks on your own with an ironing on medium hair. But this is not so. If you adhere to some tips, you can delight yourself with various fashionable hairstyles with beautiful curls.


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