The bench press: how to get it and what they are

Watching the training of athletes involved in powerlifting, we can conclude that this sport is very different from everyone else. In a way, this is so. In powerlifting, or, as it is also called, powerlifting, athletes do not contact each other. The essence of the competition is that the athlete must raise the maximum weight in a single repetition.

Bench Press Competition

The bench press category is assigned to athletes when performing exercises with various types of equipment or its absence. Holding competitions of this kind can sometimes be held as a separate event.

Bench Press

However, most often the bench press is included in powerlifting, that is, in powerlifting. In addition to him, in this sport two more exercises are performed - this is deadlift and squats with a barbell.

In order to get a rank in the bench press, it is not necessary to be a professional or participate in the largest competitions. You can also get it in your gym if authorized persons from a sports organization that has the right to issue documents certifying the passing of the norm are present.

Bench Press

As in any other sport, in order to get a qualification category, certain conditions must be met. The bench press category is given to athletes who perform one repetition with the right technique and the right weight. Powerlifting has its own standards, and they begin with the second youthful one. There are three main qualification categories in this sport. These are standard GMS, MS and MSMK. Naturally, the higher the discharge in the bench press, the more weight the athlete will have to lift.

Bench press without equipment

In order to get, for example, a CCM, an athlete will have to perform an exercise with a barbell weighing 97.5 kg with a body weight of 52 kg. The more an athlete weighs, the heavier his projectile will be.

Bench press without equipment

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are several organizations that conduct their own separate competitions in such a power sport as bench press. The official branch of the international organization for powerlifting (IPF), in Russia is the PDF - the Russian Powerlifting Federation. Besides her, there are several more, such as WPO / WPC. A notable difference between these organizations is that they conduct their bench press competitions without preliminary doping control. However, this does not affect the required results. In order to get discharges in the bench press without equipment, for example, KMS, it is necessary to perform the exercise with the same projectile of 97.5 kg and the same body weight of 52 kg.

Bench press without equipment

AWPC Benchmarks

Qualifications for this exercise can be combined with two more. If you add deadlifts and squats with a barbell to the bench press, you will get full-fledged powerlifting competitions. The method of conducting such competitions is as follows: three approaches are carried out, one repetition in each of them. Three attempts are given to the athlete in order to provide him with the opportunity to cope with a lot of weight, according to which the AWPC categories (bench press) will be assigned.

Awpc discharges bench press

Exercise in this federation has lower criteria for obtaining a qualification category, for example, a candidate for master of sports. So, at 52 kg it is necessary to perform the exercise only with a projectile of 82.5 kg, and not 97.5 kg, as required in other organizations.

Awpc discharges bench press

It is also worth noting that both men and women can take part in these competitions. The female half, of course, has its own standards for receiving any category. To obtain the title of the CCM, for example, an athlete weighing 52 kg must perform an exercise with a projectile of 82.5 kg. Women's competitions are held separately from men's. By the way, each federation has its own requirements for performing the bench press.


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