Complicated sentence, its structure and meaning

A sentence is the basic unit of spoken and written language used to transmit any information, message, etc. A proposal is being built according to its specific laws and regulations; not every set of words can be called a sentence. It is characterized by the grammatical and semantic unity of its parts, as well as the special intonation of the completeness of the utterance. That’s why many philological researchers call the sentence: “a finished statement”, “a finished thought”.

The main distinguishing feature of a sentence is the presence of a grammatical basis in it - without it there is no sentence. By the number of grammatical foundations in Russian, simple and complex sentences are distinguished. In the simple - one such basis, in the complex - two or more: The red sun shone again in the sky. The clouds finally dispersed, and the sun flashed triumphantly and joyfully over the cleanly washed earth.

The grammatical basis of a simple sentence can be complete, consist of a subject and a predicate (then it will be a two-part sentence), or it may be incomplete, contain only one of the main members.

In a complex sentence, all its parts are connected in a meaningful and semantic relation, as well as through intonation. Their structure is the same as for simple sentences.

Complicated sentences are allied and non-union - depending on how the grammatical relationships between the parts are expressed, and what means of communication were used. In unionless compound sentences, parts of them are connected through intonation. These syntactic constructions show grammatical independence, but a rather close semantic correlation. Unions or union words are not used in such sentences: the Old Forest was noisy and moaning muffledly, the night was increasingly wrapped in impenetrable darkness, the sky seemed to forever forget about the glittering stars and moonlight.

Allied proposals are divided into complex and complex ones. A complex sentence is characterized by the fact that all its parts are equal in meaning. Between them there is no semantic dependence, semantic inequality. Simple sentences in its composition are combined thanks to single and complex creative unions: Brother was already waiting, and Natasha could not get together and leave the house. In the afternoon, it was hot in my father’s jacket, but in the evening I was drawn by dampness and cold, and I did not chill at all! In the morning I was shivering, then threw into a fever, then again shook in a chill.

According to the type and value of unions, complex sentences are divided into several types:

  • A compound sentence with conjunctions of connective meaning (I, YES = I, NI ... NI, HOW ... SO AND - repeated, etc.). These unions indicate that those phenomena, events that are mentioned in the proposal, occur either immediately, at one time, or in succession, one after another: Strelka is tired of waiting for her portion of food, and she barked decisively. Vanka from the sixth entrance was a careless idler and a chronic loser, and his friend Igorosh from a neighboring house never shone in the classroom, and when he called to the blackboard he began to mumble something and sniff loudly.
  • A compound sentence with dividing meanings and conjunctions Either, Either ... Either, OR, etc. For sentences of this type, relations of exclusion or alternation are characteristic: Mom listened to me, listened to me and suddenly said loudly: “Or you will take up the mind and begin to study as it should, or your father will blow you away today! ”
  • A compound sentence with opposing (opposing) and ZATO unions, YES (= BUT), BETWEEN AS, AT THE TIME AS, etc. The content of simple sentences in such a complex one can be contrasted or juxtaposed: Marichka spent most of her money on clothes, movies and ice cream, while Natalka carefully put off every penny, increasing her savings every month.
  • Complicated sentences include sentences with connecting unions ALSO, ALSO, YES AND, etc. The semantic relations in them indicate either additional information contained in one of the simple sentences as part of a complex one, or the correlation of content between all parts of the sentence: I was planning a vacation to go to the Caucasus: the nature is painfully good there, and even a bosom friend has been offering to meet and visit him in a mountain village for many years now.
  • Complicated are proposals with unions A EXACTLY, that is, expressing the importance of explanation and having a book character: In the school, boys were not only taught ordinary school subjects, but were attracted to sports, instilled an increased interest in physical education, and this is important for future gymnasts.

In complex subordinate constructions, there is no semantic equality between the parts of the sentence. Unions of complex sentences express various shades of meaning and are always in the subordinate part.


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