The most popular female professions in Russia

It is very important that work brings not only decent earnings, but also a sense of self-satisfaction. Unfortunately, this does not occur often, and in most cases a woman does not receive either one or the other, therefore it is extremely important initially to choose relevant female professions that bring a stable and high income. Having carefully analyzed the incredibly huge labor market, from simple managers to doctors, we were able to select the most sought-after professions suitable exclusively for the weaker sex.

A detailed list will be given in this article. We will also describe the harmful professions that undermine our body, undermine the nervous system and lead to irreversible consequences. So, first we’ll tell you about today's specialties:

- Food Sales Manager;

- cashier;

- accountant;

- teacher / educator;

- HR specialist;

- medical worker;

- conductor;

- stewardess.

The abovementioned female professions require attentiveness, non-conflict and the highest stress tolerance. All these qualities are mainly inherent in girls, so there are very few men in this category. The most promising, non-standard and popular professions in Russia in 2012 are in the following areas:

- management and marketing;

- psychology;

- logistics;

- landscape, interior and web design;

- recruiting;

- tourism;

- trade.

These specializations are very popular among girls, the main reason is high pay. Because of the great competition in these types of labor activities, not everyone succeeds in taking up positions. To get a vacancy, knowledge and good experience will be required, only in this case you can achieve good career performance.

Over the past decades, female professions related to office activities have been in great demand: editor, secretary, office manager, clerk, translator. Many do not even realize that these positions can be harmful to health, but which one we will now tell.

Office workers are threatened by a disease such as a pinched nerve in the wrists. The reason is the wrong arrangement of the hands at the desk. With constant voltage, the middle nerve is injured, which is responsible for the functioning of the middle and index fingers. In addition, as a result of prolonged sitting, blood circulation is disturbed, the musculoskeletal system works, hemorrhoids, migraines appear and vision is reduced.

In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to perform simple physical workouts during the day, arrange small breaks and be sure to observe basic rules when working with a PC. According to doctors, teachers, educators and broadcasters are most susceptible to stress, colds.

The fact is that these are professions in the colloquial genre, as a result, the ligaments tighten, the throat is dried out, as a result of which the immune system is undermined. For preventive purposes, the throat must be rinsed with anti-inflammatory drugs, train the ligaments and always carry non-carbonated water with you.

As for stewardesses, this is an extremely dangerous profession, requiring special patience and endurance. It will be difficult for girls who choose this type of activity to save and bear a child, because of the occurrence of stressful situations, pregnancy often ends in a miscarriage. Therefore, in the early stages it would be more advisable not to carry out flights.

All female professions are needed and extremely important in this world, the main thing is not to forget about preventive actions. And in order to prevent the development of irreversible consequences, you should move more, visit the gym, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and, of course, avoid conflict and stressful situations if possible.


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