City of Seattle, USA, Washington: photos, where it is located, attractions, time difference

Among US cities, Seattle is one of the largest. It is located in the far northwest of the country, in the state of Washington. Seattle (USA) is one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities in the world. It is surrounded by mountains and water. The beauty of the surrounding area is evidenced by the photos of Seattle (USA).

Seattle usa

General information

Seattle (USA) is the largest city in the northwestern part of the country and the state of Washington. A large port is located on its territory. In comparative proximity to the city is Lake Washington. The population is approximately 612 thousand people.

What time is it in Seattle (USA)? The time difference with Moscow is 11 hours. When it was midnight in Seattle, it was already 11 in Moscow.

The foundation date of the metropolis is November 13, 1851. Many celebrities are associated with the city, and the spread of higher education is unusually large. Seattle is the birthplace of American coffee houses, as well as the place where the grunge musical style originated .

Seattle usa city

In Seattle (USA), the Russian Consulate is present.

History of the city

The first settlements in the region where Seattle is located arose in the second century BC. On the site of the modern metropolis there were scattered villages of the Duvamish tribe, whose alternative name is “sterlet house”. September 14, 1851 white people came to the mouth of the Duvamish River. A little later, another group of colonialists arrived, and between them began a rivalry for the possession of this land.

The first white settlement was called Duvamps. Another smaller group formed a village called New York Alki. After several years of competition for primacy in the possession of the territory, people from Duvamps won. One of the initiators of the creation of Duvamps in 1853 began to make efforts to give this settlement the status of the city, which was supposed to be called Seattle.

The word Seattle comes from the Native American Siatlu. That was the name of the leader of the local tribe, who began to collaborate with the white colonists. Thus, the name Seattle became a way to thank him for it. The city appeared on the map of the United States as early as 1855.

Among Seattle's famous historical events, the following were of greatest importance:

  • The fight against the influx of Chinese migrants, which had the character of pogroms, occurred in 1885 and 1886.
  • The big fire of 1889, as a result of which the business center of the city turned into ashes, however, there were no casualties.
  • At the turn of the century, the gold rush that erupted in the United States did not leave aside Seattle, which was used to transport gold.
  • The largest fair in 1909.
  • A mass strike of workers of 1919, with calls for a revolution similar to the one in Russia in 1917.
  • Another great fair, called the “EXPO of the 21st Century”, took place in 1962.
  • The massacre in the game club "Wah Mi", during which 13 people were killed (in 1983).
  • APEC Summit in 1993.
  • World Trade Organization Conference in 1990, during which massive protests were noted.

Geological features

Seattle is a US city located in a hilly area in the northwest of the country, in relative proximity to the Pacific coast. Nearby are the Cascade Mountains, belonging to the Cordillera mountain system. They are located east of Seattle, while the Pacific Ocean is in the west.

Complex terrain creates an increased risk of earthquakes. In the past, quite strong tremors were noted here. So, in 1700 there was a rather strong earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0. In the 20th century tremors with magnitudes up to 7.1 were recorded, which caused the death of several people. Scientists do not exclude the possibility of a repetition of events similar to the events of 1700, which will cause serious destruction in the city.

Climatic conditions

The location of the city near the Pacific coast has a softening effect on weather and climate. Seattle combines oceanic and Mediterranean types of climate. Summer is much drier than autumn and winter. Cold air intrusions are blocked by the Cascade Mountains, and Pacific hurricanes are held back by the mountains of the Olympic Peninsula located in the west.

Seattle washington usa

The annual precipitation is in the region of 950 mm, which is less than in many other cities in the United States, but it is still quite significant (by Russian standards). Modern global warming contributes to their increase. The rainiest month of the year is November.

At the same time, the number of sunny days is less than in other American cities. Rains of low and moderate intensity prevail, rarely heavy and very rarely with thunderstorms. In the southern and northern parts of the city, the amount of precipitation is higher, and rainfall occurs more often. Such a variety of conditions is associated with the orographic features of the region.

The temperature background during the year is quite even: a mild summer gradually turns into a relatively mild winter. In winter, most precipitation falls in the form of snow.

Seattle population

As in the entire northern United States, the predominant race in Seattle are representatives of English-speaking nationalities. They make up the so-called white population. Previously, this city was a champion in the share of white people, for example, in 1960 there were 91.6% of them. However, already in 2010, this indicator amounted to only 69.5%. In the same year, the national average was 73.4%.

This dynamics is largely due to the increased influx of migrants from other countries into the city. The total number of races and nationalities living in this city is also increasing. Arriving in Seattle from Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Somalia, Cambodia, Samoa. The proportion of English speakers in the early 2000s was 78.9%.

Seattle's population is constantly growing. This forces local authorities to adopt multi-storey housing programs.

City Economy

Seattle is ranked 12th among the largest American cities in terms of economic development. The standard of living is also very high. Thus, the average income per person here is $ 30,306, and $ 62,195 per family. Incomes for men are noticeably higher than for women. At the same time, about 10 percent of the population still belongs to the category of the poor, which, obviously, reflects the applied criteria for assessing this social phenomenon.

The number of homeless people in Seattle County is about 8,000. Recently, work has been underway to eliminate the homeless by providing them with permanent housing.

Transportation in Seattle

The most common form of public transport in the city is buses. Almost no tram transport. At the same time, trolley buses run, which is generally not typical for US cities. There are passenger trains. Most residents prefer private car transport. Only 18.6% of the total number of residents use the public. However, in recent years the number of those who prefer public transport instead of personal transport has been steadily growing.

Seattle washington usa

Seattle is also considered very convenient for walking.

There are only two transit motorways in the city. They cross it from north to south.

Seattle Attractions & Attractions

Seattle is not a resort town, and its history spans only a century and a half. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are not many interesting sights here. However, he still has his own “calling cards” and interesting places that should be seen by those who like to visit such cities.

Space Needle Tower

The most famous building in Seattle and its real calling card is the Space Needle skyscraper, which means "space needle" in English. This is a huge futuristic tower-building, located on the background of other high-rise buildings of the city, making them one single futuristic whole. The building was built in 1962. The height of the structure is not very impressive - only 184 meters, but at the same time it is one of the highest on the west coast of the United States.

The tower is very stable and can withstand an earthquake of up to 9 on the Richter scale, as well as any hurricane. Protection against lightning strikes is also decent - as many as 25 lightning rods. Anyone can shoot a lightning strike into the tower, as they strike there very often.

At an altitude of 165 m, there is a restaurant called SkyCity, as well as a place to review the surroundings and a large gift shop. You can see the whole of Seattle and even the surrounding area from there.

Although the tower is a symbol of the future and the embodiment of futuristic ideas, it bears the imprint of the time when it was built. It was in the 60s of the 20th century that structures of this type were erected, which reflected the engineering idea of ​​that time. It is also the embodiment of optimism that reigned in those days regarding the future of America.

Seattle Central

The city center is actively visited by visitors. Therefore, it is always crowded here. Especially often people come to Pioneer Square. This trendy area has popular restaurants, shops, cafes and art galleries.

Tourists especially like the so-called “underground quarter”. It appeared after the city authorities decided in 1889 after a massive fire to raise the level of the earth's surface by one floor. The old floor was underground and is now listed as minus the first. Thus, this underground floor turned out to be more ancient. Now the "underground quarter" is used as a natural museum.

In the center of Seattle is a large number of bakeries, bakeries and coffee shops. It even houses the headquarters of a worldwide chain of coffee houses. In various restaurants and cafes you can enjoy dishes of different national cuisines. Especially a lot of fish and seafood here, which is associated with the location of the city near the Pacific Ocean and its bays.

Old Market Pike Place

This place is located near the promenade, near Pioneer Square. This is the oldest US market. The date of its foundation is 1907. The market is located in a six-story building, which has a stepped shape and descends to the embankment.

The first floors sell antiques and various souvenirs, while the upper floors sell books and seafood. Also on the upper floors are artisan shops and home-made scenes of street performers. In addition to them, there are clowns and singers.

City Embankment

The promenade is furnished in a classic American style. There is a large Ferris wheel, gift shops, restaurants and piers with yachts. Benches are made near the shore. Sitting comfortably, you can just relax, watching the seabirds, the swaying water surface, various ships sailing in the waters of the bay. It is well visible from the embankment and the opposite shore, including Mount Olympique.

At pier number 59 you can see one of the best giant aquariums in the world. A lot of fish, crustaceans, jellyfish, mammals, mollusks and other marine animals swim in it. And to try them by touch, you need to proceed to a special pool.

Another interesting place is the old city port. Here is a scientific and research center called the Odyssey. It conducts interactive excursions, becoming a member of which you can expand your horizons by becoming acquainted with life in the sea. They are suitable for people of any age.

Seattle's promenade is also known for America’s largest ferry network. Ferries transport people to various points on the coast of Puget Sound. And the dimensions of the ferries themselves are simply huge.

Seattle usa photo

Skyscraper Columbia Center

The Columbia Center is the tallest building in Seattle. If we take the entire western part of the USA, then it will be in second place by this indicator. The height of the building is 285 meters, plus 10 m - an antenna on the roof. However, the real skyscraper is even larger, since in addition to 76 high-rise floors, there are also 7 underground ones.

This building is mainly used as an office center. On the 73rd floor there is a viewing platform, from which both the city itself and its surroundings are clearly visible. Conference halls and restaurants are located on floors 75 and 76.

The building is also used for sports competitions. The task is to walk up to the 69th floor.

Museums of the city

Seattle has a large number of museums. Unlike their Russian provincial counterparts, these are bright and richly decorated establishments that will be enjoyed by all lovers of contemporary art.

The EMR Museum (Experience Music Project), which is an unusual building that looks like a part of an electronic device on top and in front of something covered with oilcloth, is best known. It is also called the center of music in Seattle (USA). The building is located next to the Space Needle. There are many exhibits dedicated to video games, science fiction, music and other similar topics. Some exhibitions operate in an interactive mode.

Seattle Museum of Music

In addition, visitors can try themselves out as a musician and see a gigantic composition in the form of a frozen tornado, consisting of five hundred guitars and other instruments of musical art. This is a real music museum in Seattle (USA).

Another significant institution of this kind is the aviation museum. Here you can see the exhibitions of various aircraft, balloons and other aircraft. From the earliest to the modern. The collection of aircraft in size has no analogues in the world.

Those interested can visit museums such as Microsoft, the Museum of Police, Puppets, Glass, and many others. In addition to them, the city has a large number of theaters, exhibitions and various galleries.

The most famous among Seattle's theaters is Zinzanni. A prerequisite for visiting this institution is to be in smart clothes. The building itself is quite old and made in oriental style. In addition to performances, musicals, concerts, film screenings, circus performances and cabaret shows are staged here. The building has a restaurant. The ticket price is significant - about $ 100. Despite this, there are always huge queues behind them.

Other Seattle Attractions

Quite unusual for a major American city, a monument to Lenin, installed in one of the provincial areas, looks in Seattle (USA). The small monument is nevertheless the largest monument in the United States to the famous Soviet leader. He appeared here a couple of decades ago, having been brought from Slovakia.

monument to lenin in seattle usa

The city and state of Washington as a whole have a large number of churches, including the United States Salvation Church (Seattle).


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