Cocoa color hair: photo, dyeing features

Chocolate, coffee tone can be safely called one of the most seductive and deep. He appeared suddenly, and if the traditional brunette or blond did not overshadow himself, then, undoubtedly, he stood in one row with them.

hair color cocoa
The ability to combine different colors, the intensity of staining, as well as the techniques of its execution, allow to obtain a similar shade in a warm as well as a cold version. Today, he is increasingly decorating both Hollywood stars and ordinary women. However, in order for the cocoa-colored hair to look stunning, it is necessary to carefully choose a coloring agent, and also to determine whether it will emphasize the beauty of the girl or, on the contrary, ruin the image. This article will help determine the decision.

Color temperature

In various photos with cocoa-colored hair, models, actresses, TV hosts and other famous people can see obvious differences. The hue may have the same name, but the hair of one woman is not at all like the curls of another. This is due to the "temperature" of the color, which is warm and cold. It is she who determines whether a particular shade is suitable for a particular girl or not. Often the color temperature allows you to fundamentally change the image without changing the haircut or hair length.

Warm colors

Using the right shade, you can emphasize the color of the eyes. If they have a light brown, golden brown or brown -green color, then the warm palette is the best complement the image.

cocoa hair color photo

It is important to remember that cocoa-colored hair will not become an adornment for girls with dark, almost black eyes and contrasting snow-white skin. The hue contains bright golden, red and copper notes that create disharmony. As a result, the girl runs the risk of emphasizing not the beauty of her eyes, but small skin imperfections, and the hair itself will look unnatural, more reminiscent of an artificial wig or false curls.

For women whose skin has a pinkish or peach color, as well as swarthy beauties, a warm tone is perfect. However, here the eyes play far from the last role. The result of the image directly depends on the degree of compatibility of their color and skin tone. Caution should be given to owners of gray, blue or light green eyes. Warm tones of cocoa-colored hair will make the look tired, haggard, and will age for several years.

Cold tones

Not only gold and bronze are able to decorate the female image. The cold tones of cocoa look elegant, deep and sophisticated. They combined the seductive overflow of mother-of-pearl and restrained gray notes.

hair color cocoa color

Eyes of blue, black, and blue are perfectly combined with it. They literally hypnotize others. White skin will look noble and aristocratic.

Result Features

Choosing cocoa hair dye and shade is only part of the job, as they can manifest themselves in completely different ways. It all depends on the initial tone of hair. It is he who mainly affects the finished staining result. In order not to regret the time and money spent, it is worth knowing in advance what the image may be.

If the basis for dyeing was light brown or blond hair, then the procedure will be somewhat simpler. As a result, curls acquire dark red or reddish shades of cocoa. This image looks especially impressive.

Dark, black hair is not suitable for dyeing in a similar color. In order for the shade to truly transform them, a clarification procedure of 1.5-2 tones is required.

Dark brown hair can become saturated and cold, resembling rather a dark brown color, without golden and copper glimpses.

Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand that an exact description of the result cannot be given, since much depends on the materials to be used. The composition of the coloring agent may vary somewhat, as a result of which the finished color will also vary.


To independently carry out such a procedure, without special skills, is to spend time, but not get the desired result. Creating a shade of cocoa takes time and experience, as the process is complex. Sometimes the master has to repeat the procedure several times in order to lighten the hair to the desired level or to achieve the desired color.

cocoa hair color photo paint

Professionals use their tricks in work. In order to give the hair a cocoa color, they often use not one, but several different shades at once. Ready-made products do not provide the opportunity to get the desired effect. As a result, the tone does not coincide or there is no depth or naturalness. Therefore, the masters are armed with a palette and literally create color on their own.

Staining can not take place according to strictly verified proportions, it is always worth experimenting, because professionals know exactly what shade can become the highlight of the whole image. A more interesting color can be obtained using special techniques: ombre, balayazh, highlighting.

Paint selection

On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of cocoa hair color paints, but experts still advise you to carefully choose the product, since not every one of them is effective.

The best quality results can be obtained directly in the salon, as professional masters use special paints, as well as oils and masks, which allow not only to get the right color, but also take care of the health of the hair.

Most often, semi-permanent (ammonia-free) paints are used in the cabin. Their advantage is that they have a less aggressive effect on the hair. However, there are also disadvantages: the risk that gray strands will remain unstained, and shorter color fastness.

Some women prefer to use natural dyes: henna, basma in combination with cocoa powder or coffee. Such a method of dyeing can not only change the color of the hair, but also improve their health.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for the result to meet and even exceed expectations, it is necessary to prepare the hair. It is worth putting them in order. For this, experts recommend a few weeks before dyeing to improve the hair, using medical masks, balms. This will give strength, because coloring is a kind of stress for the hair.

hair color cocoa reviews

Attention should be paid to the tips. If they are cut, it is better to trim the excess. So the hairstyle will look neater, and the strands will come to life.

It is important to preserve hair before dyeing: to limit, and it is better to completely exclude drying with a hairdryer, the use of straighteners, tricks, the use of gels, varnish and other styling agents.

Color fastness

A few tips will help to preserve the resulting shade for a long time.

It is better to wash your head a few days before the procedure. Clean hair is stained worse, and also suffer more from the effects of dyes, because they remain without natural fat protection.

The first months, the color is adjusted using compounds with ammonia, then use tinting balm or shampoo.

Once a week you should make a mask to moisturize your hair - they will look vibrant, shiny.

For convenience, you can take a photo before cocoa hair color and after staining. This will make it possible in the future either to dwell on this option or to determine which tone should be removed or added.

cocoa hair color before and after photos

Cocoa color is gaining popularity. It looks impressive, but not defiant, perfectly complements the image. Reviews about cocoa hair color are extremely positive. This shade adorns both young girls and mature women.


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