The richest man in Uzbekistan: biography, rating and interesting facts

The Uzbek oligarchs are insanely rich and insanely secretive. They practically do not spread about their personal lives, and if information about them is found in the media, then it is not the most worthy. Solid capital, influential ties, interesting hobbies are three pillars on which the richest people of Uzbekistan are supported.

Golden five

Who is the richest person in Uzbekistan? Who earns more a year than any average person in his life? Who has so much real estate that a whole village could be settled? For whom is buying a new car comparable to going to the store for bread? Yes, these are all of them, the main rich people - Salimbay Abduvaliev, Batyr Rakhimov, Karimov’s sisters, Iskandar Makhmudov, Alisher Usmanov. It is difficult to determine which of them is the richest man in Uzbekistan, because everyone has sky-high capital. And these are only those information about which is in the public domain.

But the “hunt” for the 2010 oligarchs showed that many rich people simply do not want to pay taxes, and therefore they are trying in every possible way to hide their real income. For example, Dmitry Lim did not wait until he was caught, and migrated to the United States. Lim was noticed not only in tax evasion, but also in the illegal import of building materials into the country.

the richest man in Uzbekistan

The richest people in Uzbekistan (ranking of those who did not leave the country)

“Pay taxes and sleep peacefully” - apparently, Royson managers and directors have never heard of this. Neglect of the country's tax code and fraud in the production of air conditioning systems led these people to imprisonment. They imported ready-made air conditioners from China to Uzbekistan and stuck the Made in Uzbekistan sign in their country. At the same time, the company enjoyed the corresponding benefits. The surname rating of deceivers is unknown, but it definitely includes almost all Royson managers and directors.

The son of the chairman of the collective farm

As a child, Salim Abduvaliev could not even think that he would be one of the most influential and wealthy people in Uzbekistan. A guy from the village, the son of the collective farm chairman devoted a lot of time to sports, which allowed him to become the five-time freestyle wrestling champion of Uzbekistan. Having left sports, the richest man in Uzbekistan (today) began working at the plant, and then completely joined the ranks of truckers. At the age of forty, Salim took part in a partnership with Mikhail Cherniy aluminum business.

the richest people of uzbekistan

Abduvaliev is not only the richest man in Uzbekistan, but also a serious authority. At one time, the Caucasian mafia was expelled from the country by the forces of his people. It was he who first expressed the initiative to break with legal racketeering. The list of his close friends includes: Alexander Karelin, Joseph Kobzon, Leo and Mikhail Cherny, Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov, Renat Akchurin, Vladimir Spivakov.


Batyr Rakhimov received businessman status in 1989. His business was based on the supply of imported cars to Uzbekistan. A significant increase in his capital received in the two thousandth years. In 2001, the richest man in Uzbekistan (one of those) threw all his strength into building up his capital and opened Capitalbank. By 2009, the businessman’s capital exceeded two hundred and five million dollars. But, despite this, according to Standard & Poors, the businessman’s credit rating is marked with a “negative” sign.

richest people of uzbekistan rating

In 2010, Rakhimov owned a chain of restaurants, a football club and a hotel. But this year cannot be called successful for the businessman, because he became a turning point for Rakhimov, since he was arrested. The reason for the arrest is the promotion of criminal activity by Vyacheslav Ivankov. There is information that in his homeland he is called not "the richest man in Uzbekistan", but "an Uzbek thief in the law."

Karimov Sisters: Gulnara

It is not surprising that the daughters of the president of the republic are among the richest people in the republic. Gulnara Karimova is the eldest daughter of the President of Uzbekistan. She owns a number of assets of various mobile and jewelry companies. Rumor has it that in addition to this, she owns some media and entertainment centers. But Gulnara herself refutes this information in every possible way.

who are they rich people of uzbekistan

Many in the country regard her with open rejection and negativity, which is why the people began to call her the “Mafia Princess”. WikiLeaks marks her as an ambitious person who can crush anyone who gets in her way. But she is ready to do this only with the hands of her father. But Karimov does not care much about the opinions of those around him. She enjoys life in Switzerland, is engaged in music, design and successfully stands at the helm of her beloved Zeromax. The general condition of the sisters is estimated at one billion dollars.

Karimov Sisters: Lola

In the list of the richest people in Uzbekistan, Lola Karimova (the youngest daughter of the President of Uzbekistan) was in 2013. According to Bilan magazine, the fortune of Lola and her husband Timur Tiplyaev totals about one hundred, or maybe two hundred million francs. Lola lives with her family in Geneva. She holds the post of ambassador of Uzbekistan to UNESCO and is actively involved in charity work.

Timur Tiplyaev is the owner of a transport company, a covered market and a parking network in Uzbekistan. Spouses deny such a high level of income and claim that it does not exceed seventy million francs. It is worth noting that Lola is the owner of the elite Maybach, which Batyr Rakhimov presented to her as a birthday present. As the saying goes, "money to money." Among all the other achievements, Lola is the head of the gymnastics union.

who is the richest man in uzbekistan

Despite the fact that in many sources general articles are written about the Karimov sisters, in life they have not been communicating since Lola was twelve years old. Lola is married for the second time, she has three children - two girls and a boy. It is believed that after the death of her father, she will be the president of Uzbekistan. The girl is not only full of aspiration, but also has a diplomatic education.

Forbes Billionaire

Iskander Makhmudov was born in Bukhara in a family of teachers. He was educated at Tashkent State University, after graduation he did not join the army, but went to earn money. As the chief engineer of the department of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR, he served as a translator for the group of military specialists of the USSR in Libya for two years, and then spent two years in the construction department, where he worked on military installations of the Iraqi General Staff.

richest man of uzbekistan

Having returned from abroad in 1988, he received an offer from Uzbekintorg to do business. This period is characterized by acquaintance with Mikhail Cherny, with whom Makhmudov will have a common business related to trade. It is believed that the businessman was not clean at hand, and together with Cherny he turned scams with unsecured advice notes.

In the nineties, he moved to Moscow and began to accumulate his capital, which, according to 2013, amounted to almost nine billion dollars.

Order bearer from Uzbekistan

Answering the question “Who are they, the rich people of Uzbekistan?”, One can involuntarily recall Alisher Usmanov. Now he lives in Russia, but comes from the Usmanov of the Uzbek SSR. Before becoming a rich man, he had to go a long and thorny path. In the eighties, he was engaged in the production of plastic bags. And only in the two thousandths does he occupy the post of general director of OOO Gazprominvestholding and buys shares in oil and gas companies. Usmanov's most talked about acquisition was the purchase of Apple's stock.

Forbes estimates the state of the oligarch at eighteen million dollars. He spends part of the money on charity. For example, in 2012 alone, he donated $ 180 million to support sports, culture and the creation of charitable foundations. His efforts did not go unnoticed, he was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 4th class.


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