How to determine your hair color: recommendations, choice of color type and selection of the perfect color

When a woman decides to radically change her life, the first thing she goes to the hairdresser. The master can change the hair length, shape or color. An experienced specialist is able at one glance to determine the ideal shade for each girl, but how to determine the appropriate hair color on your own? To do this, you need to know your color type, color and take into account eye color and the natural shade of hair. Further about everything in more detail.

Natural hair color

Looking at yourself in the mirror, it is impossible to see natural hair, even if they have never been dyed. The fact is that their upper strands are always under the sun and burn out. Moisture and dirt gives dark shades to the hair, so before you determine your hair color, you need to wash and dry your head. After that, you need to select a control strand from the back of the head and look at it in sunlight.

How to determine the right hair color

This is how professional colorists work, determining the natural shade of curls. It is important not to use artificial lighting, as it is able to give the hair various additional shades.

Skin tone

You can determine the appropriate hair color from the photo only on condition that the girl on it will be completely without makeup. This is necessary for the correct analysis of skin tone and tone. There are 6 basic tones:

  • very bright;
  • light coloured;
  • average;
  • olive;
  • dark;
  • dark.

The skin belonging to any of the tones can be cold, warm or neutral, which is a tint. It should also be remembered that Africans may well have a cold underton, and residents of the northern countries can have a warm underton, everything is strictly individual. Before determining your hair color, you need to pay attention to the shade of the veins on the back of the wrist.

How to determine which hair color suits me

The cold undertone is characterized by blue or purple veins. Such skin against the background of a white sheet of paper in sunlight can take a bluish tint, while silver jewelry looks more impressive on girls than gold ones.

Warm skin casts in yellow on a white background. At the same time, the veins are olive or green, and gold takes pride of place in the jewelry box.

Neutral subtones are very rare. The veins are blue-green, and jewelry made of gold and silver look equally good. In sunlight, the skin has a light greenish tint.

Eye color

With age, season or health, the skin can change its shades, but the eyes remain alone for life. To determine the color of hair from a photo with a natural shade of the eyes, you can almost accurately.

Determine hair color from photo

Black eyes are found in women in Africa, Asia or the Mediterranean. Shades of dark chocolate or black will suit them. To give extravagance, you can add strands of red, copper or caramel color to the image.

All shades of brown, copper and red are suitable for brown eyes. You can turn into a blonde with such a shade of eyes only when using paint of warm tones. For owners of a light nut shade, it is better not to use light tones, they will make the look faded.

Green eyes are the least common. Their owners face shades of milk chocolate, red, copper, gold, caramel and wheat. Contrasting black or ashy tones will ruin the look.

In gray-eyed beauties, much depends on the skin tone. If it is warm, then soft shades of wheat and milk chocolate will do. Black color will age, but owners of cold skin will ideally fit ashen, platinum or dark chestnut.

With blue eyes of any shade, the situation is similar. With cold skin tones , you should choose black or ashen hair color, and a warm skin tone emphasizes the beauty of light honey, caramel, wheat or red shades.

Extremely rare lilac eyes are ideally combined with raven hair, ashen or silver.

Color type of appearance

Many girls ask the question: "How to determine which hair color suits me?" In many respects, it depends on the conditional category, which is characterized by the natural features of appearance. Each of the four color types is called a specific time of the year.

How to determine your hair color

The spring girl is often decorated with freckles and quickly blushes in the sun. Her hair and skin are fair, and her eyes are blue or gray. Such beauties can not be dyed in black, chocolate, cognac or chestnut, gentle pastel colors are needed. Shades of caramel, honey, walnut or sandalwood are ideal. If the skin is too light, then ash tones will do, and you will have to abandon the gold ones.

The summer color type is characterized by pale or slightly olive skin, which in the sun becomes cool brown. The hair has shades of light brown, light chestnut or ashen, and the eyes are gray, blue or hazel. At the same time, for light girls, a shade of wheat is suitable, and for dark - Black Tulip paint.

The "autumn" beauties have olive or golden skin , which is covered with an even bronze tan in the sun. Often there are freckles and moles, eyes of different shades of brown or green. Hair can be brown, copper or red tones, rarely light blond. It is better to dye your hair in chestnut, cognac, copper or reddish shades. Cold black and ashy should be avoided.

The “winter” beauty with porcelain white skin and natural black hair can look equally good with any color of hair in cold shades.

Determine the appropriate hair color from the photo

The eyes of these girls are most often blue, gray or dark brown. The skin may be olive and the hair ashen, but very rare. Warm colors for curls are not suitable at all.


Before determining your hair color, you need to know your color. To do this, you should know exactly what colors the girl faces in everyday life. If almost all everyday clothes and cosmetics are pastel colors, then the color is light or muted. Most often it is “spring” or “summer” and very rarely “winter”. Warm shades of the blonde will suit light ladies, “mouse” colors should be muted.

If bright clothes come to face, and the color of the eyes contrasts with the iris, the color is bright. Most often these are the autumn and winter color types. They are better off choosing chestnut or chocolate tones.

When contrasting colors prevail in the wardrobe, the color will be contrasting. For girls with dark skin, in this case, light shades of hair are suitable, and for owners of fair skin - dark curls.


Before choosing a color, it should be remembered that dark tones add visual volume to the hair. Red, platinum or blue-black shades emphasize the imperfections of the skin, but a correctly selected red tone will suit almost everyone.

How to determine if hair color is right

Before determining their hair color, girls with freckles need to decide whether to hide them or emphasize. Red and red colors will distract eyes from pigmentation on the face, and golden or chestnut shades will emphasize it.

Paint selection

There is another recommendation on how to determine if hair color is suitable. To do this, just try it. You should choose a tinted shampoo for all of the listed recommendations and color it with curls. An unsatisfactory result will be washed off after a few days and will not change the appearance, and if the shade is completely arranged, then you can safely fix it on your hair with paint.

Perfect option

If even after that, doubts about the choice of color still torment you, but you really want to change the image, you should choose the ombre painting technique. The hair roots do not change by 5-7 cm and remain a natural shade, and the rest of the length is painted in the color you like with a gradual extension of the color from closer to natural to light to the tips. This effect allows you to get an additional volume of curls, while maintaining a smooth transition.


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