How to sit on a twine for a week at home: exercises

No sport is capable of giving a person such freedom of movement as gymnastics. A good stretch promotes a beautiful body shape, good posture, normalization of the intestines and genitourinary system. That is why today many are interested in how you can sit on the twine in a week without the risk of injury. Of course, 7 days is a very short time, but to take a twine pose for him is quite realistic. Even if the ultimate goal is not achieved and the stretch is slightly increased in a week, it will still save a person from muscle pain after physical exertion and speed up the recovery process. In order not to get injured at the same time, it is very important not to rush and master the gymnastic exercise gradually, especially if the muscles are not completely stretched.

We sit on the twine from scratch in a week

In order to stretch your muscles well in a short time and not get injured, the body needs to be prepared in advance for such loads. You need to perform a set of exercises daily to prepare your legs for widespread breeding. It is very important not to rush and to allocate at least 1 minute for each exercise. Every day this period of time can be increased. All movements should be smooth, be sure to be performed with a flat back and with the right measured breathing.

Benefits for pregnant women

How to learn to sit on the twine in a week, is also interested in many future mothers. The fact is that a good stretch helps to prepare well for childbirth and facilitate their natural process. Experts recommend that pregnant women concentrate on preparatory exercises, which also tone muscles well. You can fully sit on the twine after the appearance of the baby.

Preparatory exercises

In order to quickly sit on the twine (per week), the muscles of the legs should be prepared. Wide stretches will be a good preparation for stretching longitudinal twine. To perform them, you need to stand straight, with a flat back and step forward or back widely. In any case, the front leg should bend at the knee, and the back should remain flat, preferably parallel to the floor. In this position, you need to hold out for at least a minute, periodically swaying.

Is it possible to sit on a twine transverse for a week? It will be much more difficult to do this, since in this position there is no natural movement and it will be much more difficult to prepare the muscles. The best warm-up exercises for such a posture will be tilts, rolls and a butterfly.

Stretching on the floor

For bending, you need to sit on the floor with straight legs and back. Arrange the lower limbs a little, grab your palms with your hands and press the body as hard as possible to the floor. In this position you need to linger. There is a similar exercise for stretching the back of the thigh - “crease”. You need to sit on the floor with your legs joined together and try to press your forehead to your knees.

After completing the exercise, you need to sit down, connecting the feet, but at the same time knees apart. Hands need to press the knees to the floor with first swaying, and then hold the legs in this position. For convenience, you can attract a partner who will press your legs to the floor, revealing them like butterfly wings.

How to sit on the transverse twine in a week? To do this, you must perform the rolls. To do this, you need to stand up, spread your legs as wide as possible and alternately squat on one leg, then on the other. From side to side you need to roll in a straight line formed by spread legs, slowly and clinging to the floor as much as possible. At first, you can help yourself with your hands in order to maintain balance, but in the future, the exercise should be performed only due to the movement of the legs and pelvis.

Warm up

Before starting an intensive stretching of the muscles, it is necessary to warm up well. This rule should not be neglected, even if it is already completely possible to sit on the twine. The fact is that one minimal incorrect movement can be fraught with sprain or tendons even in a prepared body, which is proved by injuries even of professional athletes.

How to sit on the twine in a week? Before each lesson, you must perform the following exercises:

  1. Standing with a flat back, holding the support, perform swings alternately with your feet forward, backward and to the sides. Bending your knees or stooping your back is prohibited.
  2. Put a straight leg on a table, back of a chair or other high support, imitating a dance machine. The supporting leg should also be flat, the angle between them at least 90 0 . Gradually bend to the raised leg, feeling stretched under the knee. Leg change and do the same.
  3. Also standing near the support, put the foot of one leg on the back of the chair, after which gradually bending it, bend your chest to the chair as much as possible. Swinging closer and further from the support, hold out for at least a minute, and then change your leg.

Warm up on the floor

For better warming up of muscles before the main stretching, preparatory exercises should be performed. To do this, sit on the floor with straight legs and back and try to reach your knees with your head. In the future, you need to place your legs and reach for each in turn. When the angle between the legs is already more than 90 0 , you need to lean towards the limbs sideways, raising the opposite hand above your head.

Warm up before stretching

One more effective warm-up exercise will also help you to do the splits in a week. To do this, you need to lie on your back, raise straight legs perpendicular to the floor and spread them apart to the maximum distance. After a short pause, the limbs are brought together, and the exercise is repeated again.

It is very important to regularly complete all tasks. To achieve results in a short time, you need to make every effort and remember about the structural features of the body. One may be able to sit on the splits in a few days even without previous training experience, while the other, with less supple muscles and ligaments, will need more time for this even with daily exercises. The main thing is not to stop there and go to your goal to the end, but how to sit on the twine for a week at home, read on in the article.

Varieties of posture

Speaking of twine, many imply only its transverse execution, but there are a lot of varieties of exercise. For beginners, the first steps in achieving a good stretching of the body will be longitudinal and transverse splits. You can perform them first with your hands, and then hold on thanks to your own balance.

Longitudinal twine

When these steps are conquered, you can try to master the vertical twine and sag. Such poses are performed in professional sports and do not always obey an ordinary person.

Main stretch

If the goal is both longitudinal and transverse twine, then you need to start with the longitudinal one. The fact is that when it is stretched, the same muscles are involved as with ordinary walking, so all movements will be as natural and familiar to the body as possible. The first thing you should do after a workout is to take a runner's pose. To do this, it is necessary to make a wide attack and lean your hands on the floor on both sides of the front leg. The entire body weight should be transferred to the forefoot, which is as tight as possible on the floor. In this case, you should try to keep your back as even as possible, look forward, the knee of the front leg is bent so that the limb is perpendicular to the floor.

It takes at least a minute to stay in that position. You can periodically sway up and down and strain the inner surface of the thigh.

Complicated Option

Since yoga is aimed at stretching the muscles, many exercises in order to sit on the twine in 1 week were borrowed from there. The next exercise will be the pose of a warrior.

Warrior pose

She naturally continues the previous one, so a person will not have to change her body position. Being in a wide lunge, you only need to align the body perpendicular to the floor and raise your arms above your head, taking them as far as possible over your shoulders. In this case, the face should be relaxed, breathing is even, you need to stay at the expense of balance for at least a minute on each leg.

Load reinforcement

To increase the load on the muscles of the front leg will help a lunge with a deflection. For its implementation, it is necessary to remain in the initial position, only resting on the floor with the knee of the hind leg. After this, you need to try to take the body as far back as possible to make a good deflection in the lower back. Hands will help to control body position. It is necessary with palms or fists to emphasize the lower back and throw your head back.

Interestingly, even naturally flexible people can cope with such exercises is difficult, because the muscles here must constantly be in good shape to keep the body in the right plane. Such training helps many people to keep their body in good shape always, and not just quickly sit on the twine in a week.

If at the same time bend the hind leg in the knee, then you can further stretch the muscles of the front surface of the thigh.

Deep lunge

To do this, you need to make a normal lunge so that the front leg is perpendicular to the floor. After that, the depth is determined by the degree of inclination of the chest. Being in a lunge, you need to put your palms on the floor, as if between your legs, spread your elbows to the sides and stretch your chest to the floor. First you can stop at a position where only your elbows will be on the floor and your bent knee will be slightly higher than your back.

Deep lunge

After that, you need to try to lean against the floor with your chin and chest. In this case, the hind leg should be above the floor.

The final stage

After all that has been done, you can try to sit directly on the longitudinal twine. You need to try to keep your knees straight and not fall directly to the floor. In a possible pose for each exercise, you also need to linger for a while.

After mastering such a posture and strengthening muscles, you can think about how to sit in a lateral position on the twine in a week. It is this kind of twine that helps to make the shape of the legs more defined, has a healing effect on the genitourinary system and helps to form the correct posture. Naturally, for stretching the muscles in this position, there are exercises.

Standing deflection

To do this, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and just try to bend your back as much as possible, resting your palms on the lower back. After this, you should spread your legs a little wider, take a deep breath, relax and stretch your arms up, clutching them in the lock above your head. After that, you need to lean forward with the most even, arched back so that the body is parallel to the floor. The face is directed to the floor.

Deep slopes

They are performed by imitating a warm-up on the floor with legs apart. You need to stand with your legs wide apart and bend to the floor as low as possible. In this case, shoulders should fit between the legs. In this position, you should relax your neck and strain your knees so that they are always equal. With a little sway, you can improve your result and in the future try to perform a tilt based on your elbows and feet.

Wide squat

In order to sit on the twine in a week, you need to tighten the inside of the thigh well, which helps the following exercise. Feet should be placed as wide as possible with the socks pointing to the sides. Hands should be held directly above you so that your back is always in a level position. Squat should be as deep as possible and make at least 8 sets. In the future, the load should be gradually increased.

Deep squats

You can stay in the squat for at least half a minute.

Stretch completion

So how to sit on the twine in a week? The exercises described in the article are really effective, but they can not help everyone achieve the result in just 7 days.

After doing all of the above, you need to spread your legs as wide as possible, put your hands on the floor in front of you so that the body is parallel to the floor. The muscles of the legs can be strained to increase the load. Lingering in this position, you need to try to lower each time lower. To fix the results, you can photograph your achievements daily, it is important that the socks are pointing upwards.

Only after perfect mastery of ordinary twine can you start stretching sagging or vertical. As a rule, such exercises are used only in professional sports.


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