Chinese balm and ointment for colds

During the period of an epidemic rise in incidence, the use of drugs that help fight colds becomes relevant. They are used not only in powders or tablets, but also in the form of ointments, creams, balms. Of particular interest in this regard is the Chinese balm for the common cold Feng You Jing. Anyone who is not familiar with this tool is strongly recommended to look at it.

Another well-known medicine of oriental medicine, used in China and well known in Russia, is the Chinese "999" cold ointment for colds.

Chinese ointment 999

Balm Composition

Feng You Jing Balm contains several herbal ingredients. It includes the following substances: essential oils of plants such as basil, camphor laurel, field mint. Another composition is supplemented with menthol.

Healing properties

The uniqueness of Chinese balms and ointments is time-tested. Balm has the following therapeutic effects:

  1. Helps prevent the spread of viral infection in the upper respiratory tract. As a result of use, the temperature decreases and recovery quickly occurs.
  2. One of the mechanisms is the effect on receptor formations that are in reflexogenic zones. As a result, the bronchi expand and the cough is eliminated. Using a local analgesic effect is manifested and the symptoms of inflammation are eliminated. If acupressure is used, then with the use of balm its effect is enhanced.
  3. The composition of the product includes aromatic oils, which reflexively have a strengthening effect on the whole body as a whole.
  4. The use of balm enhances local immunity. Where the virus can penetrate, a reliable barrier forms. The mechanisms of self-regulation of the body improve, the blood supply to individual systems increases.
  5. Balm has a positive effect not only on the body, but also on the air in the room. Aromatic oils contribute to the sanitation of the air in the room.
Chinese balms and ointments


Before using this or that tool, any person will be sure to take an interest in its composition. In this case, the balm consists exclusively of natural ingredients. This allows us to declare its safety with a great deal of confidence.

However, before using the Chinese 999 ointment, the instructions for use must be read. This is due to the fact that there are certain limitations to its use. It is not recommended to use Chinese ointment for colds in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • simultaneous treatment of certain injuries due to their incompatibility;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • persons with an increased reaction of the onset and development of allergic reactions;
  • children under three years old.

These restrictions apply to balm. Apply Chinese ointments and balms with great care, observing certain rules. Do not apply them to open wounds or other possible skin lesions. When applying, avoid contact with eyes. If this still happened, they should be washed thoroughly with water. If after applying the Chinese balm redness, burning, rashes appear, then the use is immediately stopped.

Use similar means by rubbing into the skin. They are rubbed until a slight burning sensation appears. The place of application of the medicine depends on which symptom needs to be eliminated.

ointment 999 Chinese instructions for use


With a cold, the following points serve as a place to rub the balm:

  • carry out massage movements in the nose, temples;
  • rub balm under the lower lip;
  • the product is applied to the bridge of the nose, the area between the eyebrows;
  • points on the side of the spine;
  • the area between the clavicles;
  • points at the base of the skull.

If the cough torments, then the rubbing place is the chest, back, calf muscles.

After applying the Chinese balm for colds, it is imperative to wrap yourself up using a warm blanket.

A feature of these ointments and balms is that the effect on yourself can be felt after a few days from the start of their use. If someone doubts this, you need to read the reviews of those people who have experienced these remedies on themselves.

cold balm

Release form

You can buy such a balm for colds in almost any pharmacy. He is released without a doctor’s prescription. This tool combines efficiency and affordable price.

Balm is available in China. It is packaged in 3-5 ml vials. Also attached to it are instructions for use.

Keep funds in a place inaccessible to children. Since the balm contains essential oils, they can volatilize. That is why the bottle must always be kept tightly closed. Such a tool can be used to treat children older than 3 years, but only after consulting a doctor. Self-treatment is unacceptable.


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