Means for eyebrow growth: recommendations and reviews

Eyebrows are one of the most expressive parts of the human face, so proper care for them is extremely important. Frequent use of harsh cosmetics, plucking and hair removal can greatly spoil even the most chic data by nature. For this reason, many women today are puzzled by the search and purchase of an effective drug that can significantly improve the condition of the eyebrows.

Causes of Poor Eyebrow Growth

The choice of a particular tool for eyebrow growth and its direct application should begin with the identification of causes that block or impede hair growth in this area. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Genetic predisposition. Rare and faded eyebrows from birth are far from uncommon.
  • The use of decorative cosmetics and chemical means of coloring, discoloration. The substances contained in them have an extremely negative effect on the structure of the hairs.
  • Permanent hair removal from the same part of the eyebrow. As a result of such systematic extermination, they may become weak or stop growing altogether.
  • A lack of nutrients in the body, as a result of which it ceases to fully perform its basic functions.
  • The effect of stress and overwork, age-related changes and hormonal disorders. Such conditions of the body also slow down hair growth.
  • The presence of systemic diseases in the body. In this case, the first thing you need to do is address them.

On the existing variety of ways to solve the problem

Women, dissatisfied with the appearance of their eyebrows, sooner or later begin to look for a way to help restore their former beauty and naturalness. The modern market of the cosmetic industry offers a variety of miracle cures: gels, emulsions, conditioners, serums and much more. All of them vary significantly in composition and cost. Such eyebrow growth products can either be based on the use of natural ingredients or contain synthetic active ingredients.

Also for these purposes, you can take advantage of the centuries-old heritage of their ancestors. Folk recipes that activate the growth of eyebrows, based on oils and other natural products, passed down from generation to generation, during the time of existence have managed to establish themselves reliably. Do not forget that the use of any product should be accompanied by proper and regular care.

Soft professional cosmetics

Such preparations consist mainly of natural natural oils and extracts of plants or fruits, with the addition of a complex of vitamins and minerals. They help to nourish, moisturize, strengthen, restore weak and damaged hairs, and can become a solution to small problems or a great addition when using cosmetics with growth-promoting ingredients. Among the options on the market, you can choose, for example, Xbrow eyebrow growth agent from Almea, Talika Eyebrow gel, Adonia BrowRevive serum.

Nursing products are available in the form of oils, balms, lotions. Modern preparations are equipped with special brushes, making application very convenient anywhere and anytime. Very often, manufacturers can position them along with powerful growth-promoting drugs, although the results in this case will be more modest and prompt. Therefore, it is very important before buying to carefully study the entire range, get acquainted with the composition of each proposed product.

Cosmetic gels, serums, emulsions stimulating eyebrow growth

Such funds for the rapid growth of eyebrows should be characterized by the presence in their composition of at least one of the following active substances:

  • Keratin - the most important protein, one of the main building materials of the hair. Among the preparations containing this component are Alloton Cilange Strengthening Gel, FEG Growth Serum, and Helso Cosmetic Keratin.
  • Amino acids: taurine, arginine, glycine, lysine. They are related to the hair protein material. Mention should be made here of the growth stimulant from Alerana.
  • Glucosamine is a natural component, a complex sugar, the components of which during decomposition go to the formation of connective tissue. An example is the tool for the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows Evolash.

Unlike light products that are fully developed on the basis of natural extracts, such drugs should be used with greater caution, strictly observing the regimen and dosage set by the manufacturer. Here, usually there is a course of treatment.

Hormonal Eyebrow Growth Activators

Such drugs can be called the most advanced to date. These products contain special substances that are synthetic analogues of hormones - prostaglandins or natural, with hormonal activity - biopeptides. The market is represented by the following drugs in this category:

  • Based on biopeptides: Advanced Lash from Advanced Line, Hyper Stretch from Oriflame.
  • Prostaglandin Based: Hairvlus fluid from Facevolution.

Manufacturers promise a high-quality and quick result from their use. If preparations with peptides are relatively safe, then in the case of prostaglandins, it is worth considering the possibility of side effects, including redness, discomfort and itching in the eyes, temporary visual impairment. Hormones for eyebrow growth are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Although they can be purchased at any cosmetic store, use is preferably carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Folk recipes for eyebrow growth

Over its centuries-old history, for this purpose, traditional medicine has developed an impressive arsenal of methods. She proposes to use as lotions, accelerating the growth of eyebrows, infusions of dried herbs or flowers, such as chamomile, mint, calendula, cornflowers or marigolds. They, washed and dried, must be poured with boiling water or hot milk and left to brew overnight. In the morning you can start a course of procedures. The cotton swabs moistened in the infusion obtained should be applied twice a day to the eyebrows, kept for 20-30 minutes.

To strengthen and stimulate hair growth, use freshly squeezed carrot juice with the addition of liquid vitamin A. A napkin or tampon with the mixture is applied to the destination for 15 minutes. Also for this purpose, you can try to apply applications from dried figs. Another well-known folk remedy for eyebrow growth is an infusion of garlic with red pepper. Such a burning composition effectively activates the work of sleeping hair follicles.

The benefits of oils for eyebrow growth

The use of oils to accelerate eyebrow growth is worth considering separately. Sunflower, olive, peach, almond, castor, camphor or burdock - all of them have the ability to restore, nourish and stimulate active growth. There are various uses for oils:

  • As a means of massage. To do this, a small amount of oil is applied to the hands, and movements are made in the direction from the center of the face to the periphery and vice versa.
  • As applications or lotions. Cotton swabs are dipped in heated oil, applied to the eyebrows and covered with cellophane for 15-20 minutes.
  • In the form of a balm. For example, a mixture of castor oil with camphor in equal proportions can be applied in the evening on eyebrows and kept until morning.

Of course, not a single folk recipe will give as fast a result as any modern effective tool for eyebrow growth from the manufacturer. To see the first positive changes, you need to use them regularly for several months.

General recommendations for proper eyebrow care

Even the best tools for eyebrow growth require the simultaneous implementation of all the rules of care, which can also help them look strong and healthy:

  • Daily combing with a special brush and massage. Performing these straightforward procedures a couple of times a day will help accelerate the growth of eyebrows.
  • The exclusion of the use of chemicals for staining. They always contribute to the destruction of the hair structure.
  • Minimal use of cosmetics and timely cleansing of it. The use of pencils, shadows, mascara for eyebrows is also undesirable during the period of their healing, since the components contained in them can have an adverse effect on the hair follicle and the hair itself.
  • Compliance with a special diet and the use of vitamins. Poor hair growth can often be caused by a lack of vitamins or nutrients in the body.
  • Maximum rejection of plucking and hair removal procedures that damage the hair follicles slow down growth.


The most controversial of all the categories presented are hormonal drugs that have a list of contraindications and side effects. Should I buy such a tool for eyebrow growth? Customer reviews suggest that a positive result from their use is still observed. However, in addition to the promised itching and redness of the eyes, the use of drugs based on prostaglandins provokes the appearance of additional unwanted facial hair.

The use of natural caring preparations from the manufacturer also gives some effect, quite comparable in quality with the use of oils purchased in a pharmacy. However, their obvious advantage can be considered greater ease of application. This conclusion can be drawn based on the opinions of people who have already tried on themselves this or that professional cosmetic product for eyebrow growth. Consumer reviews of drugs with growth-promoting ingredients are unanimous that a similar result can be achieved using lower-cost or alternative drugs.

Modern eyebrow growth products are effective and diverse. Today, everyone can find a suitable option without any problems. However, you should not rely solely on the miraculous effect of expensive drugs. Treatment with their help can and should be accompanied by regular care with the use of alternative recipes.

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