On the beds and in the greenhouse, tomatoes twist leaves, what should I do?

Why do tomatoes twist leaves? What to do in this case? These are the questions that concern inexperienced growers. There are several reasons for this behavior of plants, with a timely response, there will be no negative consequences for the crop. Professional gardeners identify five main areas of tomato rescue.

leaves are twisted in tomatoes

Why are the leaves curled? Possible reasons

Firstly, vegetable growers very often over-saturate the soil with various organic, mineral fertilizers and special herbal infusions to increase the future crop. Such a process is called "fatliquoring of the soil." Due to the saturation of the soil with some elements, it begins to lack in others: zinc, potassium and phosphorus. To balance the balance, you can use two proven methods:

  • feed the soil with fertilizer "Mortar" - take 2 tbsp. l 10-12 liters of pure water;
  • add potassium monophosphate, the dosage of this drug is 1 tsp. 10-11 liters of water.

You also need to monitor the quality and quantity of introduced manure - ammonia can burn not only the plant, but also young fruits.

Secondly, why the leaves of tomatoes are curled, the observation of the irrigation regime will prompt. Excessive waterlogging of the soil can lead to the development of a weak and diseased root system. Excessive pinching and pinching can also cause such changes when the leaves curl in the tomatoes. What to do in such cases? Of course, limit watering or completely stop it for several days or a week.

why do tomato leaves curl

Thirdly, the cause may be a high temperature exceeding the permissible level for tomatoes +35 ° C. Moreover, there is no difference where the planted plant is: in a greenhouse or in an ordinary garden bed. To confirm this version, you should watch the tomatoes throughout the day. If the leaves align in the evening, then the problem is in the heat. For a greenhouse, regular airing with a draft or the use of lutrasil can be recommended. Damaged plants must be treated with urea, the solution should be prepared in such proportions - 1.5 tbsp. l on a small bucket of water (10 l). And after two days again, potassium permanganate in a weak, soft solution.

What to do if everything is done right: watering and fertilizing - and do the tomatoes curl leaves? What to do, tell bacteriologists. A fourth cause may be infections transmitted to the plant along with the seeds. It is almost impossible to cure such diseases, but in order to get even a meager harvest, you need to treat the beds with Avixil. Naturally, no seeds can be collected from infected plants.

why leaves are curled

The fifth reason may be various pests. If the plant is infected with aphids, the leaves curl in the tomatoes. What to do in such cases? Any convenient insect repellent needs to be treated with the entire plant. Traditionally, local gardeners use drugs such as Fufanon, Biotlin, Alatar and Tanrek.

If none of the methods have helped, it is worth processing the tomato leaves with the Topaz preparation, and after one week with the Ordan preparation. This method can save not only the plant, but also significantly increase the future yield.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11779/

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