Use the suffix -echk-. Rule, Features, Examples

Russian is very rich and imaginative. There are many ways to give words a hue. One of them is word-building. That is, by adding certain morphemes, the meaning of the word can sparkle with new colors. Parts of a word can give it a diminutive color, introduce a derogatory, dismissive and familiar tone, indicate abstraction or abstractness, reflect a subjective assessment, show belonging to a particular group, increase intensity and much more.


What is a suffix?

The suffix is ​​the part of the word (morpheme) that is in the word after the root. The suffix can be part of different parts of speech.

So, typical for nouns are suffixes: -echk-, -ichk-, -ochk-, -ashk-, -ishk-, -ek-, -ik-, -ok-, -chik,, -enk-, - onk-, -in-, -isch-, -k-, -enk-, -inc-, -onk-, -etz-, -its- and others. Examples of use in words: a tablet, a button, a vase, a face, bunny, potty, elephant, dozen, carrier, little kitten, daughter, domina, home, bead, pine, cobweb, vest, white guard, nonsense , etc.

The adjective name suffixes include: -el-, -an-, -ast-, -ev-, -ov-, -enn-, -iv-, -in-, -ist-, -chiv-, -enk-, -onk-, -liv-, etc. Let us cite a number of examples: tanned, leather, bespectacled, beige, hedgehog, morning, beautiful, swan, golden, resourceful, blue, deep, happy , etc.

suffix rule rule

The verbs are characterized by such suffixes as -a-, -, -i-, -ova-, -eva, -iva-, -l-, -i-, -ite-, -nu-, -stvova- etc. For example: run, get dark, saw, paint, dance, walk, like, write, look, gasp, be silent, etc.

The following suffixes are typical of adverbs: -a-, -o-, -, -i-, -uchi-, -do-, -to-, -ibo, -nibud- and others. Here are a few examples: again, good , pleading, friendly, sneaking, once, somewhere, someone, someday , etc.

The participles use the suffixes -ash-, -ush-, -vsh-, -en-, -nn-, etc. You can give the following examples: screaming, writing, stitching, offended, read , etc.

The participles are characterized by suffixes -a-, -I-, -B-, etc. For example: knocking, drawing, writing , etc.

So, from the above examples it can be seen that the suffix serves to form new words. Let us consider in more detail the methods of word formation, where such a morpheme as a suffix takes part.

Suffix method

In this method, it is understood that a suffix must be added to the base. Consider examples with the suffixes -ichk-, -echk- and others. Water is vodka, fox is fox, book is small book (in this example, the letters β€œg” and β€œz” alternate in the root), the word is a word, write is a writer, dream is a dreamer, white is white, wood is wooden, proud - pride, ruthless - ruthlessly, warn - warning , etc.

Attachment suffix method

To apply this method, both the prefix and the suffix are required to be attached to the base. Here are a few examples: avoid - inevitable, road - roadside (in this example, we also observe the alternation of the letters "g" and "g" in the root), a blanket is a duvet cover, a blind is blind, work is unemployed, a city is suburban, a candle is a candlestick etc.

suffix ichk yechk

Suffix -check-. The rule

Many morphemes take part in word formation. Let us dwell on the suffix -check- and consider the features of its use. This morpheme gives a word a diminutive value (compare, a spoon is a spoon, a watering can is a watering can, a nut is a nut, a seed is a seed , etc.). This suffix is ​​applied in a number of cases.

Namely, for the formation of a feminine and middle noun, provided that in the plural and genitive there is a suffix -ek-, where the letter "e" is fluent. Let's take an example. The word nanny in the genitive plural is in the form of nannies (suffix -ek-, the sound "e" is fluent). Accordingly, you can form a word with the suffix -echk- - nanny . Or another example: the word book . We put in the form of the genitive plural, we get: books (there is also a suffix -ek-, the sound "e" is fluent). Therefore, it is possible to form a booklet .

words with suffix yech

Also the suffix -chk- is used to create diminutive forms of names. For example, Vanya - Vanechka, Fedya - Fedechka, Kolya - Kolochka, Sonya - Sonechka, Lilya - Lilechka, Olya - Olechka, Tanya - Tanechka, Raya - Rayechka , etc.

In addition to the above, the suffix -echk- is placed in the names of nouns of the middle gender, formed on behalf of a noun ending in -me. As examples, the following can be cited: crown - crown, time - crown, name - crown, etc.

Suffix -check- and others. Mapping

Compare the use of similar morphemes. First, let's dwell on the suffixes -ichk-, -echk-. The use of -check- has been described in detail above. As for the suffix -ichk-, it is used in feminine nouns, formed from nouns that include the suffix -its-. For example, a tit - a titmouse, scissors - scissors, a bulb - a bulb, a ladder - a ladder, etc.

Next, consider the suffixes -point-, -echk-. After solid paired consonants, the letter β€œo” is put. The letter "e" should be written in other cases. For example, an asterisk, a bedside table, a tube, a chain, a spatula, a timepiece, a nanny , etc.


Word examples

Words that have a diminutive meaning are very common, especially in spoken language. Below we give a list of the most common words where the suffix -echk- is present.

Booklet, sunflower seed, spoon, watering can, nameplate, plaque, bridle, nanny, daughter, uncle, auntie, darling, wordlet, little time, window, saucer, strainer, little paper, little girl, little insect, little town, little thing, little thing, little thing

Now you know all the intricacies of using the suffix -echk-.


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