Professional personality type: description, methods of determination

Young people are constantly told: look for a profession to your liking. And any mature person will confirm these words - only employment, for which there is an internal desire, allows you to get job satisfaction, motivates you to new heights and professional self-development. But how to find her? The easiest and most affordable way is to determine the professional type of personality. To do this, pass one of the simple tests available today in printed guides, the Internet, and mobile applications. They can be used not only by a young man, but also by a specialist, for example, a school psychologist.

Personality and profession

Before we move on to professionally-oriented types of personality, we will consider what a profession is exactly in psychological terms. Here the authoritative judgments of the domestic scientist Gurevich K. M. He argued that the profession is an objective and regulated organization of the personality. The requirements that it makes for a person impose a seal on his entire lifestyle.

For one professional type, common goals and objectives, working conditions, life conditions, career paths and self-realization are characteristic. On this basis, similar manners of behavior and communication are developed, as well as interests and attitudes, values ​​and traditions. What does this lead to in the end? People of similar professions form similar psychological traits and characteristics. The profession also influences the development of certain traits of memory, attention, characteristics of thinking, and so on.

professional personality type

Important research by scientists

Professional personality types have been the subject of research by many notable scientists. These include the following:

  • K. M. Gurevich.
  • M. Ya. Basov.
  • A.F. Lazursky.
  • J. Holland.
  • E. Spranger.
  • Le Senn.
  • A. Szondi.
  • E. Roe.
  • D. Guildford.
  • A. A. Bodalev.
  • E. S. Chugunov.

We will consider some studies and classifications in detail.

choice of profession

Dutch test

The most common definition of a professional personality type is Holland (J. Holland), an American psychologist. The test helps to identify personal characteristics that will have a direct impact on further work, interaction with the team.

Professional personality types according to J. Holland are six varieties:

  1. Realistic This is a bright energetic personality. It is distinguished by aggressive behavior, lack of sociability in the team. Strives to work on specific material objects. It is distinguished by outstanding mathematical abilities and motor dexterity. People in this category are wonderful engineers, builders, mechanics, agronomists.
  2. Research. This personality is characterized by a fundamental cognitive spirit. This is a curious, creative, original, independent person with an analytical mindset. Theoretical values ​​will dominate in his mind. It seeks to solve problems requiring developed abstract thinking, intellectual efforts. J. Holland recommends that you study biology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and other exact sciences.
  3. Social. The aspirations of the person are mainly directed to the external environment. She likes emotional and sensual activity more. Active social contacts are necessary for such a person. He does not hide his desire to teach and educate. The personality is characterized by developed verbal abilities. The desired field of activity for such people is medicine, education, social work.
  4. Conventional. And for this type of personality is characterized by a clear desire for a clearly structured activity. A man is conservative, practical, likes specifics. It features advanced mathematical abilities. The Netherlands recommends that people of this type pay attention to the sphere of finance and accounting.
  5. Artistic. This person is most striving for self-expression. Her emotions are clearly manifested, her imagination and intuition are developed. This person is independent and original in his decisions. The opinion of society never comes first. He has developed motor and verbal abilities "excellently". Naturally, such an activity directly shows such a person - music, cinema, theater, writing field and so on.
  6. Enterprising. First of all, this personality is characterized by proactive behavior. She is only interested in those goals for the achievement of which she can show her enthusiasm, impulsiveness, energy. This person is most striving for dominance and power, to achieve heights. An entrepreneurial person tries himself in business. She is also recommended for social and political activities, management (senior positions), jurisprudence.
determination of the professional type of personality of the Dutch

That's all six of Holland's professional personality types. The scientist in his classification paid great attention to the environment of the tested person at the future place of work. He believed that the surrounding group is a fundamental factor for a successful career. As you can see, the questionnaire allows you to determine the professional type of personality based on many factors. This is character, intellectual development, temperament, interests, as well as the degree of their expression.

Spranger Classification

Their professional personality types were proposed by the German philosopher and psychologist E. Spranger. The scientist also divided all workers into six categories:

  1. Theoretical man. Persons gravitating towards theory, not practice. They like to analyze problems, seek answers to questions.
  2. The man is economic. For the individual in the main place - the usefulness and practicality of work.
  3. Aesthetic man. It does not represent everyday work without art, contemplation of the beautiful.
  4. Social man. The main object of his attention is the people around him. Likes to help, advise, train.
  5. Political man. He sees the meaning of his life in a constant struggle, the path to uncontested heights, gaining power.
  6. The person is religious. Finds himself in the spiritual life.
definition of professional personality type

Szondi classification

We continue to consider scientific views on the professional type of personality. The position of the Italian psychologist A. Szondi is interesting here. In developing his classification, the scientist relied on the ideas of Sigmund Freud. When choosing a profession, he considered the fundamental subconscious impulses of personality.

From this point of view, eight types of personality can be distinguished:

  1. Homosexual.
  2. Sadistic.
  3. Hysterical.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Depressive.
  6. Manic.
  7. Catatonic.
  8. Paranoid.

Each type has its own characteristic, as well as the professions recommended for it. For example, sadistic personalities are cruel, imperious, aggressive people, who also have impressive physical strength. The work of a miner, trainer, veterinarian, and surgeon is recommended for them.

Such a definition of a professional personality type is unpopular today. After all, here the future work is considered a platform for demonstrating its far from the best subconscious characteristics.

professional personality test dutch

Le Senne classification

What is the difference here from the test for the professional personality type of Holland? Separation is based on the biological predetermined qualities of any individual. We can say that the professional types of Le Senne are held on gradation in temperament.

There are eight categories:

  • phlegmatic
  • choleric;
  • sanguine and so on.

Lazursky classification

Groups according to A.F. Lazursky are based on the division by practicality, the material outcome of a particular activity. The scientist distinguishes the following professional types:

  • Impractical idealists and theorists.
  • Realistic practitioners.
  • Mixed types: artistic and practical, scientific and practical and so on.
Dutch professional personality test

Classification E. Ro

One of the main "competitors" of the Dutch test for determining the professional type of personality is the classification proposed by the American psychologist Anne Roh. It should be noted that in her studies she considers the profession not as education, but as an activity to which a person has devoted most of his life.

According to E. Ro we can distinguish eight groups:

  1. Service. Social workers working in the field of everyday life.
  2. Business contacts. Businessmen, corporate agents.
  3. The organizers. Directors, top managers.
  4. Working outdoors. These are foresters, fishermen working in agriculture.
  5. Technical professions. Mechanics, engineers, builders.
  6. Scientific professions.
  7. Cultural workers.
  8. The artists.

Each group is characterized by features of character traits, psychological attitudes, a manifestation of interest in communication, and interaction in society.

Holland's professional personality type

Research D. Guildford

Familiarity with the studies of the American psychologist Joan Guildford is very useful for professional self-determination. She found prominent representatives of several professions that built a brilliant career. A test of 653 questions compiled by D. Guildford for each respondent was aimed at determining what factors allowed these people to reach dizzying heights.

The psychologist found that each profession has its own "secret of success." For example, journalists could not imagine their life without society, appreciated aesthetic trends. Entrepreneurship, exact sciences caused antipathy in them. These are emotionally unstable, even irritable people. They do not like to plan their lives clearly, but prefer unexpected decisions.

professionally oriented personality types

Now you are familiar with the most famous classifications of professional personality types. The most popular of them is based on the test of J. Holland.


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