Pools for babies in Yekaterinburg: an overview, training features, the benefits of classes and reviews

Breast swimming is an interesting and useful activity. It brings not only a lot of positive emotions, but also helps to strengthen the baby's immunity and restore health after childbirth in the mother. But, before heading to conquer the water element, it is important to correctly choose the right institution. Usually, groups where swimming with kids is practiced are called "Mother and Child." Parents and children from two months to three years old take there. After this age, the child, having learned to stay on the water in the caring hands of a loved one, can already attend classes alone. In this case, he will be under the supervision of an instructor.

Now in almost any city you can find a pool for babies. Yekaterinburg is no exception, but among the proposed complexes it is important to choose the most optimal, focusing on your own needs, desires, remoteness from home and financial capabilities.

Pools for babies in Yekaterinburg

How is training

The basic technique used to teach swimming is based on the natural breath-holding reflex. By the year she gradually fades away, so it is important to start classes on time. Doctors unanimously point out the benefits of visiting the pool with mom and baby. However, it is important to examine the child and get help. There are contraindications for swimming, which can only be identified by a specialist.

Breast swimming

Mom’s Club

In the medical and health center "Mother's Club" all the conditions for the development of swimming at the most tender age are created. Both mom and dad can attend classes. Children are allowed into the water from two months on the basis of a certificate from a pediatrician.

For children, everything necessary is provided so that they do not act up, but spend time with pleasure in water. Starting from the age of six months, the programs of motor development are carried out for them, carried out under the cheerful musical accompaniment. As soon as the baby is one year old, exercises with an instructor in the fitness room are added to swimming. Kids especially appreciated the climbing wall.

Reviews about the institution

The pool for newborns is created using unique technology. Water for him goes through a seven-step treatment. At the same time, there is additional disinfection using UFO technology. As a result, the chlorine content is minimized. The temperature is always maintained in the region of 30 degrees, which is comfortable for the crumbs.

All classes are held with experienced instructors who know how to teach children to swim at the most tender age. At the same time, from the age of three, a child can already independently visit the pool and study under the exclusive programs: "Pirate", "Pool + Fitness", "Dancing on the Water".

According to visitors' reviews, the staff of the institution is friendly to the youngest visitors and their parents. For the convenience of customers there is everything you need. Changing rooms are spacious, comfortable lockers are provided, there are many changing tables, there are also hairdryers. Parents like that they don’t have to drag various means of entertainment from home. In the center you can see the playpen with toys, swimming accessories, balls.

Classes are held in small groups. The maximum number is five parents and five children. Individual swimmers are organized for those who wish. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting only the cost. The average price tag is in the range of 5000 rubles per month subscription.

Yekaterinburg "Mother's Club"

Family Center "Zero Plus"

Swimming for babies in Yekaterinburg offers the center "Zero Plus". The institution employs only professional instructors who can find an approach to the most capricious kid and strict parent. During classes, mothers and fathers are not left alone in the water with their children and fears. The coach is always there and provides comprehensive support. Those who wish to retire can order individual training sessions or enroll in a mini-group, where there will be only two mothers and two babies. Water, according to most visitors, is very warm. The temperature is maintained automatically and is at 33 degrees.

Reviews about the center

Center "Zero Plus" - a pool for babies in Yekaterinburg, the feedback was only positive. In addition to the water bowl, there is a sauna, where it is useful to bring children from the age of five months. Doctors say that changing the temperature regime will only benefit. Visitors noted the presence of spacious dressing rooms with many changing tables, hair dryers and comfortable lockers. For many, it turned out to be important that in the cold season, in order not to go out onto the street steamed, you can go to the game room. Here, kids can not only dry out, but also have fun. Parents are offered coffee or tea.

Children's pool "Crystal"

Those who are looking for a baby pool in Yekaterinburg can consider this option. Children from three months are accepted for training. Classes are held both individually and in small groups. Parents note in their reviews knowledgeable instructors who cheer on doubting mothers and capricious babies. In the classroom, training takes place in a playful way. The trainer shows various exercises aimed at the formation and consolidation of the skills of "infant" diving and swimming. As a result, the baby begins to confidently dive, stay on the water and even swim some distance. To attract attention in the water are constantly safe rubber toys. All the necessary equipment is also present, so there is no need to purchase it additionally.

The center receives mostly positive reviews. The water is clean, does not smell bleach. Changing rooms, showers are cleaned carefully. For convenience, changing tables are provided not only in the locker rooms, but also in the lobby. The prices are reasonable, but some consider them to be overpriced. For one half-hour lesson, you need to give 300 rubles.

Crystal Pool in Yekaterinburg

Swimming pool at 11 children's hospital

Breast swimming in Yekaterinburg is widespread due to the presence of many centers. One of the most popular places can rightly be called a swimming pool, which is located in the "Center for a healthy family." The institution is specialized, therefore families come here not only from the city, but also from the district. It is worth noting that kids from two months old are accepted for training and are allowed to study not only moms, but also dads. In the water bowl are constantly qualified trainers who regularly undergo training and improve their skills.

Infant swimming courses in Yekaterinburg are gaining more and more popularity, thanks to the propaganda work of the center’s staff. In the institution itself, a major overhaul was recently carried out and, as visitors note, it has become even more comfortable here. Light and spacious changing rooms appeared, updated changing tables, powerful hair dryers are offered for drying hair. For kids there is everything you need: toys, swimming equipment, playpens. Everything is fresh, new and of good quality.

According to visitors, the center has no shortcomings. Cost varies. If you take a subscription, then one lesson, which lasts forty minutes, will cost 450 rubles.

The pool for babies in Yekaterinburg "Baby"

The peculiarity of this pool is the presence of separate groups "Mom and baby", as well as "Dad and baby." The instructor is constantly in the water and shows the kids the game exercises that they perform with the help of their parents. Then the children get so used to certain movements that they do everything on their own. All classes are aimed at mastering the skills that are necessary for teaching the basics of diving and keeping on water.

What do visitors say?

As visitors note, classes are always fun, the coach easily finds an approach to any child and his mom or dad. Bright toys and sports equipment give the workouts fun.

Many appreciated the presence of a game zone where you can pass the time while waiting for the start of a workout or dry out after classes. The cost is standard. For thirty minutes lesson you need to pay 400 rubles.

Kroha - children's pool in Yekaterinburg

Pool "Antares"

Pools for babies in Yekaterinburg are striking in variety. Specialists have developed nine unique programs at Antares. They are used to teach swimming both the smallest and already grown children. Each training is based on a special program that takes into account the possibilities of the age category and mood of the newborns. The coach is ready to entice the child with toys, show him several game movements that are aimed at training in holding the breath, diving and keeping on water.

Visitors appreciate the center for the presence of a salt mine, a visit to which is a mandatory procedure before the swim. As the reviews of doctors and parents show, such sessions significantly improve health and are often shown to ill children. The walls in the room are covered with thick layers of pink Himalayan salt, which are beautifully highlighted.

Customers respond well to the atmosphere of the center. Changing tables are placed everywhere, there are playpens with toys. There is a cafe on site that offers delicious baby food. A games room is provided for relaxation.

A distinctive feature is the presence of a locker room for men. Therefore, dads are frequent guests of the pool and enjoy splashing in the water with their kids. It is also worth noting that all swimming equipment and toys are updated on a regular basis, so the kids do not get bored.

Pool "Antares". Ekaterinburg

Home swimming

Breast swimming in Yekaterinburg at home is suitable for those who, for certain reasons, cannot visit a public place. The specialists of the Aquaterra pool go to the client’s house and conduct training sessions with the kids in the bathroom. At the same time, parents will learn a lot of useful information about the development of the baby, master the technique of support and immersion of the child in water.

Such classes are recommended to start at 3-4 weeks of life. By this time, the baby will get stronger, gain weight and the umbilical wound will completely heal. The first lessons at home are more comfortable for mom and baby. The child is in a familiar environment, therefore, is completely protected from psychological trauma and the risk of catching an infection.

Infant swimming at home

Training with a trainer gives a lot of advantages. The specialist will tell you about all the intricacies of infants swimming, training takes place on certain techniques and techniques. Also, a specialist will recommend a comfortable water temperature. To begin, it is necessary to swim in the bath, where the water is warmed up to at least 37 degrees. But every day it is lowered by half a degree. After such classes, you can start attending collective training sessions, which take place in sports and fitness centers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11788/

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