Victory Square, Kaliningrad - historical place and traffic intersection

Kaliningrad is the westernmost city in the country. Until 1946 it was called Königsberg. The population here is more than 400 thousand, and the agglomeration totals more than 750 thousand people. The city is considered the sixth in the list of migration “attractiveness” of Russia.

Kaliningrad is famous for its unique architecture, memorable places, museums, and until 2010 it had the status of a “historical city”.

The historic place of the city - Victory Square

On this square, in the center of the city, for the long history of the village there have been many historically significant events. Today, Victory Square in Kaliningrad is an administrative and cultural center with the best transport interchange in the whole city.

Now the city administration building, a trade and office center, a technical university, a temple, a hotel and a hotel are located on the square.

Kaliningrad Victory Square

Historical reference

Initially, the area was called Hansa-Platz. In the 20s of the last century, there was a fair on the modern Victory Square of Kaliningrad, until 1923 a sales office was built here. When the Germans came to the city, the square was renamed Adolf-Hitler-Platz, but they did not manage to erect a monument to the military commander. After the liberation, the square got its current name.

For 5 years, since 1953, a monument to Stalin “flaunted” on the square. After its dismantling, a monument to Lenin was erected in the same place. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was removed and transferred to Haberberg.

In 2006, the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which is the third largest in the whole country, was completed.

To the 750th anniversary of the square, great changes have taken place, fountains have been erected, the Triumphal stele has been erected. The total size of the victory area of ​​Kaliningrad is 300 by 150 meters, and there are many interesting and interesting places in the district.

apartments on Victory Square Kaliningrad

City Administration

Naturally, the biggest attraction is the city administration building. The building was erected in 1923 according to the design of Hanns Hopp. This building is in the style of pragmatics, but after the hostilities during the Second World War, the building lost its original appearance. Despite this, in 2007 the building was given the status of “object of cultural heritage of regional significance”.

The cathedral

At Kaliningrad, Victory Square, 2 is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It is believed that the history of the cathedral began in 1995, on April 30, when a city procession was held in Kaliningrad. It was on this day that the foundation stone was consecrated and a 7-meter cross made of wood was installed. Now there is a temple on this place. Until 1985, there was not a single Orthodox church in the city. In 1996, a capsule with the holy land was laid, and construction began, which lasted 10 years. The glazing area in the temple is more than 1 thousand square meters. m, there are 13 bells on the belfry, and the height of the building is 69 meters.

In 2010, another one was erected in the square not far from the temple - Peter and Fevronia. This is a kind of symbol of love, fidelity and family values. After all, it is the marriage of these two people that is considered an example of a Christian family union. Interestingly, the temple has two domes merged together.

Victory Square 4 Kaliningrad


In house number 2 "k" is a private Orthodox gymnasium. The official opening of the educational institution was in 2008. The gymnasium has preparatory courses for kids, a kindergarten and an 11-year-old school.

Business Center and University

At the address of Victory Square, 4 in Kaliningrad is a multifunctional business center. There is an opportunity to approach the building from three sides; there is a spacious parking lot near it.

Earlier in this building was the North Station, which was built in 1929. During the war, the building was badly damaged. Later it was restored, but it was no longer used as a station, but the Inter-Flight House of Sailors was located. In 1997, the building was transferred to private hands and is now used as a commercial and office building.

In the north of the square there is also a building of a technical university. Earlier, fish industry specialists were trained here. A red building is visible between the shopping center and the university - this is the Police Department.

Victory Square in Kaliningrad

Where to settle

For visitors there is a great opportunity to stay in the very "heart" of Kaliningrad. Apartments on Victory Square are highly rated by city guests. There are conditions for a comfortable stay (TV, Wi-Fi, cable TV, washing machine, equipped bathroom, kitchen and more).

Naturally, the apartments are not located directly on the square, coming on Chernyakhovsky Street. And this is a view of the square, the Brandenburg Gate is only 2.4 km away, and the train station is 3 km away. But for such comfort you will have to pay from 2.5 thousand rubles for 1 night.

Road junction

Victory Square in Kaliningrad is an important transport hub of the entire city. First of all, the Northern Railway Station is nearby, it is the second most important station. After the Kaliningrad passage was built, the station is not visible from the square. There is a lot of public transport:

  • trolleybuses No. 1, 7, 6;
  • trams nos. 3 and 5;
  • buses and taxis.

However, it is impossible to describe the area, you just need to come here and look at everything with your own eyes.


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