Homemade blackcurrant wine: a recipe for tasty and healthy alcohol

Currant wine is very aromatic and rich, not too sweet. This is the perfect complement to every day's dinner, pleasantly shading any dish and charging the body with vitamins and minerals. It’s worth at least once to figure out how to make blackcurrant wine , and the problem of recycling

Homemade blackcurrant wine: recipe
will be resolved. As the best home-made preparation for the winter, such a wine will be able to compete with even the most beloved jam.

Cooking homemade blackcurrant wine

The recipe is very simple. For a kilogram of berries, you need to take two hundred and fifty grams of sugar, a little less than one and a half liters of water, a wiring of yeast (you get it just by mixing fermented wort with ordinary yeast) and nitrogenous nutrition, that is, a couple of milliliters of ammonia. Place clean and picked berries in an enameled bowl, add a portion of water and sugar, heat a little and hold on the stove for a quarter of an hour, cool and chop. Remove for fermentation. Fifteen days after the start of cooking, add the remaining ingredients, stirring in parts of the wort. Leave the bottled wine for a couple of months, after which you can serve it to the table and enjoy the great taste.

Make blackcurrant wine

Making blackcurrant and cherry wine

You can diversify the taste of the drink by preparing it not only with currants, but also with cherries. In order to make homemade blackcurrant wine, the recipe requires five hundred grams of granulated sugar, six kilograms of cherries and a kilogram of currants. Sort and wash the berries, remove the seeds from the cherry, and clear the currants from the tails. Make cherry juice with a juicer, and crush the currants with a pestle. Drain the currant juice to the cherry, pour the cherry stones and granulated sugar ground in the coffee grinder there, mix gently. Cover with a special cork with a valve and for a while set aside your homemade blackcurrant wine. The recipe advises to wait three to four months. After this period, strain the resulting drink and bottle, cork and let it mature for about two months.

Blackcurrant wine making

The drink is ready to drink. The vitamins and other useful substances contained in it will have a beneficial effect on the body if you drink such wine in moderation.

Original homemade blackcurrant wine

The recipe also allows the use of red currant berries. Take six kilograms of berries, two cups of sugar and a third cup of brandy for every liter of juice. Clean and sort the currants, rinse and dry, pour into a bowl or tub and mash with a pestle. Transfer the berry mass into a bottle and close the lid with a rubber tube through which air will leave the bottle. At the end of the process, strain the wort and let it settle for about six hours, add sugar and cognac. Stir until sugar is dissolved and pour into a bottle, remove to ripen in a cool place. After a few weeks, pour into glass bottles, cork and stop for three to four months. The first tasting after the indicated period will surely please you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13431/

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