How to cook rice in bags in accordance with all the rules?

The still unusual and incomprehensible (especially for young housewives) proportions of cooking garnishes in the ratios (water and cereal) sometimes have the ability to turn culinary action into a real problem: either the porridge sticks together and becomes like a paste, then it burns, then it turns out too liquid in consistency . How to achieve the desired friability and readiness of food?

how to cook rice in bags

Packaged cereals

Today, industry provides an excellent way out of this situation - packaged cereals. In particular, rice is also offered in bags - of all kinds. But when buying this kind of product in a supermarket, a beginner chef needs to clearly know how to cook rice in bags so as not to get into trouble. Of course, you say: all the recommendations are usually written on the packaging, but still there are a couple of secrets that can facilitate cooking and make a real chef out of a novice! How to cook rice in bags? Let's talk more about this in our article today.

What types of rice pack?

This cereal can usually be found on sale in three varieties: white round-grain (steamed or regular), long-grain white, brown long-grain. How to cook rice in bags? It should be noted, first of all, that steamed rice cooks faster than ordinary, due to the fact that it is already pre-steamed (that is, it, in fact, is already semi-finished in the classical sense of the word).

how much to cook rice in bags

Benefits of Packaging

As a rule, in the past, until very recently, the process of cooking rice began like this. At first, the exact amount of cereal was strictly measured, then the corresponding amount of water in which it was supposed to be cooked. Also, considerable attention was paid to preliminary washing of rice so that the finished porridge did not look sticky. And the most scrupulous housewives also washed the rice after cooking. At present, modern rice packaging technologies can eliminate these procedures or cooking steps. And the question of how to cook rice in bags is no longer surprising, as before.

how much to cook rice in bags in time

How does everything really happen?

The thing is that already in the process of production of packaged rice (and any other cereal, familiar to be used as side dishes or an independent dish), grains are carefully selected, they are washed and fried beforehand, and then steamed. The neophyte-hostess can only boil the bag with the cereal correctly. In addition, the packaging itself is very convenient for cooking: the bag is designed for one portion of rice, and the package is an environmentally friendly material with small holes throughout the area, which, in turn, allows the product to take the right amount of moisture during cooking.

how much do you need to cook rice in bags
Positive sides:

  • Saves time when preparing the product.
  • We get a loose side dish in any proportion of water / cereal (of course, if you do not boil a bag for an hour).
  • Constant stirring is not required when cooking: put in water - and wait.
  • The bag does not give any chance for the porridge to stick to the pan or burn, and only rinse the container in which the rice was cooked.
  • Many modern brands offer mixed side dishes: for example, rice with mushrooms, rice with vegetables, which can diversify the menu. And such cooking bags do not contain flavor enhancers or dyes - everything is natural.

How to cook rice in bags?

We advise you to nevertheless familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions. This is a prerequisite, as different companies may have their own nuances. By the way, the packaging usually also indicates the optimal amount of liquid in which the product will be boiled. In ordinary realities per bag (80-100 grams of cereal), the recommended amount of liquid (because rice can be boiled not only smoldering in water, but also, for example, in milk or broth) is up to 1 liter per unit. Because if you take a smaller amount, then the risk of being unevenly cooked, that is, in one place it will be half-baked, and in another it will be digested unnecessarily. But if you choose the right amount of water per eye, then this is the one in which the bag can float freely. And the liquid should freely cover rice.

Do I need to add oil?

Cooking unpackaged rice in the usual way, many housewives prefer to add a little oil to it - lean or cream, they say, so the side dish becomes more friable. In this case, when cooking the bag, there is no need to perform this action. You will get friable rice without any additives.

How to cook rice in bags?

Too precise cooking time, perhaps, should not be regulated. In all cases, the manufacturer is responsible for the stick and sticking of the semi-finished product, and he guarantees! However, it should be remembered that round long rice in packages cook no more than 15 minutes, and brown - 20-25.

The process itself

  1. We bring the water in appropriate quantities in the tank to a boil.
  2. Solim.
  3. Lower the bag there.
  4. Close the pan with a lid tightly and boil until cooked (the timer can be set according to previous recommendations).
  5. We catch a bag of rice with a slotted spoon and send it to a colander for draining.
  6. We cut the bag and pour the rice into the prepared dishes, slightly loosening. You can put a small cube of cow butter on top.

how to cook rice in bags in a pan

In the pan

Actually, in the question of how to cook rice in bags in a pan, there is nothing complicated. All you need is a decent container, corresponding to the number of bags, water and rice. Everything else is a matter of technology. But here's a tip: after the water with a bag of rice boils, reduce the heat as little as possible - so the rice will turn out to be the most soft and crumbly.

In a slow cooker

This magic device is available today in almost every modern kitchen. How much to cook rice in bags in time in a slow cooker? Here it is necessary to choose the appropriate mode in the right way. We advise you to choose either ordinary (with a timer for 15 minutes) or high-speed cooking. Cooking of long-grain steamed rice is best suited for the latter, and then the question of how much to cook rice in bags is solved quite simply.

how to cook rice in bags


Rice obtained appropriately can be used as an ingredient for complex dishes or as a simple side dish for fish and meat dishes. Well, we have learned from personal experience how to cook rice in bags in a saucepan - isn’t it difficult? Everything has been done for the convenience of the consumer: even the most inexperienced housewife will be able to cope with this process, and the rice is crumbly and very tasty.


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