Find an objective norm: what are the methods of rationing labor

The rationing of labor in production allows you to objectively establish the relationship between the volume of labor and its pay. The volume of labor can be expressed as the volume of work performed, the number of equipment serviced, the number of employees, and the time to complete the work. The main labor rationing methods used in practice are analytical and experimental-statistical. With the analytical method: the normalized process is divided into elements; then all the factors that influence the duration of each element (organizational, psychophysiological, technical, social, economic) are highlighted; The optimal composition of the process and the sequence of its constituent elements are modeled, taking into account the best combination of factors that influence their duration.

labor rationing methods

Experimental statistical methods of labor regulation (summary methods) imply the definition of norms for the entire volume of work without analysis of its constituent elements. The experimental method is used in the case of determining standards based on the personal experience of a standardization specialist, and the statistical method is based on the actual costs of similar work previously. The current methods of labor standards are not scientific, since the development of norms does not analyze the actual working conditions.

rationing of labor in production

This or that method should be chosen depending on what the standardization results will be used for. After all, labor standards are a tool used to achieve a goal, so the costs of it must correspond to the final result. For example, if you need to give a one-time production task, then it is enough to apply the rate of time or output for a similar job. And, conversely, for the development of standards that will be used for a long period of time, and (or) for mass production, it is better to use analytical methods of labor regulation.

They come in two varieties: analytical research and analytical calculation. In the first case, the time spent on all elements and the process as a whole are found using direct measurements at the workplace (timekeeping, photograph of working time). In the second case, the time is spent using scientifically sound standards (local, sectoral, intersectoral). Often, enterprises use a combination of varieties of analytical methods. The less time-consuming of them is settlement and analytical.

labor standards are

The norms are not something permanent, they are subject to revision in the event of organizational and technical activities, the development of new types of work by employees (non-standard work becomes standard). Among the organizational and technical measures should be highlighted:

- modernization and commissioning of new equipment;

- improvement of products, tools, equipment;

- introduction of advanced technologies;

- automation and mechanization of processes;

- rationalization;

- improving the organization of labor.

The introduction of new standards should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and systemically.


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