Remover for eyelashes: types, instructions. Eyelash Extension

Eyelash extensions - one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in recent years. For little money, you can become the owner of luxurious thick and long eyelashes and do not bother every morning with mascara and curling irons. But, as in any similar procedure, periodic correction and removal of extended eyelashes are required. You can carry out the latter in a beauty salon or at home. Both there and there will be used a remover, that is, a special tool for removing extension eyelashes.

What is and why

Waxed eyelashes are hairs or bunches of artificial hair, silk threads, natural hairs made of wool column or sable. The master glues these hairs to the eyelid along the line of eyelash growth, imitating natural ones. For bonding, special compositions are used based on:

  • cyanocrylates - a liquid hypoallergenic adhesive that is applied in a thin layer and instantly dries;
  • resins - dries more slowly, therefore, allows you to fix blemishes, for which we love beginners. May cause a reaction.

When cilia need to be removed (for example, to change completely or return to a natural look), a special composition is used that dissolves the glue. It is called "remover for eyelashes."

eyelash remover

Home and Professional Products

There are two fundamentally different approaches to removing eyelashes. One suggests that the procedure will be carried out in the salon by the hands of a master. The other is home, when eyelashes can be removed on their own. However, at home, you can resort to the help of natural improvised means or buy a special remover for eyelashes.

Home remedies are regular cream or vegetable oil that can dissolve glue. And special removers are available in different forms and with different compositions. There are cream, gel, and liquid options. Ideally, for each type of eyelash and glue you need to choose your remover, however, most of them can be considered universal.

eyelash remover

When choosing, carefully study the range, choose only a proven product, since getting a poor-quality remover in the eye poses serious problems: from redness of the eyes and burning to conjunctivitis and even short-term loss of vision.

Where to buy a remover for removing extensions

Compositions for professional and home eyelash removal can be purchased in specialized stores, where an assortment for beauty salons is presented. Today, there are many such stores on the Internet, and in large cities there are several offline points.

Chinese-made removers sold on Chinese sites such as Taobao or Aliexpress are also very popular. Before ordering products there, look for a trusted seller with a lot of positive real reviews.

Debonders and other eyelash remover fluids

A liquid remover for eyelashes based on a special solvent has a chemical formula similar to the well-known acetone, but it is a milder and more gentle means. However, its action is still very aggressive and can cause burning of the eyelids. The minus of such a remover is that it can easily leak into the eyes and cause an extremely unpleasant sensation, therefore it is recommended to use such a tool only in beauty salons and only with an experienced master.

So that the solution does not flow to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, it is covered with a cotton pad and soaked with the composition of all artificial cilia right at the basal capsules with glue. After a few minutes, the eyelashes are removed with a special brush, and the eyelids are wiped with lotion to remove the remnants of the product.

A term such as a “debonder” is also used. In fact, this is a liquid remover, the reviews of the masters, however, indicate that it is best suited for point correction during the extension process, and not for the complete removal of all eyelashes.

debonder Price

Lotions are also found. They also have a liquid form, but are applied to the roots of the eyelashes with a cotton swab and left to act for 5-10 minutes.

The liquid formula is very popular, to which it owes a low price (about 300 rubles) and high efficiency. But at the same time, both the remover and the debonder have all the disadvantages of the liquid. The price of such products starts from 200-250 rubles. For example, a remover from NEICHA costs 230 p. There are also liquid removers in the Lovely line, 10 ml cost about 250 rubles, and the IRISK brand offers a professional bonder for 520 rubles. The price of one of the most expensive products in the segment is 880 rubles for a product from Dolce vita.


The next most popular type of remover. Its advantages compared to the liquid formula is that it does not flow into the eyes and mucous membranes and is capable of causing less harm, so it is easy to use even at home.

A creamy eyelash remover is applied for up to ten minutes so that the fatty oils in its composition dissolve the glue. Then tweezers pull out all the artificial hairs. If some are difficult to separate, this means that the cream needs to be given more time. Since the cilia are removed one at a time, it is best to use a cream to remove the beams on light glue. Then the procedure will be faster and softer.

eyelash extension

One of the most popular products in this segment is Glue Remover Dolce Vita cream with caring ingredients to give shine and strength to the native cilia. Its price is about 800 rubles. Lovely cream is similar in price and quality (there are options with different aromas), as well as the product of the Korean brand HS Chemical.


A remover in this form is most convenient, since the product is squeezed out precisely and accurately, keeps its shape well, which means it does not flow and is not lubricated, affecting only glue or resin. There are more aggressive gels based on acetone, for example, under the brand name Dolce Vita - it must be applied with a special brush. And there are hypoallergenic gels that do not do any harm to the mucosa and native eyelashes. Among them are Lovely gel with a peach aroma (450 rubles), a product from the AG brand (500 rubles), as well as the sparing Premium remover from NEICHA HS Chemical, designed for sensitive eyes (550 rubles) - after applying it, eyelashes can be separated both with a cotton swab and a special brush, micro-brushing.

remover reviews

Home remedies

Most often, in the removal of eyelashes at home, oils are used - burdock or castor. Their fats can dissolve glue, and strengthen the native cilia and make it thicker. Removing the extended eyelashes with oil involves the use of cotton pads - they need to be cut in half and the center cut with a crescent so that the disk fits exactly under the lower eyelid. This is necessary so that the oil does not flow under the eyelid and does not cause irritation.

Remover for removing eyelash extensions

Put two dry halves under the lower eyelashes, lightly warm the oil and soak the other two halves of the discs in it. Apply compresses with oil to the eyelashes and lie down for 20 minutes so that the glue dissolves. After that, gently massage your eyelids with your fingers and remove the departed cilia with tweezers. If some hairs do not go away, do not pull on them so as not to pull out relatives, but rather repeat the procedure again.

Another way to remove eyelashes yourself is to use a regular baby cream, which is sold in pharmacies, as a means for removing eyelashes. Firstly, this cream is very oily, which will allow the glue to dissolve, and secondly, it is hypoallergenic, which is important when used on the eyes and eyelids. The principle of removal is the same as with oil.

gel remover

Care after using a remover

Whichever eyelash remover you choose, the procedure can painfully affect the condition of your native eyelashes. Yes, and the eyes and lining of the eyelids can be irritated. To minimize the unpleasant effects, immediately after removing eyelashes, treat the eyelids with a lotion suitable for the eye area to wash off the remnants of the remover. Then wash with clean running water. If there is no such possibility in the cabin, at least wipe your face with wet cosmetic wipes. The final step is to spread eyelashes with coconut or castor oil to restore their health and natural beauty.


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