Victory Park in Belgorod. Its history, sights and current issues

Belgorod is the first city in Russia to receive the honorary status of “City of Military Glory”.

During World War II, it was several times occupied by Nazi invaders, and on July 12, 1943, the largest tank battle in the history of the war took place in its vicinity. The city was liberated on August 5, 1943, and the first victorious salute was launched that day, which is why after the war Belgorod was given the status of "City of the first salute."

Victory Park Belgorod Address

Victory Park History

In honor of the heroic victory of our people over the Nazi invaders, in the center of the city, in the valley of the Vezelka River, in the most picturesque area the Victory Park was laid. It was from this place in the center that residents were able to admire the first salute.

The plan for the construction and improvement in Belgorod Victory Park began to be drafted back in the 60s, but the official opening took place only in 1989.

Park Attractions

In 1980, a stela was installed at the entrance to the park, with a tablet affixed to it, which says that the city received the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree for courage, stamina, fighting spirit and courage of the townspeople, as well as Belgorod soldiers.

Among the green spaces of the park there are many paths and paths, one of which leads to the Fiery Arc Museum-Diorama. And on the main avenue, in the central part, there is a monument “Victory in the Patriotic War”.

In the center of the sculpture is a figure of a girl soldier holding a banner in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. Next to her are two soldiers. One is very young, and the second is elderly. The monument symbolizes the Great Victory, which was achieved by the joint efforts of women, the elderly and children.

Victory Park Belgorod

In 2001, the Alley of Belgorod Glory was laid in Victory Park. The Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Russia consists of 17 busts of prominent people whose life was somehow connected with Belgorod. Completes her monument to Marshal Georgy Zhukov (erected in 1998).

In the park area there are a lot of trees and several dynamic fountains. In general, it resembles a green oasis in the center of the urban landscape.

Victory Park Belgorod events

Events in Victory Park of Belgorod

The described park is a popular vacation spot for citizens and visitors. On holidays, all celebrations are organized and held here.

So, New Year's parties are held here with games, contests and a New Year's program for kids and their parents. During the winter holidays, an ice rink and slides for children are arranged, an ice town, as well as other winter attractions, are built.

On Students' Day there is a disco on ice. And in Maslenitsa festive events, fairs, festivals are held, charity pancake evenings are arranged. The culmination of the holiday is the burning of a scarecrow.

In February, you can see dog showers and dog training in the open.

And with the onset of spring, the Clean City campaign is organized, in which schoolchildren and their parents take part. At this time, the park is being cleaned, young trees are planted and the Best Birdhouse competition is being held.

On Victory Day, the park holds various contests, concerts, musical performances, flash mobs dedicated to the memorable date. The holiday ends with a traditional salute.

In June, the festival "The Great Power of Art" is held, in which children's groups and individual participants from all over the region take part. During the summer holidays there are attractions, children's discos and fairs are organized.

On Knowledge Day and City Day, an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts is organized here.

Address of Victory Park in Belgorod

The park is located in the center of Belgorod, at the intersection of Theater Passage and Victory Street. You can get there by bus or trolleybus and get off at the Rodina Cinema stop.

Actual problems of the park

The park is one of the few green areas in the center of Belgorod. This is a favorite place for walking and relaxing for children and parents. In addition to public events on holidays, citizens here visit a children's town, sports ground, boat station, and admire the fountains.

But in recent years, the problem of preserving Victory Park in Belgorod has become acute. The fact is that most of its territory was swampy. Many beautiful and large trees began to die due to excess moisture. In the center of the park area a swamp formed, with a characteristic smell and mosquitoes that interfere with the walks of the townspeople.

Walk of Fame Belgorod Victory Park

The reason for the swampiness is that the favorite vacation spot is located in the river valley. In the spring, after the snow melts, the amount of water in the river increases, and flooding begins. Another reason is the rise in groundwater level due to increased rainfall, and the third is the possible flow of sewer pipes.

In order to save the park and solve the problem of the flooding of its territories, the city authorities checked the latter and in the future they plan to install drainage facilities in the flooded areas, plant absorbing vegetation, invite landscape designers to ennoble this part of the territory with the help of an artificial waterfall and moisture-loving vegetation.


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