Haircut: the technology of work, a description with a photo, styling features, a variety of forms and options, selection for the shape of the face, choice of bangs, length and color of hair

Since ancient times, people paid great attention to hair on their heads. Moreover, in every era hairstyles varied both in content and in volume of hair. There were special hairstyles that were performed for special events, and there were simple, everyday ones.

Today, perhaps, the hairdressing industry has reached unforgettable heights in the skill and complexity of hairstyles. But, nevertheless, the square remains one of the most popular and sought after haircuts.

Kare Haircut History

A bob haircut is one of the most popular haircuts in the world. Its features are right angles and straight lines. It was worn by almost all famous women, from Cleopatra to modern famous stars and models. In Egypt, this haircut was worn not only by women, but also by men. Both the poor and the rich were the owners of such a hairstyle.

Kare - haircut technology

It would seem that a lot of time has passed from the era of Cleopatra, but still the haircut remains one of the most practical and popular, both in everyday life and on holidays. She can be called the number one haircut in the world. She looks good with both straight hair and curly curls. Nowadays, the styling technique for hair cuts has been modified by stylists, but this popularity has not diminished, but on the contrary, demand for this hairstyle has only increased.

Varieties of caret

There are many options for a bob haircut. This is a classic square, graduated square, square on the leg, bob square, extension square and other types.

The classic square is best used for girls with a triangular or rectangular oval face. Below will be described the technology of cutting a square in different versions.

Execution process

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the hair, while they must be clean. Then they should be divided into zones. With a vertical parting, it is necessary to separate the hair from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the nape - this is the first stage. The second stage is the division of the hair in an arched parting from ear to ear. Thus, the hair is divided into four parts.

Caret Cutting Technology

Some masters no longer divide hair, but there are those who still divide into two zones from the temple to the back of the head on the one hand, and division is performed in the same way on the other side. This is how a classic caret is made , the technology of cutting which involves dividing the head into zones. This is done so that in the future it will be easier to get a haircut. So, it turned out five zones:

  • lower occipital area (NZZ);
  • superior occipital area (VZZ);
  • frontal zone (FZ);
  • left-temporal zone (LVZ);
  • Law Temporary Area (PVZ).

Step-by-step haircut technology

Before performing this haircut, you need to find out the client's preferred hair length. Haircut begins with the occipital area. On the lower edge of the hair, you need to separate a thin strand, approximately 1 cm, with a horizontal parting, comb it down. It is necessary to cut the hair from the middle of the neck in two directions, right and left, with a draw down. The guy angle is zero degrees. The first cut strand is called the control (KP). She will be two centimeters shorter than all the hair in the haircut. So, separating the strand after the strand and combing the hair, each successive cut off by the CP, but one millimeter longer. This execution is called graduation under the bottom. Each subsequent strand will be longer than the previous one. So the entire occipital area is cut. So, summing up the haircut of the NZZ and the OZZ, the following stages can be distinguished:

  • guy zero degrees;
  • graduation under the bottom;
  • overlay strand on strand.

The next step will be a haircut with distillery, PVZ and the frontal zone. Again, you need to separate a strand of 1 cm. It is combed down in a straight cut, the angle of inclination is zero degrees. We cut the first strand, starting from the cut strands of the occipital area. The haircut continues in this way until a straight parting in the frontally parietal zone. The left and right zones are cut symmetrically.

Bob haircut technology

After all the hair is trimmed, a check of the entire mass of hair is done. From a direct parting in the Federal Law, the hair is combed on the sides and the hair angles are compared. The occipital hair is also combed down and checked. If, after combing, there are knocked out strands along the edging line, they must be removed. Thus, the edging will be performed. If the client wants to have a more rounded haircut, you need to do thinning along the lower edge of the hair all over the head.

Additional haircuts "Care"

After each haircut, hair styling is performed in order to ensure that everything is trimmed perfectly. After drying the hair, see if everything is exactly along the edge of the hair. The temporal zones are dried with a brush with a guy down, and on the upper occipital zone, the hair rises up and is dried from underneath, for a larger volume.

Elongation technology

Elongation rack is suitable for women with any type of face. Such a shear is very elegant, stylish and modern. Suitable for both a business woman and a whacky girl.

Classic lengthening caret, graduated caret, bob-haircut, asymmetrical caret - all these are varieties of caret for elongation.

Elongation Rack

What is the technology of cutting a square for lengthening? The technique of this haircut is very difficult, for its implementation will require a lot of strength and ability of the master. Haircut is done on freshly washed hair. Hair is divided into zones, as when cutting a classic square.

Classic caret - haircut technology

Separates the strand on the back of the head horizontally and cuts it (CP) with a straight cut. The cut angle can be different. A standard of 30 degrees is allowed, so the width of the strand should be no more than 7 cm. Separating with parallel parting in relation to the CP, the hair is pulled to the middle of the nape and cut from the right and left sides, focusing on the control strand. At this pace, the entire occipital area is trimmed at an angle of no more than 15 degrees and graduated from the bottom by 1-2 millimeters.

Moving to the temple, you need to separate the strand horizontally and, pulling it to the occipital area, cut it off, thereby combing will get an angle on the temples. The haircut continues on both sides, separating with horizontal partings to the upper dark zone. When everything is trimmed, the hair is combed out and checked for clogging strands. After this, you need to do the edging and styling. Without them, a haircut is not considered complete.

Graduated caret

This is one of the varieties of the classic bob haircut, but only it is modified. Two haircuts are mixed here - a square and a cascade. The master can adjust the length of the strands himself. depending on the type of hair and oval of the face, also on the wishes of the client. What is the technology of cutting graduated caret? As always, they wash their hair and dry with a towel, carefully combing them. Divide hair into zones. There are four of them - the parietal, occipital, left temporal and right temporal.

Gradient Cutting Technology

In all areas you need to outline a control strand. On the edge of hair growth, a strand is separated over the entire head. Strands of hair are separated horizontally, combed down and cut to the desired length without stretching.

Then it is necessary to divide the occipital part with vertical parting and cut the hair of the entire zone along the control strand, with a guy line parallel to the head. The angle of the guy is 90 degrees. Technique - laying strand on strand. In this way, the temporal zones are also cut at the same angle. Cut the frontal zone, separating the strands with horizontal partings parallel to the head. After all the hair is trimmed - thinning in all zones for a more smooth cut. All haircuts are styling.


A bob is a mixed haircut style, as is a graduated bob. Only in this case is the bob haircut technology intertwined with the bob and bob haircuts. This hairstyle is suitable for almost all types of hair, except for very thin and rare. With such a structure, it will not be possible to make the volume that should be with this haircut. This is the last of the main types of caret hairstyle, which deserves a separate consideration.

The initial stages are still the same as in the other modifications - wet clean hair, division into zones. In the bob-car, the bob haircut technology is used - graduation. The hair shading technique (NZZ) is performed on the back of the head, the upper neck area is sheared by applying strands up.

The technology for cutting a bob-car provides that along the longest strands on the crown the hair of the side zones is cut straight off, without graduation.

Comb by hair growth and make a border, removing all unwanted hairs. At the end, a hairdryer is laid and everything is ready.

Bob haircut


Summing up, it should be noted that even such a simple haircut as a bob has many varieties that have their own technology of execution. And, depending on the professionalism of the hairdresser, you get real works of art that amaze with their beauty and sophistication. Moreover, the selection of attire for any event also depends on the hairstyle on the head.


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