Exclamation sentences in Russian. Examples of exclamation sentences. Motivating exclamation offer

In all languages ​​of the world there are special offers - exclamation. Usually they are used to express strong emotions, which are delight, surprise, anger and others. Examples of exclamatory sentences are often found in fiction, poetry, letters and diaries. It is practically impossible to find them in scientific texts. There are no examples of exclamatory sentences in them. Scientific articles are written in a neutral emotional style.

examples of exclamation sentences

Types of exclamation sentences

Literary texts should be written in a beautiful language that uses vivid images, comparisons, epithets. The role of exclamatory sentences is difficult to overestimate here. Therefore, punctuation marks are extremely important. Therefore, authors often use sentences with an exclamation mark, which are narrative, interrogative, and incentive. They give the lyrics emotionality. These are examples of exclamation sentences.

  1. What a cute puppy! How funny his tail is sticking out! (A narrative sentence with an exclamation).
  2. Are dolphins able to laugh ?! (Interrogative sentence with an exclamation).
  3. Let's go to the movies today! (Prompt offer).
    incentive exclamation sentence

Exclamation with interjection or particles

Often, in order to enhance the emotional coloring of the text and its expressiveness, interjections or particles “ah”, “oh”, “well,” “what”, “about”, “a”, “well” and others are used. Examples of exclamatory sentences of this type are often found in the literature: "Well, what a charm this jellied fish!" or "Oh! I'm very glad to see you!" Interjections are not necessarily allocated in a separate sentence. Often after them just put a comma. Such sentences with an exclamation mark, examples of which are presented here, emphasize the especially enhanced emotional coloring of the message. “Oh, how I love to look into your eyes, my fate, my love, my, my, my!” or "Oh, bright ball! In the game with Tanyusha you fell into the river. But there will be time, and waves, splashes of flowing water, like pearls, will splash in the darkness of night, and many kind hearts will light up with a courageous thirst to help, to console! ”

exclamation sentence examples in Russian

The expression of joy with an exclamation

The author’s task is to convey to the reader not only the meaning of the written, but also to make him experience certain feelings. Therefore, the role of his use of exclamatory sentences is difficult to overestimate. After all, the same phrase will be interpreted differently depending on which punctuation mark is at the end. In real life, facial expressions, intonation show the mood with which words are pronounced. And in writing it is quite difficult to give an emotional coloring to the language - this can be done only with the help of punctuation marks at the end of the phrase. The same messages can act as exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences. As a comparison, you can take this phrase: "I am very pleased to see you." With a dot at the end, she will express either contempt, or a statement of the fact of the meeting, or ordinary politeness. But if there is an exclamation mark at the end of the phrase, then there can already be no mistake - the meeting brought a person real joy!

Using three exclamation points

Sometimes, the author tries to use the entire palette of expressive means. Then the narrative exclamation point has three exclamations at the end. Usually in this way the author wants to show the highest degree of emotional arousal. Often in this way not only joy or delight is expressed, but also anger or indignation. Offers "Get out !!!" or "Go out and never appear again in my life !!!" there is no doubt that the speaker has deep feelings.

Multiple exclamations in a sentence

Nevertheless, the use of punctuation marks must be approached with caution and a sense of proportion. However, many people are overly enthusiastic about overstating exclamations at the end of sentences. Commentators on online blogs are especially guilty of this. It seems to them that the more they give signs, the better the reader will be able to understand them. In fact, in this way they achieve the opposite effect - the reader perceives the extra exclamation points as a scream or even a squeal, his similar written statements annoy. Therefore, one should not get carried away with staging extra exclamation points. A sense of proportion is a sign of talent.

sentences with exclamation marks examples

Exclamation and question mark combination

When a phrase contains strong emotions, the author puts at the end of the phrase a combination of several punctuation marks. Often these are rhetorical questions that are not inherently interrogative. “How can you laugh, joke, play, wallow in the grass ?!” This proposal does not contain a question as such, but rather indignation, the highest degree of irritation, a call to conscience of the person to whom the appeal is directed. “Is it really possible to look indifferently at abandoned children asking for alms ?!” This rhetorical question does not require an answer; hopelessness is emphasized by a combination of an exclamation and a question mark.

the role of exclamation sentences

Exclamation and ellipsis

There are other combinations of signs at the end of sentences. For example, in the literature, some authors use exclamation and ellipsis immediately. Such phrases should give the reader deep thought, in essence such sentences are extremely similar to rhetorical questions with an exclamation. “And now she appeared in the doorway! .. She captivated with her beauty, her face lit up with a smile, and the whole world sparkled with joy and happiness! ..”

Motivating exclamation offer

The option of using incentive sentences in a work is very interesting . Such phrases differ from others in that they have practically no emotional coloring, but contain an order, request, invitation, greeting or offer. Usually in these sentences there are no subjects. Intonation-like constructions do not have to be pronounced with pronounced emotions. However, the sign at the end of the request or order indicates that this is an exclamation point. Examples in Russian of similar constructions are quite common. They are present in the dialogues of heroes of works of art.

  1. Take off your hat, fast! (Order).
  2. Please close the window, sister! (Request).
  3. Let's play chess, my dear friend! (Sentence).
  4. Come visit me on my birthday! I will look forward to seeing you! (Invitation).
  5. Tatyana! Sergei! (Addressing people in a letter).
  6. Hello comrades! (Greeting).
  7. Do not be sick, enjoy life! (Wish).
    sentence with an exclamation mark examples

Order in exclamation sentence

In some constructions, the punctuation is determined not by the emotional coloring of the statement, but by historical traditions. Therefore, in the case when the author of a work of art uses an order, he draws up an offer with an exclamation mark. Examples of such phrases can be pronounced in a calm tone and even whisper, but the use of an exclamation mark is necessary here. "To stand! - whispered Petrovich to the prisoner Fritz who was walking in front of him. “Don't turn around!” Even if the order is given in a calm, even tone, an exclamation mark must be placed at the end of the phrase. For example, "Squad, equal, humbly!" or “Get up, the judgment is coming!”

Request and offer

Traditions explain some more features of punctuation in the Russian language. For example, an exclamation mark placed at the end of a phrase introduces a special emotional connotation.

  1. “Please give me a napkin, dear!” - Affectionately smiling, asked the wife of Tamara.
  2. “Smile, my beauty! Do not frown in vain! ”
  3. Also, a proposal for joint action is accompanied by an exclamation at the end of the phrase. “Swam to the other side of the river! - Alexashka suggested to the comrade excited by running, taking off his shirt on the go. “Let's race!”
    narrative exclamation sentence

Invitation and appeal in an exclamation sentence

There is another punctuation rule. It dictates that often at the end of the invitation is an exclamation mark. This fact is a sign of elementary politeness, a culture of written communication. Therefore, when reading the context with an invitation, such as a wedding or a picnic, one should not use exclamation intonation at all.

  1. “Natalya Pavlovna! Georgy Matveevich! Come to the Cosmos restaurant for the celebration of our silver wedding! ”
  2. “Dear high school students! Come October 23 to the "Autumn Ball", which will be held in the school assembly hall! "

Greetings and wishes in the exclamation sentence

The rules for writing letters are very important for both ordinary people and authors of fiction. To deal with the punctuation marks at the end of sentences, you should pay attention to one interesting feature: very often a greeting or a wish is expressed by the form of the imperative verb. Those are the words "hello!", "Bless you!" Therefore, these proposals are perceived as a request, at the end of which an exclamation mark is also historically put. Often in a similar way a farewell is drawn up on a letter. For example, "Goodbye, my dears!" or "Good night, dear friend! I wish you sweet dreams!"

Exclamation sentences in Russian serve to enhance the emotionality of texts, messages, and comments. Since it is possible to add intonation to the statements of characters in literary works only with the help of punctuation marks, the authors have no choice but to use exclamation points, question marks, and their combinations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13468/

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