Failure to plan: causes and factors

Proper planning is the key to success. The term itself refers to the distribution of resources, setting goals, objectives and actions for the future. And making plans is an art that everyone should learn so that actions are productive, and work should not be disappointed, but the desired result. Failure to carry out the plan carries with it great risks in all areas of life. For the student - problems at home, conflicts with parents; but, even more serious, the inability to quickly build a successful career. An adult can be among those poor fellows who were fired for not fulfilling the plan.

Work plan

Work plan

At the mention of planning, the first association that comes to mind is a work plan. In employment, the implementation of the plan is usually included in the job description of employees, therefore non-compliance with this clause may be punished, for example, disciplinary action or, if repeated, dismissal. In any case, the document that will serve as the starting point for the proceedings with a negligent employee will be an explanatory note about the failure to fulfill the plan.



In the educational process, planning is also very important. Everyone has a curriculum that he must complete. Teachers must spend the number of training hours indicated in it, the student must visit them, as well as complete and submit the assigned work on time. "Compaction of the material", not conducting the lesson and recording it in the journal, other actions of a similar nature are considered illegal.

In the case of students, failure to complete the curriculum can lead to serious problems, up to and including expulsion from the educational institution, therefore, adherence to the curriculum should be given a sufficient amount of time and attention.

Sales plan

Sales plan

In business, planning takes first place in importance and importance, because it is the foundation, the foundation of any business. The company's revenues are directly proportional to the success of sales, which, in turn, depend on proper planning. Therefore, it is very important to understand the reasons for the failure to fulfill the plan and quickly correct the mistakes made.

Reasons and external factors

A number of factors, both external and internal, may be behind the failure to fulfill the plan. Let's talk about external ones. They are almost impossible to change, and you just need to be able to adapt to them and adapt. For example, seasonality may cause a sales plan for a seasonal product to be not fulfilled. Who will buy winter clothes on warm summer days? Also affected by competition and market relations. A neighboring company can grow faster due to its geographical location or even just good luck, in addition, competitors can actively carry out promotions and make brighter advertisements, so you should not be surprised and upset if this company develops faster. It is necessary to analyze what is happening, draw the right conclusions, and, of course, draw up a new real plan.

Intrinsic factors

Internal causes

If we talk about the reasons for the failure to fulfill the plan, then the main thing should be called the lack of motivation in a person. This factor is suitable for all types of activities, and it is completely removable. Working with human psychology, you can turn mountains down, so there are many courses and trainings on staff motivation.

An internal factor is also a correct assessment of available resources and their competent use. If you do not have sufficient knowledge about the available resources, it is impossible to correctly use them.

Also, the cause may be incorrect task setting. They may be difficult or impossible at all. This reason can be eliminated by learning how to properly plan and soberly assess their capabilities and the capabilities of workers.

Lack of education and immersion in work also have a big impact on the result.


To improve the quality of work, it is important to conduct in-depth analysis and look for problems. It is also worthwhile to increase discipline and organization. It is necessary to find the right approach to employees, students, or even to oneself; understand which way will be more effective. It’s worth correctly selecting staff and understanding the work that you are doing.

Planning tips

plan links

They are as follows:

  1. It is important to clearly understand what you want.
  2. It is necessary to predict and accept not only a positive, but also a negative result.
  3. Planning always costs a little more than you can accomplish. A 80 percent plan is an ideal outcome.
  4. Large tasks should be divided into small parts.
  5. Make plans for life, not just workers.
  6. Take time to be quiet and gather your thoughts, this will help to analyze the situation and keep it under control.
  7. Allow enough time to relax.
  8. Do not be discouraged if the plan is not fully implemented. One has only to draw conclusions and change either the plan or its productivity.
  9. Plans should be built both for the long term and for the short. They are very interconnected, and, fulfilling the plan for tomorrow, you take small steps to the main global goals.
  10. In the age of technology, there are many applications that will help you choose a convenient way to plan, and you will spend a minimum of time on it, getting the maximum benefit.
  11. Controlling subordinates, insist on a detailed filling out explanatory notes on the plan’s failure to have data to analyze recurring situations.


Essence of planning

Thus, having learned how to plan, you will improve your life, increase your efficiency, and the opportunity to become successful will increase several times. Planning is the first thing that successful people advise to do, something without which it is very difficult to live in the modern world, because there are many tasks, both important and not very, and sometimes it is impossible to keep everything in mind. Having planned everything in advance, you can unload your head, leaving a place in it for the really important and necessary. Proper separation will help not to confuse personal life with work, leaving enough time for everything.

As follows from the article, there are many reasons and factors affecting the implementation of the plan. They are different in their results and in how to eliminate them. But every problem can and must be fought. The main thing is not to focus on failures, but to make a correct, thoughtful analysis of your mistakes, so that the next time they will not be allowed.

You can endlessly talk about the benefits of planning, because you see concrete goals and are looking for ways to achieve them. Having written down a thought or idea, you automatically turn it from a distant dream and just an idea into a specific task that you can quite fulfill. Therefore, do not put off making plans, start right now. It really helps to organize yourself and not waste a huge amount of time, as most people do.


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