Stanislav Komarov: biography and photos. School of swimming Stanislava Komarova

Stanislava Stanislavovna Komarova was born in 1986, June 12, in the capital of Russia. At an early age, the girl began to engage in swimming, but only in order to improve her physical condition. The mother of the future athlete could not even think that in the future the daughter would become one of the most famous swimmers in the world. As a child, the girl made it clear to everyone that she would achieve high results, because already at the age of fourteen she trained with the Russian national swimming team. What else did Stanislav Komarov do? Swimming was not her only hobby. In parallel with sports, the girl was engaged in a music school, which she soon successfully graduated from. But still, Stanislava chose swimming and was not mistaken.

Stanislav Komarov

Early years in sports

When the girl passed the first training camp with the Russian team, all the coaches and team partners were surprised by the incredible performance of Stanislava. The coaches of the team immediately predicted the young athlete a great future.

The swimmer received her first gold awards at the age of sixteen, and these awards were far from childish, and not even youthful. It was 2002, the European Swimming Championships in Berlin. Quite unexpectedly, the backstroke at a distance of 100 and 200 meters was won by Stanislav Komarov, who at that time was only sixteen ...

It is worth noting that a year earlier at the World Championships in Fukuoka, the Russian swimmer won silver, but the athlete does not consider this result successful. It was two gold medals in Berlin that launched the great career of one of the most outstanding swimmers in the history of post-Soviet Russia.

Successful career stage

In the track record of Komarova, a huge number of awards and achievements. She is one of the most titled athletes of the Russian Federation.

The peak of his career came in 2002-2004. It was during this period that Stanislav won the bulk of his awards. During this time, the girl became a three-time European champion: two gold medals at the championship in Berlin in 2002 and one in Madrid in 2004. There was silver in Madrid too, but not much is said about it, because the gold medal plays a much more significant role. In 2003, the athlete became the third at the World Championships in Barcelona.

At the European Championships in Rize in 2002, Komarova won the bronze medal. In 2003, in Dublin, the girl won silver.

The most memorable and iconic award for the athlete is the silver award at the Athens Olympics. At a distance of 200 meters on the back Komarova won the most valuable silver in her life. The award is valuable in that it was the only one for Russian swimmers at this Olympics. In Athens, the Russian national swimming team performed rather poorly, as evidenced by only one medal.

School of Stanislava Komarova

Career decline

After 2004, the athlete’s career was not so successful. Some attribute this to a “star fever”, others to the fact that a coach died at Stanislava. After the death of Alexei Krasnikov, the girl changed coaches like gloves, but she did not reach her former level. On the world stage, she no longer won awards. All that the athlete has achieved after her "finest hour" is the fifth, sixth and seventh places at the World and European Championships. However, there was an event that could revive Komarova’s career, the Beijing Olympics. Unfortunately, the swimmer took only 14th place in the semi-final swim in the back at a distance of 200 meters.

As the athlete later claims, the results have fallen due to health problems. She was diagnosed with a decrease in hemoglobin and anemia. Diseases were discovered only in 2008, during training in Switzerland.

Despite everything, swimmer Stanislav Komarov is also a multiple champion of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, in 2010 she had to end her professional career, no longer replenishing the collection of her awards.

Swimmer Stanislav Komarov

Personal life

Komarov never hid her personal life. It is known that she met her future husband under rather strange circumstances. Before the opening of the Beijing Olympics, Putin came to the athletes to wish good luck. Everyone wanted to take a picture with Vladimir Vladimirovich, among these people was Stanislav. When she broke through to Putin, she ran into a wall of tall guys. One of them was Alexey Ostapenko, a Russian volleyball player. It was at that moment that a spark passed between them. Very soon, Stanislava Komarova and Alexey Ostapenko got married. After Komarova completed her performances at a professional level, she moved to Alexei.

After some time together, the young people decided to divorce.

After leaving sports, the girl devoted herself to work at a swimming school. But in the future Komarova plans to connect her life with television, especially since a certain experience is already available. The girl worked for some time on NTV's leading sports news channel. She also took part in the extreme television show "Cruel Intentions."

Stanislav Komarov swimming

School of Stanislava Komarova

After the athlete finished performing at a professional level, she was still pulled into the pool. Because Komarova decided to open her own swimming school. She states that the school is not only an occupation for the soul, but also a peculiar tribute to the memory of the first coach, Alexei Fedorovich Krasnikov. Plovchikha is sure that the knowledge gained from him will help to educate real champions.

Thus, today at the Komarova swimming school, not only those who want to have good health, but also those who plan to connect their life with swimming in the future, are engaged.

Stanislav Komarov and Alexey Ostapenko

Awards and Achievements

During his career, Stanislav Komarov has won many awards at various levels. Here is a list of everything the athlete can be proud of:

  • Multiple champion of Russia.
  • Silver medalist at the 2001 World Cup.
  • Two-time European champion in 2002 in Berlin (100 and 200 meters on the back).
  • European Champion 2004 in Madrid (200 meters on the back).
  • Silver European Championship 2004 in Madrid.
  • Bronze of the 2003 World Cup in Barcelona.
  • Bronze European Championship 2002 in Riesa.
  • Silver European Championship 2003 in Dublin.
  • Silver medal of the Athens Olympics (200 meters on the back).

The country should be proud of such athletes as Stanislava Stanislavovna Komarova.


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