The certification of jobs

The certification procedure for jobs approved by No. 342 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. It applies to all business entities of any legal form. Certification of jobs , labor at the enterprise is carried out by specialized agencies that have the necessary state accreditation for the provision of services in this area.

What is job certification ? This is an analysis of working conditions at a specific workplace. The main legislative document for its implementation is the Certification Procedure. This document regulates all the main points of its implementation.

The procedure for certification of workplaces allows assessing the degree of occurrence of the probability of loss of health in connection with the fulfillment of professional duties by employees under the contract. During her analysis of the conditions in each particular place. Based on the results of the certification, a unified database of current working conditions is created, the calculation of additives and possible discounts to the insurance tariff for the system of compulsory insurance of all employees against possible accidents and occupational diseases.

The certification of jobs It also provides an opportunity to plan insurance conditions and implement measures for labor protection and protection, as well as provide employees with information about the existing health risks and harmful factors for those who are engaged in heavy and especially harmful work. Certification of working conditions allows you to create a safe working environment for all personnel. But this is far from the only advantage. And the main task of certification is the conduct of an audit of the safety of working conditions. According to the approved procedure, newly introduced jobs should be certified immediately after their entry. Further scheduled certification may be carried out up to five years from the date of the last inspection. At the moment, the importance of the certification of various workplaces has increased significantly, since only documentary data allow a detailed analysis of working conditions directly at a particular workplace.

The certification of jobs   It contains clear dates (start and end dates) for its implementation, includes the conclusion of an agreement with a certifying independent organization accredited by the Ministry of Labor for the provision of such services, and the publication of an appropriate order. The following is a study of the certification program, writing a report on the work done with the conclusions of the commission. According to the approved standards, the shelf life of documents for the certification is forty-five years.

In the certification program of workplaces there is also an assessment of the conformity of the workplace with the hygienic norms and standards presented to it. For each such place, measurement protocols are drawn up and appropriate marks are put down. It also assesses the likelihood of injury, assesses the security of the workplace and individual special workers. clothes, special. shoes, as well as additional special tools. Based on the results of the certification, the commission draws up a consolidated report, which consists of nine sections.

The first section contains the order and schedule, the second - a list of monitored jobs. In the third are detailed maps of tests and measurements. The fourth section is a summary sheet of all available results. Fifth is a summary table of working conditions by degree of class. The sixth contains a plan of measures necessary for the improvement and improvement of working conditions. The seventh section should contain the final protocol of the commission on the results of a survey of working conditions. In the eighth should be detailed information about the organization conducting the certification, with copies of all its constituent documents and the certificate of accreditation for the provision of services in this area. The ninth section contains the minutes of the meetings of the commission and a conclusion on the results. It may also contain a commission order to eliminate the identified working conditions. Certification ends with the signing of the order on the completion of the work of this commission and the joint approval of the certification report by the management of the enterprise and the chairman of the commission (representative of the certifying organization).


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