We replenish our vocabulary: the vent is ...

At first glance at the word "vent" it becomes clear that this is a noun. Moreover, the common noun (calls the subject one of many) and inanimate (denotes an inanimate object). In addition, it is a noun of the middle gender. But do you know the meaning behind the letters of this word?

The vent is ...

To clarify the meaning of the word "vent", we turn to the explanatory dictionaries for help.

So, the vent is:

Gun muzzle
  1. A hole in the front of the oven. "The stoveman looked into the mouth of the furnace, but could not figure out why the smoke stopped flowing into the chimney."
  2. Hole in the muzzle of artillery guns. "Flashes of fire flew out of the gun’s mouth."
  3. Hole in the crater. β€œIt’s not worth going up to the vent of the volcano.”

Case and Number Changes

Since the vent is a neuter noun, it is inflected in the second type.

NominativeWhat?A vent is a hole in the barrel of a gun.The vents should be the same.
GenitiveWhat?Is it possible that the furnace does not have a vent?I have never seen such vents.
DativeWhy?A small spider crawled along the vent of the stove.The astronomer glanced over the vents of the moon craters.
AccusativeWhat?It’s even scary to look at the vent.Anatoly spent the night watching through the telescope the vents of alien volcanoes.
Instrumental caseThan?The stoveman leaned over the vent of the stove.Volcanic vents mean openings that terminate channels coming from the foci of volcanoes.
PrepositionalAbout what?What can be seen in the vent?You can read about vents in the encyclopedia of firearms.

Accent in the word vent

Some people emphasize the first syllable, others emphasize the second. Which of them is right?

Volcano vent

A vent is a word consisting of five letters and the same number of sounds, of which two sounds are vowels: β€œe” and β€œo”. From the foregoing, it follows that the noun we are studying can be divided into two syllables: Jerry. The stress falls on the first syllable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13487/

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