Feature on kindergarten teacher

Periodically (once every five years) each teacher, including the teacher, must undergo certification. Its essence is to confirm the level of qualification before the pedagogical community. What is needed to successfully complete this procedure? What are the requirements for employees of preschool institutions?

characterization by educator

The procedure for certification of pedagogical staff

Since it is supposed to identify the competence of the employee, a special expert group of three people is created. By order of the director of the kindergarten, the certified teacher gets acquainted with the terms of the examination, as well as with those people who are included in the group. If one of them does not satisfy the educator, he has the right in writing to disagree with the composition of experts and ask the head of the preschool administration to appoint a new composition of the group. All activities related to the confirmation of the level of professional competence have ten days. The characterization of the teacher for certification is based on the analysis of the portfolio, attending open classes, during an oral conversation with the certified teacher.

characterization of a child care provider

Examination of certification in remote control

The whole procedure consists of two parts. In the process of internal examination, the teacher demonstrates his direct activities to the experts: conducts an open lesson with the children, shows the use of modern pedagogical technologies in his real work.

The characteristics of the kindergarten teacher must contain information about those elements of pedagogical methods developed specifically for working with preschoolers that the certified teacher applies. In what cases is the teacher’s internal examination not carried out? If the teacher became the winner of the priority national project "Education" at the regional (Russian) level, he is given the right to undergo certification without conducting open events.

characterization of the teacher

Features of conducting an open lesson

To carry out educational and educational activities in preschool institutions, second-generation federal educational standards were introduced. They contain the basic requirements for preschoolers, indicate all the universal skills that at every stage of development should be mastered by the kids. It is these indicators that are used by experts who evaluate the quality of the certified teacher conducting an open lesson. The characterization for the teacher includes a detailed description of the compliance of the pre-school children with the requirements that are presented in the Federal State Educational Standard. The category that will be assigned to the teacher directly depends on this.

testimonial per teacher

Promotion submission

In addition to experts, the characterization of the tutor can be written by the parents of the pupils. With its correct and competent preparation, the teacher can count on a departmental reward for diligence in work, conscientious execution of their job descriptions. The information provided by the parents is brought to the attention of all employees on the pedagogical council. If colleagues agree that the teacher deserves encouragement, a characterization of the teacher from the head to the education department is compiled. At the municipality level, a decision is made on the advisability of rewarding the teacher. If a positive decision is made, the procedure for collecting a package of documents begins. For the educator, conferring a rank on him or presenting a diploma for conscientious work is often a pleasant surprise.

Characteristics of the teacher from the head

How to write a characteristic for the teacher

In order for the teacher to count on the successful completion of certification, rewarding, the characterization of the teacher must be written correctly. Let's try to find out what criteria are presented to this document. There is an instruction according to which a characterization is made for the preschool teacher. We will present the sample a bit later, but for now, we highlight the sections that should be present in it.

example of writing the characteristics of the teacher

Instruction manual

The characterization by the caregiver begins with official information. Be sure to indicate:

  • Full Name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • level of education (name of educational institution, faculty, specialty, year of graduation);
  • the duration of the position of educator.

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What else should be written in the characteristic

Further, it is important to describe in detail all the professional qualities of the teacher, based on the tasks that are set by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to pedagogical workers of the DOE. They should be engaged in organizing the activities of preschoolers, possess communication skills of communication with children, know and practice modern pedagogical technologies, and deal with emerging conflict situations. The level of fulfillment of the special task assigned to the kindergarten teacher after the modernization of Russian education, to identify and develop the individual abilities of each child, necessarily contains the characterization of the teacher at PMPC. If the teacher has developed his own educational methods used by other colleagues, has publications, this is also reflected in his description.

Mandatory skills

Domestic psychologists L. S. Vygotsky and S. L. Rubinstein considered the activities of the educator as a set of specific actions aimed at forming a full-fledged personality of preschool children. Considering an example of a characterization by a teacher (for certification), we note that it reflects such skills as the ability to observe discipline during classes, without applying physical punishments to children. A good teacher should not be in conflict with colleagues, parents of their wards.

Feature Example

We offer you a sample of the characteristics of the kindergarten teacher presented for the award.

"Elena Sidorova graduated from the A. Herzen Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute in 1985, received the qualification of a teacher. Elena Anatolyevna works on state programs and teaching aids approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Since 2007, the teacher conducts special classes for her students annually, aimed at creating an ecological culture. The curriculum developed by the teacher himself has been reviewed by the Department of Education. Recreational amenities include elements of problem-based learning with the elements of the game, information and communication technologies.

Since 2004, the teacher has been working in collaboration with the environmental department of the district administration, conducts joint excursions, offers kids design activities. Since 2012, she has been organizing classes at the Rainbow Ecological and Local Lore Circle, focusing on practical activities: environmental campaigns, landings, excursions, trips, and master classes. In 2013, the teacher organized a country trip with children and parents on the White Sea coast.

The teacher knows the theory and methodology of working with preschool children in full accordance with the Federal state educational standards, has deep knowledge, is able to apply innovative forms, means, teaching methods. In the classroom and in extracurricular activities, the teacher uses the knowledge of child developmental psychology. Elena Anatolyevna has friendly relations with children and their parents.

The teacher constantly generalizes and disseminates his own pedagogical experience through open lessons, master classes, publication of classes and events.

He takes an active part in the work of the district methodological association of preschool teachers. In 2012 - on the topic "The activity of the environmental and regional studies circle in the development of interest in preschool children in their native land." In 2013, on the topic “Use of a regional component in a preschool educational institution”.

The teacher pays special attention to research and design activities in a preschool institution. Its pupils are active participants in all environmental actions and events held by the district education department. They became winners and prize-winners of the regional contest of children's drawings "In the world of animals." The teacher annually works in the jury of regional educational research conferences, and has repeatedly been the head of student teaching practice.

Elena Anatolyevna was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Moscow Region Administration (2006).

Sidorova Elena Anatolyevna’s candidacy was recommended by the methodological council of the Kindergarten No. 201 Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution, protocol No. 2 of April 12, 2014. "

The proposed sample of writing the characteristics of the teacher can be taken as a basis, make additions and changes to it, taking into account the characteristics of his personality.

The specifics of the assessment of pedagogical activity

In order for the teacher to be fully evaluated, a comprehensive study should be conducted. It implies a combination of organizational, communicative, constructive, gnostic components.

Researchers are convinced that there is much in common between the activities of the educator and teacher. The specifics of work in the preschool educational institution is that it is necessary not only to use pedagogical technologies, but also to organize the activities of the wards, their communication, development.


Such a profession, as a kindergarten teacher, is difficult and responsible, therefore, real professionals work in the preschool educational institution. Each of these employees has the right to well-deserved encouragement for their hard work in the form of a certificate of honor, departmental award. In order for the “reward to find a hero”, it is important that the head of the preschool educational institution draw up a package of documents in a timely manner and submit it to the Department of Education. Among the documents to be submitted, a special place is occupied by a qualitative characteristic for a teacher. The final result depends on how detailed the main professional qualities of the educator are reflected in it: assignment of a rank, obtaining the next qualification category.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13490/

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