Summer cow: concept, definition, main differences, improvement of indicators and economic damage

Cows in farms, of course, are kept primarily for receiving calves, and subsequently, respectively, and milk. The first offspring of heifers usually bring in 14 months. But sometimes it happens that a cow does not give offspring for a long time. Of course, in this case, the farmer can incur significant losses. After all, he has to spend money on animal feed and its maintenance. In this case, the owner of the farmyard does not receive milk for a long time.

What does a cow mean

After correctly performed artificial insemination or mating, most heifers become pregnant on the farm. But sometimes it happens that even in apparently perfectly healthy cows that periodically come to the hunt, conception does not occur. Such heifers are called summer.

Healthy cows

In some cases, infertility in cows can be cured, in others not. In this case, even an animal that has already given birth to calves can become yellow. This is quite common in households. In any case, the cow can be considered a cow that does not produce offspring longer than 3-10 months from the last calving.


Cows are nowadays, unfortunately, quite expensive. And when buying such an animal should, of course, be more closely. Acquisition of a cow cow for a compound or farm can hit owners very much.

To distinguish such a cow from a healthy one, of course, is quite difficult. But according to some signs, one can still suspect a tendency to infertility. Experienced farmers when buying a cow are advised to first look at her horns. If there are large gaps between some rings, it means that in certain years the heifer was poisonous.

How to predict productivity when buying

Thus, we found out what a cow of cow means. In order not to incur losses in the future, it is better for the farmer to purchase already pregnant animals for the farm. This is the name of inseminated pregnant women, but who have never before given birth to heifers. In this case, the farmer, in fact, acquires two animals at once. In addition, the profitability of young cows is usually higher than 3-4-year-olds.

Buying heifers is thus a profitable procedure, but unfortunately, usually quite risky. The productivity of an ever-bred adult cow in most cases has already been determined. How profitable will be the content of heifers in the future, it is difficult to figure out in advance.

Udder of a cow

To determine how productive a young cow will be in the future, of course, first of all, you need to examine her udder. It should be large and well developed both in length and in width or depth. The nipples of animals giving a lot of milk are usually widely spaced and resilient. They are directed a little forward. The fabrics of the udder itself in good cows are usually not fleshy, but glandular.

Also potentially highly productive heifers can be determined by:

  • deep chest;

  • flat back;

  • well developed joints;

  • thin and long tail.

Unfortunately, milk signs in pregnant heifers are often still not very pronounced. Therefore, when buying such an animal, among other things, you should ask about the productivity indicators of its older sisters, mother, and also both grandmothers. If the "relatives" of heifers give a lot of milk, there is no doubt that a good cow will grow out of it.

Damage to the au pair

The bar content is usually determined as a percentage. For example, if 90 calves were born per 100 cows, this figure would be 10%. The percentage of infertility on farms is usually calculated at the end of the calendar year, that is, on January 1.

The economic damage from spring cows in a herd consists of several factors:

  • under-breeding offspring;

  • milk shortage;

  • cost overruns on feed;

  • growth retardation of the breeding herd;

  • forced costs for the purchase of new calves in order to fulfill the livestock growth plan.

Cows remaining infertile reduce milk yield by 30-70%. In this case, the farmer's losses can amount to tens of thousands of rubles.

Highly productive cows

Main reasons

In more than 55% of cases, cow infertility in the herd is associated with improper feeding. If an animal doesnโ€™t receive the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for its body, it, among other things, disrupts the functions of the genital organs. In this case, a cow can observe:

  • lack of reproductive cycles;

  • low fertility;

  • high fetal mortality.

In especially severe cases, atrophic processes can begin in the ovaries of a cow with improper feeding. Such an animal in the future may completely lose its ability to reproduce.

The second most common cause of barrenness is the non-observance of the required technologies during artificial or natural insemination. In this case, even completely healthy, ready-to-reproduce cows can remain infertile.

Cattle Productivity Improvement

Another common cause of soap is genital diseases. As a result of various pathologies, infertility in cows develops in 5-15% of cases. In this case, most often, animal cow is the result of severe calving or postpartum diseases.

Less common causes

Occasionally, a cow is also seen when:

  • metabolic disorders;

  • diseases of the extremities.

Quite often high-milk cows also become spring without any obvious reasons, from which they receive more than 7000 kg of product per lactation.

Infertility Disorders

In some cases, heifers infertility is a consequence of inappropriate conditions of detention. Cows can become summer, for example, due to increased humidity in the premises. Often adversely affect the ability of cattle to reproduce and severe frosts or heat. Drafts on the farm can also increase the percentage of barrenness in the herd. Milking too frequent in any periods of lactation, early first insemination of heifers can also lead to a decrease in herd reproduction rates.

How to improve farm productivity

Thus, one of the main problems that a farmer with cattle might face is cows. What to do to prevent losses in profits due to infertility? In order to avoid losses and overcome the barrenness on the farm, first of all, of course, you need to identify the causes of such a problem.

If the infertility of some cows is the result of improper feeding, the owner of the farm, of course, should develop a new, more suitable and balanced diet for the animals. Cows in the herd should receive coarse, juicy, concentrated feed, as well as various kinds of vitamin and mineral premixes in the required quantities. Having balanced the diet of animals, it is most likely that it will be possible to overcome the barrenness after 3-4 months.

Pregnant cow

Also, a farmer suffering losses due to cattle infertility should definitely invite an experienced veterinarian to the farm. A specialist will examine the problematic animals for evidence of genital diseases and take all the necessary tests. In spring cows, the pathology of the reproductive system in most cases can be cured, and with relatively low cost.

Sometimes it is possible to overcome the high percentage of infertility in the herd by changing the conditions of the cows. Most often, to improve productivity indicators in terms of reproduction, farmers insulate the walls of the barn and equip it with ventilation. Thus, it is possible to reduce the air humidity in the barn, to exclude sudden changes in temperature and the appearance of drafts.

Cow at the Cow

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we found out what a cow and a pregnant cow are. Infertility, of course, can cause great damage to the au pair. Therefore, heifers and adult cows on the farm should be kept with the exact observance of all the required technologies. Provided that the ration is properly developed, the arrangement of a convenient dry shed, periodic inspections by specialists, the percentage of cattle rawness in the farm can be minimized. Accordingly, the farmerโ€™s profits will increase significantly.


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